Unnatural Predators

Standard Saber993


Well. That went better than expected.

I just won my FnM with this deck (minor sideboard tweaks). I am frankly impressed, I did not think this deck was that explosive. I'll be copying it to my profile, with credit of course. For feedback, I think the guildmages really don't add much. They seem to be the first choice to side out in most games. I don't know exactly what would replace them, but maybe after CGM, Renegade Krasis. Think Twice might be fine too, as card draw would be helpful. I guess there's the obvious snapcaster option.

April 12, 2013 5:49 p.m.

jokercrow says... #2

You've got a very smooth mana curve and a nice list of card. +1

April 13, 2013 11:07 p.m.

improphet77 says... #3

ima say it Primordial Hydra have you seen new simic spoils?http://www.mythicspoiler.com/dgm/simic.html

April 13, 2013 11:40 p.m.

SHADOWBLADE99 says... #4

The plus three in place of Stormbound Geist could be used with Vorel of the Hull Clade or a Renegade Krasis

April 26, 2013 11:32 p.m.

Saber993 says... #5

Personally I feel Vorel is too slow for this deck, and Renegade Krasis doesn't have many options in the way of evolving in this deck. He might find a home in the midrange update I'm working on, however because agree; I feel that is a card with potential.

May 8, 2013 10:44 a.m.

Athenian858 says... #6

Hi. I only recently started playing MTG, though I've played competitive Yu-Gi-Oh many a couple of years. I played with a friends rather inconsistent Simic deck, got a good hand and pretty much fell in love with how it works. I then managed to aqquire a bunch of Simic cards for free(commons and rares from Gatechrash) and started trying to figure out how I wanted to build it. In searching for different builds for how I wanted to actually make one I came across yours and quickly found it to be very fast and consistent while still maintaining a control edge I wanted.

I currently am using your build down to the letter for my mainboard, and although I've only been playing against very casual decks, loving it.

I should be attending my first FNM tomorrow, and hope the deck does as well there and that any errors are pilot errors due to my lack of knowledge of the meta and such.All that said, I was wondering what your thoughts on a couple of cards were.

Firstly, Gyre Sage . Why do you favor Skylasher over her? I can think of a few reasons(1) she won't evolve a 1/2 Cloudfin, and (2) Lasher has Reach. Are there any others that are important and how much do you find a 2/2 Reach matters?

Second, how do you feel about Elusive Krasis ? I personally have been feeling like he exists as nothing but a wall until the much later portions of the game. Although an evolving unblockable is one of the original reasons I really started liking Simic, he really feels like he comes into himself really late for the aggression of this deck. I don't really have any thoughts on what would be worth replacing him with(except possibly Stormbound Geist ), but every time I draw him I have mixed feelings.

Third, do you feel 2 Zameck Guildmage is necessary? For obvious reasons he's somewhat mediocre except as a 2CMC 2/2.

Fourth, what are your thoughts on a one of Prime Speaker Zegana , or Tamiyo, the Moon Sage ? They both seem like they would have some amount of potential as "win more" cards.

Lastly, what are your thoughts on Plasm Capture ? It seems like it could synergize really well for an end game push.

Wow...Sorry for the wall of text. I'm not sure if I should have written all this in a message or to your wall..not to sure of what the etiquette here is yet. :)

May 16, 2013 6:47 p.m.

mPalo says... #7

So you field guildmage over vorel? .... Vorel makes creatures huge fast! ... Also bioshift I feel with vorel is deadly .... Destroy one o my creature with 5 tokens on it... Ok in responce bioshift those 5 onto this creature with 2... End of your turn tap vorel make those 7 into 14 ... My turn... Swing for a ton

May 16, 2013 8:25 p.m.

Athenian858 says... #8

@mPalo Vorel of the Hull Clade is much too slow for this deck. I've tried it a little, and the fact that it pretty much keeps you from playing any creatures for two turns(the turn it comes out and the turn you use its ability) just isn't worth a couple of counters in this deck. You won't be able to even use it's ability till turn 4, and by then you're looking to swing for close to game in this particular build.It has potential if the game runs very late, but to be honest, Simic isn't particularly good late game compared to other decks so it needs to compensate in other ways.

May 16, 2013 9:13 p.m.

Saber993 says... #9

@Athenian858 I agree, the more I play with the guildmage the less I really care for him. He's proven helpful in a handful of games but overall... He comes off kind of lackluster. But I haven't found anything I'm too fond of replacing him with quite yet, which is the same issue I've run into with Elusive Krasis . He's a good evolver for a cloudfin who is slacking and he has a strong enough body to help me out the turn he drops, but he doesn't help much more even with his evasion. I might playtest some Predator Ooze in his slot but the GGG would prove rough. (I once got a suggestion for using Drakewing Krasis and even though the toughness is really what turns me off of this creature... Sometimes I wonder.)

With Plasm Capture , I like the spell, but by the time I actually get to use it to effectiveness, I probably don't have a hand so it'll be iffy whether I get to use that extra mana or not.

And Gyre Sage I felt wound up being a beater more than anything anyway. If you like her, by all means use her, but I have rather grown to like Skylasher due to prevalence of control in my meta. Not to mention, his flash allows me to leave 2 mana open for Simic Charm to protect creatures on the board, and drop him down end of turn if it proves unnecessary.

May 16, 2013 10:10 p.m.

Saber993 says... #10

I don't play Zegana because her casting cost doesn't sit well with the deck and she would usually, at most, come into play with 4 +1/+1s (Omitting a biomancer on field)... But I'm sitting on a foil Zegana and some spots I'm unsure about already so you know what, why not.

May 16, 2013 10:14 p.m.

I really like your deck. I am currently working on a similar deck and would like your opinion. simic/undying aggro I recently put Hunger of the Howlpack and Bioshift into the deck and they are quite useful for changing the course of battle during combat phases.

May 16, 2013 10:35 p.m.

Athenian858 says... #12

So I've been playing around with ideas for the deck since deciding that Elusive was rather lackluster. My main problem has been that there is just about no other adequate 2, 3, or 4 drop in Blue/Green that fits in the idea of this deck.

Right now I'm currently tinkering around with splashing red in as a third color, with three Hellrider s. Despite having a pretty high casting cost for this deck I really feel like he could create quick blowout situations on turn 4. I'd love to include more red but I simply cannot find room for it, and I think that relying on it as little as possible is best. That said, I do have a few other cards I have considered.

Armed / Dangerous Double strike feels like it could be a very aggressive tool in this deck, but the fact that it's not a creature is what's keeping me from playing it.

Ghor-Clan Rampager I'm really up in the air between this card and Hellrider . While I feel Hellrider synergizes better with the deck and creates quicker games Rampager has the ability to be useful on very limited resources...

Madcap Skills this card I'm really not sure what to think about. It seems to me though that sticking it on an early Strangleroot Geist would create some very tricky situations where you're going to net at least +1 card advantage. +3/+0 on a flying that has to be blocked by two other flyers also seems pretty powerful.

Unfortunately I'm not able to psychically playtest very much at all. Just some food for thought though.

June 9, 2013 9:04 p.m.

Saber993 says... #13

At this point, I've opted to sit around and wait for M14 and hope something catches my eye for that Krasis slot. The best thing I've seen with this style of deck is to splash white for Geist of Saint Traft in that 3 slot where Krasis sits. The splash allows for access to other cards as well that really make it viable including Rootborn Defenses , Feeling of Dread , and Voice of Resurgence

But like I said, with the rotation coming up soon and the fact that most of this deck will be invalidated by it, I can't justify purchasing the updated Bant list I would like to run.

June 10, 2013 12:01 a.m.

mPalo says... #14

M14's introduction doesn't push the block. Undying simic will be standard legal till oct.

June 10, 2013 7:49 a.m.

infinitemana says... #15

I love this deck, but the one card I don't understand is Wasteland Viper . Yes, its a combat trick, but you have Simic Charm for that. Yes, it's also a T1 play, but why not use Experiment One or even Arbor Elf ?

June 11, 2013 6:12 p.m.

mPalo says... #16

Arbor elf in place of the viper personally, or even Vorapede amazing undying creature for 5

June 12, 2013 3:11 p.m.

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