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Unstoppable Gay Robots




Riptide Mangler is cool because he can copy our Courier's power onto himself. If you beefed him up with a Might and a Saber and he got killed, you can save all that sweet power for later. Or swing with him and copy the strongest creature's power once he connects! His coolest interaction, though, is that he take his buffed power (after equipment and auras and whatnot) and make that his base power. So, with just a Civic Saber on him, he basically has ": this dude gets +1/+0 forever". It gets even crazier with multiple sabers, Might of the Nephilim s, and Dream Cloaks. Remember, the power boost from Might works for the rest of the turn, so once he's every color, you can Might him and dump all your remaining mana into him, netting a cool permanent +10 to power each time, plus whatever else you have on him.

Thanks to errata, (the amazing technicolor) Dream Cloak reads ": enchanted creature becomes the color or colors of your choice indefinitely." So it turns any creature into a Transguild Courier . Put one on a Riptide Mangler and give him a Civic Saber , and suddenly he has : this guy gets +5/+0 forever.

The auras are frosting to protect your combo and make sure you connect. Indestructible is nice, and unblockability and lifelink get you to winning.

Aqueous Form can make sure your rainbowman connects, as well as giving most of your creatures at least : Scry 1 to try and find the next murder piece and deal some damage.

You almost never get the Might of the Nephilim when you're winning, but you almost never need it. If you do, that +10/+10 is pretty great.

If you have ideas to:

  • Make the deck more consistent (It's possible to draw an opening hand with no land or no creatures and it's hard to bounce back, even with mulligans. Scrybirds help, but it'd be nice to have a guy who could dig 4 card or so deep to find an artifact or enchantment. A body helps us not die.)
  • Protect the combo (One unblockable superdude is very vulnerable to removal, as you probably guessed.)
  • Make the deck all around cooler!


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

15 - 0 Rares

12 - 0 Uncommons

16 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.10
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