Unnatural Predators

Standard Saber993


Just re-read your description. Disregard the Vorapede and Experiment One cards.

March 3, 2013 2:15 a.m.

Saber993 says... #2

With Gyre Sage, I found myself using her as a beater more often than as a source for mana, and there are better outlets for that. This deck doesn't require much fuel to get moving.

Cyclonic Rift on the other hand I'm very tempted to work in... But to do so would almost require that I have Gyre Sage in the deck to regularly meet the overload cost.

March 3, 2013 2:17 a.m.

I'm assuming you use Simic Charm for the +3/+3 +trample mostly, but could you drop Simic Charm x2 for Cyclonic Rift x2? Giving you the option to overload, but not so many of them that you only have bounces in you hand.

March 3, 2013 2:20 a.m.

Saber993 says... #4

Aye, Simic Charm finds most use for the +3/+3 or just as likely, hexproof. I could play around with one less of that and one less Rapid Hybridization to see how the two Cyclonic Rift would play.

March 3, 2013 2:22 a.m.

Hitting an overloaded Cyclonic Rift onto a field of tokens, or high CMC creatures, such as a Junk deck could change the entire outcome of the game, as well as Cyclonic Rift hitting Planeswalkers and cards that "shutsdown" Simic wombo-combo like Blind Obedience. I feel like removing 1x Rapid Hybridization and 1x Simic Charm might be the better route, instead of ruining your chances of pulling a great +3/+3.

March 3, 2013 2:26 a.m.

mrtimmee says... #6

Question about Magical Christmas-land draw:

If you play Cloudfin Raptor as a 0/1, then Young Wolf makes Cloudfin Raptor a 1/2. But when you play Rapid Hybridization, wouldn't the frog lizard token enter first? Since technically the effect of destroying your own Young Wolf is on the stack, all of Rapid Hybridization must resolve before the Undying on the Young Wolf would bring it back. So the 3/3 frog lizard would evolve Cloudfin Raptor to a 2/3, and then the Undying would occur, and the Young Wolf coming back as a 2/2 would not evolve the Cloudfin Raptor. Unless I am mistaken...

March 3, 2013 5:16 a.m.

mrtimmee says... #7

Though to be honest, a 2/3 flier, 2/2, and a 3/3 on turn 2 is still pretty good haha

March 3, 2013 5:21 a.m.

xWARxMONGERx says... #8

I have a very similar deck Darwinism check it out.

An idea for a deck name Simic to the Grave, Simic to Win It, Undying Evolution.

As for your deck I like the flow you have and may possibly use some of your ideas from mine.

I splash Black into my deck for Corpsejack Menace mainly because I only own 1 Master Biomancer and I really don't like running 1 of a card. I found that putting double the counters on my creatures is really nice especially in a Simic Deck, and with Simic Charm I can keep him safe or pump a creature to get even more counters.

Instead of using Elusive Krasis as my counter bucket, I use Invisible Stalker the Hexproof Unblockable combo make opponents scoop more often then not when he starts getting big.

I run Bioshift because of Corpsejack Menace instantly doubling counters, but I may try to sub it out for +4 Stormbound Geist since I only have Strangleroot Geist as my undying creature.

I run +3 Slitherhead because that combo you mention works like this: T1 Cloudfin, T2 Slitherhead, Rapid Hybridization, Slitherhead, 3/3 Frog Lizard enters the battlefield, so Cloudfin is a 2/3, Exile Slitherhead from the graveyard, Cloudfin becomes a 3/4 T2. But I'm going to sub him out and playtest +3 Young Wolf.

March 3, 2013 8:18 a.m.

llamamymamma says... #9

vorapeed nuff said

March 3, 2013 8:51 p.m.

Saber993 says... #10

@mrtimmee The current ruling seems to be that because both actions occur while you have priority, you dictate the order in which they resolve. I still need to run this by my local judge, but most sources indicate that this is in fact how it resolves.

@llamamymamma Too slow for this deck.

March 3, 2013 9:10 p.m.

yousquiddinme says... #11

I like Experiment One more than Cloudfin Raptor. It's more resilient and is just as relevant (read: not at all) as a Raptor late game.

March 3, 2013 9:22 p.m.

The evasion provided from the flying on Cloudfin Raptor can make it a stronger creature than the Experiment One, but depending on your mana base, it could be harder to get Cloudfin Raptor out onto the field turn one without having to pay for Breeding Pool.

March 3, 2013 9:40 p.m.

Doolbeurt says... #13

Very tasteful. I'm growing weary of weenie humans and expensive superfriend decks... where is the originality??? anyway, name suggestions: "Thanatology"(the study of death), "Wizards, Mutants, and FrogLizards, Oh My!", and my favorite suggestion, specially for your thematic, "One Step Back, Two Steps Forward"... again, i really like this deck, you've got my +1 ...Gruul FTW though :P

March 5, 2013 6:37 a.m.

NiceGuyEddy says... #14

Solid deck +1

March 6, 2013 10:37 p.m.

FireH4wk says... #15

Have you thought about Predator Ooze ? Constant counter production, great aggro and def

March 6, 2013 11:14 p.m.

Young_Bull says... #16

As I have not been able to get my hands on Master Biomancer , I've dropped in Vorapede and Tree of Redemption . I understand the slowness of Vorapede but I have found Tree of Redemption to be very useful (when I get it). It's not too slow and with 13 toughness it will pretty well set off anything you have with evolve, and its ability is pretty handy as well.

March 9, 2013 10:57 a.m.

CommanderFun says... #17

@mrtimmee: Saber993 is actually correct in his reasoning to get a 3/4 Cloudfin Raptor on turn 2. Here's a link to a larger discussion of it. http://forums.mtgsalvation.com/showthread.php?t=480973

March 9, 2013 12:02 p.m.

CommanderFun says... #18

Well done on this deck! I've very impressed!

I considered suggesting things but you seem to have great reasoning already in your description for all of my suggestions! So kudos to you there.

However, I do have one suggestion... why the Deathrite Shaman in your sideboard? what purpose is he serving? to scoop up flashback spells and undying creatures from your opponents so they don't come back?

March 9, 2013 12:07 p.m.

Saber993 says... #19

@FireH4wk I find he's a little too rough on G to cast a lot of the time and he'd be in direct competition with Stormbound Geist and Elusive Krasis for a slot and he doesn't offer the evasion they do; granted his indestructibility and growth potential make him a valid candidate, I prefer the evasion granted by these other cards.

@Young_Bull That's an interesting card suggestion I hadn't considered... but the defensive nature of the card goes against the deck's theme and I'm not sure how effectively it would play. It could be useful if the game runs long, I suppose.

@CommanderFun First of all, thank you. Secondly, the Deathrite Shaman is more of a personal pick to maximize graveyard hate to counter one specific player in my group who runs a Golgari deck. Haha... But if you have a more realistic sideboard suggestion I'm open to them. The sideboard is what I feel might need a bit more work than anything else in the deck at this point.

March 9, 2013 5:28 p.m.

wiizaaard says... #20

I just saw you're deck and was really impressed by it. I made it and plan on doing a lot of play testing. +1 from me and will give feed back when I have some.

March 10, 2013 8:04 p.m.

CommanderFun says... #21

Hah! I see. Well keep the Deathrite Shaman in there then! The sideboard looks fine to me as is... You have all the essentials it seems. As usual, it all depends on what your local meta plays and you seem to be doing alright with that.

One thought about Naturalize though. You may want to consider Sundering Growth instead since you can get another 3/3 frog lizard token as a bonus.

Also, one thought about the main board. Alchemist's Refuge could be really cool. It could add ninja blocking or even a surprise Rancor to win (so you can use rancor like you do with your Simic Charm as a win con). Seems like a simple thing to add ... Maybe just 2 though, so you don't mess your chances of getting the right lands in the early game.

Anyways that's just a suggestion. Still love the deck :)

March 13, 2013 2:54 a.m.

Saber993 says... #22

I hadn't even considered Sundering Growth and the only drawback is that it's a little harder to cast, but not by much. That's definitely something I will swap out. As for Alchemist's Refuge, I'll do some playtesting with it. I'm not a huge fan of colorless lands but it could prove quite helpful.

March 13, 2013 3:31 a.m.

Anyone else notice Mana Leak in the sideboard for a standard deck o_O?

March 13, 2013 11:49 a.m.

Saber993 says... #24

Ha, my bad. It was a long night and I was stuck in last year apparently.

March 13, 2013 12:53 p.m.

Saber993, haha, that's alright :D - I think we'd all love Mana Leak back!

March 13, 2013 12:58 p.m.

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