Deetoz says... #1

I'd say you need to cut a ton of bad creatures.

A good aggro core could be something like:4x Rakdos Cackler 4x Firedrinker Satyr , Legion Loyalist or Tormented Hero .8-10x of a combination of Blood Scrivener , Firefist Striker , Gore-House Chainwalker , Grim Roustabout , Pack Rat , Rakdos Shred-Freak , Spike Jester . Ash Zealot if you can get them.From there on, it's more a matter of personal preference. You could load up on more 1-2 drops or go a bit higher on the curve. Maybe pack some Lightning Strike and other burn spells.

Basically, what you want is high-power, fast creatures. Get the most efficient creatures. If they're above the curve, great. (2/2 for 2 mana is on curve. A 3/3 for 2 is above the curve) Haste is preferable. You want a lot of 4-ofs, not 1-2 ofs since they're less reliable then.I am not an expert on aggro decks, especially not in standard.. But following the "guide" above will hopefully get better results.

November 3, 2013 6:20 a.m.

Dalektable says... #2

I agree with Deetoz. I don't know what you consider budget, but for me that's under 100 dollars. And you could make a pretty decent deck here for a total price of 50-80 dollars.

November 3, 2013 7:11 a.m.

As an aggro deck I'd say scrap blue and green and go full Black and Red. Espcially since you do not have access to shock lands.

November 11, 2013 6:14 p.m.

raithe000 says... #4

I'd add some removal. Auger Spree will kill any of your guys, so I assume it is meant as removal. I'd switch it out for either Doom Blade or Hero's Downfall , depending on your budget.

November 11, 2013 6:18 p.m.

HollowClyde says... #5

November 11, 2013 9:35 p.m.

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