The Universal Monsters straight from the silver screen to a magic table near you!
Dracula : Stromkirk Noble
Frankenstein's Monster : Ludevic's Test Subject
Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde : Civilized Scholar
The Wolfman : Instigator Gang
The Invisible Man : Invisible Stalker
The Fly : Delver of Secrets
The Phantom of the Opera : Mindshrieker
The Mummy : Vengeful Pharaoh
The Raven : Murder of Crows
The Creature from the Black Lagoon : Skaab Ruinator (kind of a stretch but fits well in deck)
The Hunchback of Notre Dame : Blood Ogre
+Proliferation and a little control to help you get Frankenstein (Ludevic's Test Subject
) off the lab table and feed Dracula (Stromkirk Noble), as well as fuel the Necronomicon (Grimoire of the Dead)
I feel like it could use some sort of removal, other than the shrieker + pharaoh combo, or possibly more control.
I should probably drop the blood ogre and replace it with another skaab. But its a shame to drop what represents the very first Universal Horror movie monster. Blood ogre isn't horrible by any means, but the skaab is extremely nice versus control decks who may have kept killing/countering your early creatures.
Jace is a possibility to play the role of "Dr. Frankenstein" or Chandra as "Frankenstein's Bride" but I don't have either, and both cost more than I'm willing to spend on a theme deck. I'm also considering Chimeric Mass as a 1 of, to play the part of "THE BLOB!" Though the blob is technically not a Universal Monster.
I want it to be playable while sticking to the theme, any tips would be GREATLY appreciated!
Edit: Card numbers constantly in flux. It usually wins games fairly early, especially if you get the ultimate 4 turn play that this deck has to offer:
Turn 1 : Stromkirk
Turn 2 : Stalker
Turn 3 : Curse (+ another one drop)
Turn 4 : Instigator Gang
Turn 5 : Opponent rage quits
Vs black decks Ill usually sit on my noble or stalker and play defensively with counterspells. Blue control decks are a problem late game, but early on if you get that noble/stalker out with a few counters they are in deep trouble.