Just like many others, I'm still in the early stages of tinkering with As Foretold, but the gist is that I very much want to play As Foretold along side 4 copies of Ancestral Vision. This is potentially the first attempt of many to make that happen. I initially added Restore Balance because I wanted more things to cheat in with As Foretold, and U/R doesn't usually get to play with wraths. But as I kept tinkering it started becoming more focused on trying to make more use of Balance, hence the inclusion of Greater Gargadon and the removal of almost every other creature. Simian Spirit Guide also has some interesting synergy with Restore Balance, as you're trading card advantage for acceleration. The thought being you can turbo out As Foretold with Simian's, and then cast Restore Balance with a lowish number of cards in hand. Also it could allow some turns where use Simian to cast As Foretold on turn 3, holding a land. Then Balance, then play your land. It all just depends what angle(s) of Balance are most important at the time. The other obvious synergy with Restore Balance is following up with Ancestral Vision after you've Balanced both players down to a card or 2 in hand. Also, in the later game if you get to a point where you have As Foretold down already and have a Gargadon and a Balance in hand, you can just suspend the gargadon, sac all your lands, and cast Balance right away. Destroying all lands but still being able to cast things because of As Foretold. Also, if you end up not going the land destruction route with a Balance, then man lands are great because they live through your wrath, and you still have mana to activate them because you didn't spend any mana on destroying all creatures.
To be honest, I think it's likely this deck is trying to be too fancy, and As Foretold may well be better off in a UG tempo sort of deck or a Grixis control sort of deck that doesn't mess with Balance/Gargadon sort of shennanigans, but this deck is certainly capable of some interesting things (like mull to a 6 card hand on the play containing 2 Spirit Guides, blue source, As Foretold, Balance, Ancestral Vision where you turn 1 Balance both players down to 1 card in hand (and balance away your own land but that doesnt matter because of as foretold) and turn 2 cast ancestral. A control deck with that sort of opening potential for pure wreckage is at least something to spend some time pondering. Let me know if you have any thoughts for the deck, though currently I'm making changes very often as it is. I'm also open to better name suggestions. :)