As you can see my sideboard is a lot of 1x. I didnt really know what to be afraid of. Im trying to stay somewhat budget so that's the explanation for not running 4x blood moon.
Blood Moon 1x: Tron, junk, etc. Would want to take out if possible but for budget only, its a great card.
Crumble to Dust 1x: Tron, Tron, and Tron. Budget replacement for Bloodmoon. yea ik not exciting.
Dispel 2x: A sweet versatile card. Great against many decks such as burn, ANY CONTROL DECK, etc.yea
Dragon's Claw 2x: I WONT LOSE TO BURN!
Engineered Explosives 1x: Sometimes you just need a board wipe. Because its $20 i would prefer it out but its good soooo. Beats elves and stuff. sadly may kill your stuff ):
Flashfreeze 1x: Another sweet counterspell. BEATS SIEGE RHINO. Also beats scapeshift which is more popular due to twin ban...
Grim Lavamancer 2x: nice to finish grindy games and no room in mainboard.
Hurkyl's Recall 1x: Would be running another shatterstorm but this is cheaper mana wise plus i only run 18 lands and 4 are fetches.
Izzet Staticaster 1x: Gotta handle those 1 power creatures! yea!
Monastery Siege 1x: STILL WONT LOSE TO BURN!
Roast 1x: Ded Rhyno. also hits many other creatures.
Shatterstorm 1x: Well affinity is a top deck in the format and this rekts it. enough said.
That's my explanation for whats in the sideboard atm. I am very open to recommendations because im not to experienced with modern. Thanks!
btw also feel free to give recommendations for the mainboard. The only thing i was contemplating was subing 1 electroyze for a muatgenic growth. Also thought of adding Izzet charm.