U/R Convoke Artifacts

Standard* Valehaun


First play test at FNM —Aug. 2, 2014

So I played this deck at FNM for it's first time. I ended up going 2-2. Black devotion seems to be a major problem since those are the 2 games I hm as lost. I think I will remove the Chief Engineer and main board 4x Phyrexian Revoker. I also need a way to scry so I will probably swap Lightning Strike with Magma Jet and see how it does next week

Valehaun says... #1

Thanks for the suggestion! I will add it to the sideboard and try it out

July 26, 2014 1:05 a.m.

blinded2 says... #2

Really enjoying seeing all these U/R Artifact decks pop up and very interested to see how they do. I would seriously consider playing more creatures and relying a bit less on Ensoul Artifact since it is only 4 in the deck and I really found Illusory Angel to be pretty bad overall. Sure, when online she is very powerful but she requires a good bit of setup, which can be hard to do sometimes, and it just dies to any kill spell. Cheers and good luck!

I am brewing and testing my own version, check it out! Hack and Burn (M15).

July 26, 2014 1:12 a.m.

Valehaun says... #3

After play testing the deck against one of my friends convoke token decks, I believe you are right about Illusory Angel she's just not going to make the cut. I think I will replace her with Generator Servant to help get Scuttling Doom Engine out faster and to automatically go on the offensive with giving it haste. I'm also going to cut one Madcap Skills to add another Doom Engine.

July 26, 2014 2:17 a.m.

Valehaun says... #4

One of my friends played a similar deck tonight at FNM except he was using cards just from Theros block and M15. He ended up going 3-1. I plan on keeping some things from Ravnica and M14 in mine until rotation just because there are too many good cards that will work great in this deck. I will update the decklist once I get home from work. And I will give your deck a look, thanks for the advice!

July 26, 2014 2:21 a.m.

Valehaun says... #5

So I'm getting ready to play test this at FNM this week and I was wondering if there should be any changes to my sideboard. The decks I usually tend to play against is white weenies, mono red aggro, black Aggro, and black devotion. Any suggestions would be great

July 30, 2014 8:24 a.m.