U/R Dinner Vault

Standard* Xanimus


_Delta_ says... #1

I would take out the Identity Theifs and try to use 4x Thing in the Ice  Flip.

Or take out the Identity Thiefs and Spontaneous Mutations for 4x Stormchaser Mages.

More Collective Defiances you should have for this deck. Take out the Imprisoned in the Moon, I would just put that in a sideboard.

Here's an example of a recent similar deck: https://www.mtggoldfish.com/archetype/standard-u-r-thermo-alchemist-29395#paper

You could make something like this deck but just exclude the Chandra, Torch of Defiance and the Spirebluff Canal etc.

October 6, 2016 7:07 a.m.

Xanimus says... #2


Currently the Identity Thief 's are fillers while I try and get my hands on 2 more Thing in the Ice  Flip 's.By about turn 4-5, I'll generally have 5-6+ cards in my graveyard, and having a 1 drop flash enchantment like Spontaneous Mutation is really useful to have in the deck. The Stormchaser Mage would be really useful in this deck because of the Prowess/Flying combo, but with the Thing in the Ice  Flip 's board wipe ability I'm not sure it would incorporate well into this deck. Not to mention I also have 4x Engulf the Shore 's on their way, so I'll have 8 full board wipe cards. Generally mana spent is gonna be on stuff to take out their creatures, and Stormchaser Mage fits the theme but not quite as well as possibly the Engulf the Shore 's or 2 extra Thing in the Ice  Flip 's. I definitely need to acquire more Collective Defiance 's, it's an amazing card for its mana cost but unfortunately I'm also having a hard time finding more of them, along with the Thing in the Ice  Flip 's.

Thank you so so so much for the feedback, I'm already seeing some nice changes on their way because of your advice :)

October 6, 2016 7:21 a.m.

_Delta_ says... #3

Yeah most of these kind of decks do not run both Thing in the Ice  Flip and Stormchaser Mage, it's kind of one or the other only.

October 6, 2016 7:26 a.m.

MollyMab says... #4

A lot of these cards are eh or just don't stack up well with cards seeing play.

A control deck wants lots of lands, because generally they want to have double counter spell mana up or mana to activate a manlands and have counter magic ready. 24-25 lands are ideal really. You would be better off dropping Lake for 4 man lands and 4 fast lands, which will just be strictly better, or Aether Hub (see reasoning below)

The only really good Izzet control deck is Energy based as you have Harnessed Lightning dealing 3+ for 2 mana, Glimmer of Genius getting you 4 cards deeper into your deck and giving you 2 energy at instant speed, Revolutionary Rebuff being a sometimes mana leak as needed, Void Shatter and Scatter to Winds being better counterspells, Aether Meltdown shutting down most cards in the format for 2 mana and giving you energy. Then you can run cards like Dynavolt Tower as another way to get value.

The spells you have currently generally net you card disadvantage. Contingency Plan sets up your draws once, and means you are down a card at sorcery speed. Lightning Axe is card disadvantage, and even if you get the dream of Lava Axe/Concenration you are spending 5 mana and 2 cards. Flow and Inventory being sorcery speed greatly limit them, as Take requires investment on your turn (bad for a control deck) and Flow doesn't kill all the copters running around.

Moon is probably best as a sideboard card at the moment. Mainboard it doesn't do enough against enough decks.

Planeswalkerwise, Jace isn't bad, but ideally you want Chandra, Flamecaller for her ability to wrath the board.

Creature wise, Goblin Darkdweller, Torrential Gearhulk are the sort of place you want to be. Thing, Thermo etc are more suited to the Izzet machinegun/tempo decks, where as

October 6, 2016 8:33 a.m.

Xanimus says... #5


This deck has very few cards that cost above 3 mana, so personally I don't find the land a problem. Would adding more lands be just for consistency, or to be able to cast those higher cost cards earlier?

I personally find that using energy counters requires a the whole deck to be built towards the concept, so adding just 3 or so cards that generate/use energy counters doesn't seem particularly useful, but I definitely get where your coming from. Revolutionary Rebuff would be really useful, but perhaps a card like Convolute would fit better? For just a single mana extra it forces them to either waste 4 and cast it or just let it be countered.

As for the Contingency Plan 's, I agree with you in that I should take them out. This is in no way a delirium deck by any stretch of the imagination. The reason why I like Take Inventory though is because the value it provides for its cost increases the more you cast it. There aren't any other cards in standard at the moment that run at instant speed, aside from Fevered Visions which also allows the opponent to dig deeper through their deck, which personally, isn't desirable. Take Inventory is just there because there's nothing else pretty much.

Lightning Axe is an amazing card, and being at a one card disadvantage isn't really a problem for the value you get out of the card. Fiery Temper + Lightning Axe is a really good combo, with a damage output of 8 for the cost of 2 mana. Incendiary Flow is supposed to be on the sideboard, but I'm mainboarding it just because no one seems to have any Fiery Temper 's at my LGS, which is really weird (I only have 2, Incendiary Flow is a place holder for now).

Boiling Earth is another card I'm going to sideboard, it provides incredible value and shuts down vehicle decks really fast. Imprisoned in the Moon is also gonna be sideboarded, as you suggested.

Jace, Unraveler of Secrets is an all round type planeswalker, and in reality he's just the best I've got, Chandra, Torch of Defiance is just too expensive for me right now, and I'm not 100% willing to make the investment into one card, perhaps in the coming month's I'll buy a couple when the price is lower.

As for creatures, the thing is, I need a way to actually kill my opponent. Goblin Dark-Dwellers is good, but it doesn't let me kill my opponents. Copying a spell from graveyard and casting it at sorcery speed isn't really that useful, and same goes for Torrential Gearhulk , which don't get me wrong is a good card, but isn't suited in my opinion to this deck. Thing in the Ice  Flip and Thermo-Alchemist fit perfectly with the other cards in here, and I'll probably keep them in because I personally find them amazing.

October 10, 2016 3:34 a.m.

A card you may want to consider is Dynavolt Tower. It generates its own energy and is a noncreature threat so its harder to remove.

October 13, 2016 5:08 p.m.

Xanimus says... #7


I've had Dynavolt Tower suggested a few times, the only reason why I don't currently play it is because I don't have enough cards that actually use . If I find a couple of cards that work along the same lines as this decks strategy, and use , I'll definitely put them in. And by itself, Dynavolt Tower doesn't create as much instantaneous advantage as a lot of the other cards in this deck. Although control decks are supposed to rule the late-game, this deck is far more suited for early/mid.

October 14, 2016 1:45 a.m.

BeanieJ says... #8

Why not just got for three Spell Shrivel's?

October 30, 2016 6:24 p.m.

Xanimus says... #9

BeanieJ I only have one of them, if I had three I'd all of them. Convolute is the best alternative as of now.

October 30, 2016 7:23 p.m.

YoungBen13 says... #10

I feel like you have too many creatures in thus deck for a spells deck. I'd suggest removing either Thermo-Alchemist or Thing in the Ice  Flip. Then, you can add Harnessed Lightning, Aether Hub, and Glimmer of Genius to support Dynavolt Tower. Still, it looks like a pretty imteresting deck.

November 3, 2016 7:54 a.m.

Xanimus says... #11


Look any better?I narrowed it down to 6 from 13 beforehand.Any other suggestions?

November 11, 2016 6:45 a.m.

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