+1's and Suggestions Welcome

Deck Breakdown
Main Board
Banisher Priest
: This provides some much needed removal for this deck, and is a creature with a decently sized body.
Brimaz, King of Oreskos: Not only is it a 3/4 VIGILANCE for only 1WW, it pumps out tokens when it attacks and when it blocks. It will eat removal, so it is safe to play 4 even though it is legendary.
Imposing Sovereign: This kills other aggro decks, and is one of 6 2 drops in this deck. Besides aggro, it is not great, and useless in multiples, which is why it is the only 3-of in this deck.
Loyal Pegasus
: A very aggressive one drop that can hit for two flying a turn.
Precinct Captain: This card replaced Archetype of Courage, which had proven to be not quite as helpful as I expected, and Precinct Captain is currently only a placeholder until I can find a better card for the spot,
Soldier of the Pantheon
: A great aggressive 1 drop, which can often swing for 2 or more with auras, and the lifegaining is just gravy.
Spirit of the Labyrinth: This was previously in the sideboard, but after playing in real life, this has proven to be useful out of the control match-up, as it is 3/1 and highly aggressive.
Acolyte's Reward
: As this deck usually has plenty of devotion,
Acolyte's Reward
can be lethal if an opponent stabilizes then swings with a large creature. It can also save a creature early game.
Brave the Elements
: Removal kills this deck and this helps. It also allows for that final Alpha Strike when the opponent stabilizes at <5 life.
Celestial Flare: Used to be in the sideboard, but playing in real life has shown that this is useful for saving creatures from sole blockers and kill kill midrange's monsters.
Rootborn Defenses: Anti boardwipe and populates on a token from Brimaz, King of Oreskos. However, it just is relevant all the time, unlike
Brave the Elements
, which is why it is the only 3-of in this deck.
: The reason only
are run in this deck is because most nonbasics do not provide enough colored mana for this deck to work smoothly enough. In addition,
Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx
requires two mana to activate, and though it produces a large amount of mana, it is unnecessary for this deck in which the highest cost is three.
Gods Willing: Moar anti-removal
Gods Willing: Moar anti-removal.
Banishing Light
: For when
Banisher Priest
is too fragile.
Hall of Triumph: Drown in Sorrow is deadly, and this puts most creatures out of it's range.
Pithing Needle: Kills planeswalkers and AEtherling.
Celestial Flare: Kills their huge beater, including Stormbreath Dragon, which has pro white.