Well I think I said this about your legacy deck, but I don't think you'll find much use out of Emeria, The Sky Ruin. If you replace it with 2 plains it could speed you up a turn. Other than that you might want to consider Cenn's Tactician, but I think you might be good as it is. And yeah, I'm EST. (Eastern Standard Time/East Coast Time) I also tested out LackeyCCG a few times. Other than the fact that it might be a bit tricky to tell when you end your turn, it looks good. And we could always just say something like "I end my turn" to make things go faster.
March 3, 2013 5:16 p.m.
TrumpetsforKings says... #5
yeah. IDK. If I don't get any non-tap lands when I start, I mulligan. But either way, it still becomes a powerhouse. And the little one costs aren't helpful. i prefer using Ballyrush and Preeminent to just make the costs as small as possible.
March 3, 2013 9:12 p.m.
Alright. If you want to keep your emerias that's up to you. And I didn't think you would find any use out of Cenn's Tactician, it was just a suggestion. So when would you be free to test out our decks against each other through Lackey?
March 3, 2013 10:36 p.m.
TrumpetsforKings says... #7
Tommorow sometime i think. I just need to update Unlocking on Lackey to it's Modern version...unless we are playing Legacy.
March 4, 2013 12:11 a.m.
Well now that you have a modern version I think we could play Modern. Just tell me a time when you're free and I'll see if I'm free as well.
March 4, 2013 6:16 a.m.
Alright, just tell me a time and we'll try to get it all worked out. Let' see if we can get UndeadUnx in it as well, you might even be able to do 3 way matches on Lackey.
March 4, 2013 2:41 p.m.
Did you get rid of two Glorious Anthems for 2 Path to Exiles? If so, then that does give you a bit more control of getting rid of certain creatures, especially if you need to get rid of something like a Tarmogoyf. But at the same time you lose some power, especially when it comes to your tokens. Both versions have their ups and downs.
March 5, 2013 5:47 p.m.
TrumpetsforKings says... #13
I could bring them back, and sac the 2 Emerias. It would lower my mana pool, but it would allow for the Lord-type enchantments that really help. Also, I tested this against Swarm and Conquer. First set of 5, I won 3, you 2. then i played a second set of 5. other way around. Really evenly matched.
March 6, 2013 5:10 p.m.
Hmm, that might work. But you have to have a good mana pool. And oh really? Awesome. I don't see many decks that can beat Swarm and Conquer (I literally playtest every modern deck I see on tappedout against Swarm and Conquer to get a good feel og how good it is), so it's nice to have a challenge. Now I really want to face you on lackey haha.
March 6, 2013 7 p.m.
Well 22 lands is about average for a deck like this. So I wouldn't mess with the number of lands you have, because if you get mana screwed then there is nothing you can do in a game. What cards do you want to add in the deck?
March 6, 2013 9:17 p.m.
I just playtested 2 games against this with Swarm and Conquer, and I lost the first round, and won the second. It seems to me like if you get Windbrisk Heights on the first turn and get something like Captain of the Watch like you did the first duel you won, then the game is massively in your favor. If you don't get it, then generally I have the upper hand it seems. What are your thoughts?
March 6, 2013 9:37 p.m.
When is your pro tour qualifier? And i would change your sideboard so it can deal with certain deck better. Like a couple of Circle of Protection: Reds would be great for dealing with burn decks. A Tormod's Crypt would be wreak havoc to reanimator or golgari decks. What types of decks is this weak to?
March 11, 2013 4:56 p.m.
TrumpetsforKings says... #19
I think it is weak to other token decks. I like Ethersworn Canonist for it's shut down, as it allows me to bypass with tutors (Preeminent) and spells that produce multiple creatures. I like Aegis of Honor against burn, but it's not modern...shit. I was also thinking Martial Coup because it a) board wipes and b) at 7 mana I get 5 creatures with hopefully one or Honor's and glorious's out to buff shit up. Next turn play another ethersworn and just keep swinging. It destroyed my friends elf deck when he was building up to his swings. Also, Path to Exile vs. O-ring? O ring is more versatile, but PtE is faster, but again it gets them mana.
March 11, 2013 6:20 p.m.
Why do you think it is weak to other token decks? And there is a wide variety of arguments over Oblivion Ring vs Path to Exile. It's a personal choice, you have to decide that yourself. one thing to consider is Path to Exile is more versatile. It's an instant, and only 1 mana. So if someone gets out a Thundermaw Hellkite...And as for dealing with token decks I have only one word. Ratchet Bomb. This will devastate any token deck. If you are free sometime tomorrow we could play on lackey and you can test out a sideboard versus Swarm and Conquer.
March 11, 2013 9:03 p.m.
TrumpetsforKings says... #21
I never realized the Ratchet Bomb could hit tokens...it would kill all mine, but I can make more. I mean shit, that's a 2-cost removal. ALso, removal is why i want at least one or 2 Emeria in there to late game say hey fuck you this guys back for free COSNTANTLY. ANd I would think that O-ring is more versatile, as it can hit p-walkers, enchants, artifacts, and creatures
March 11, 2013 10:11 p.m.
TrumpetsforKings says... #22
Should I remove the Gatekeeper, and the Martial Coup?
March 11, 2013 10:13 p.m.
Well i was going to say yes to removing those 2 but it looks like you've already done that. And I've tried Militia's Pride before...In actual play it's a bit cumbersome to be honest. I'd go without it. And are you free to playtest on Lackey tomorrow, and if so, what time?
March 11, 2013 10:58 p.m.
TrumpetsforKings says... #25
I'm free late, like maybe around 6 or 7 tomorrow night. How does the sideboard look? Should i remove one emeria and add a plains, or leave it for late game resurrect?
xzzane says... #1
I approve. Quite a good modern deck, just as good as your legacy one in my opinion. Want to test it out against Swarm and Conquer via Lackey?
March 3, 2013 10:11 a.m.