Ur Dragon, Elder Dragon Tribal

Commander / EDH* Double0Brennan


Double0Brennan says... #1

From looking at other decks I can see that I have a very large number of creature and little ways to protect them. Should I take any creatures out for things like Swiftfoot Boots or can I roll with 40 creatures?

February 11, 2018 10:24 a.m.

allanrichardo says... #2

You need to upgrade a lot :)

Dragon deck is a slow deck.

You need to handle early game threat. Add more removal/mass removal. Preferably permanent removal than specific type removal. You are in 5 color deck, have all access the best permanent removal such as Anguished Unmaking Utter End Vindicate Song of the Dryads Merciless Eviction they are pretty cheap in price. Rather than inserting Swords to Plowshares

Ramp mana fast and efficiently, you're in 5 color deck. Add more creature that boost your mana and can help you survive early game by chump block with it. Add more mana rocks that can fix colors.

Take out all dragon that don't have immediate effect. Dragonlord are good but not all worth it. Dragonlord Silumgar n Dragonlord Dromoka is the best. Take out Crucible of Fire. Really? your creature is huge and flying, better give the slot to another card.

Cheat some dragon out, not to manually cast it. Quicksilver Amulet Dragon Arch Pattern of Rebirth etc

Add more drawer for card advantage.

Add some combo to stealing game :)

Here's my dragon deck if you interested to check this out :)Sneaky-Roarrry Things

February 11, 2018 11:15 a.m.

Double0Brennan says... #3


I agree that I need to have more targeted removal in order to protect my board although I'm not sure if i'm too into adding cards to cheat dragons into play.

I am going to keep all the dragon lords in for flavor although I would argue that Dragonlord Kolaghan is a haste enabler which is very important, Dragonlord Ojutai is card draw and Dragonlord Atarka is sort of targeted removal which isnt bad at all.

However I do need to remove things to add in more protection, what are your opinions on Spellbound Dragon, Painful Truths, Boneyard Scourge, O-Kagachi, Vengeful Kami and the Teneb, the Harvester, Intet, the Dreamer and Crosis, the Purger trio

February 11, 2018 12:13 p.m.

allanrichardo says... #4

Painful Truths is ok, but better add more consistent draw engine like Phyrexian Arena or Rhystic Study

And i think you need a few recursion spell. You dont want to pay a lot of mana to cast dragons and die to Doom Blade and stay on grave forever. call them back ! Living Death Unburial Rites Animate Dead or maybe Rise of the Dark Realms

Taneb n Intet is fine if you want to keep the flavor. Crosis, boneyard not so good, o-kagachi is hard to cast and not take immediate effect. But once again if you wan to keep the flavor then is up to you. And for Ramos, Dragon Engine , you need a lot of charms card to maximize him.

And add a lot of mana ramps. Chromatic Lantern is a must. Sylvan Caryatid Sakura-Tribe Elder Solemn Simulacrum Yavimaya Elder is needed. Yeah they aren't dragon but they will help you a lot.

February 11, 2018 12:34 p.m.

allanrichardo says... #5

Heres the simple math for EDH deck from The Command Zone channel to stabilize your deck

You need at least :

10-12 ramp cards ( includes creatures, sorceries, instants, articats )

10 drawer ( includes creatures, sorceries, instants, articats, enchantments )

5 spot removals ( includes creatures, enchantments, articats removal )

Up to 5 mass removal.

The numbers is depends on your strategy.

February 11, 2018 12:50 p.m.

Double0Brennan says... #6


I think the deck is just about finished.

I have:

15 Ramp

6 card draw

5 spot removal

and 8 mass removal

These numbers are a bit higher as I counted things like Savage Ventmaw as ramp and Balefire Dragon as mass removal

February 11, 2018 1:09 p.m.

allanrichardo says... #7

Yess that will works :)

The rest is to upgrade land section. Shocklands is a must. You dont want most of your land ETB tapped all the time, it will leave you far behind than your opponents.

Dual lands from BFZ is fine but inconsistant, your basic lands is quite low. And why dont you bring Farseek, Skyshroud Claim, Tempt with Discovery or Krosan Verge(the worst) maybe ? it will help you search and fix color by finding your duallands.

Temple of the False God Ancient Tomb for boosting mana.

filterlands to fix colors too, and they dont ETB tapped. Wooded Bastion Fire-Lit Thicket etc

City of Brass Forbidden Orchard Reflecting Pool is a key to 5 color deck, they dont ETB tapped and fix colors. You dont want to have Cinder Glade or Canopy Vista on your first turn and cannot drop your Birds of Paradise

February 11, 2018 9:46 p.m.

allanrichardo says... #8

Painlands is ETB not tapped, fix colors and pretty cheap in price too. Add them :)

Yavimaya Coast Llanowar Wastes and so on..

February 11, 2018 9:57 p.m.

Double0Brennan says... #9


Yeah Im aware that my mana base is slower than it could be, but in my play testing often times Im ramping out five or six drop dragons on around turn four anyway sometimes with haste. I think the deck as of right now albeit slow is more or less finished - I really appreciate the advice though!

February 11, 2018 11:18 p.m.

Blazfemur says... #10

Newbie here to the site, but removal and such, and dragon themed, Bolas?

February 13, 2018 1:16 p.m.

Blazfemur Nicol Bolas is definitely a good card and you can slot it in if you want. However I think he is better in a Scion of the Ur-Dragon deck because here he hits the board doesn't do anything and consistently drains your mana. Whereas in a scion deck you pay two for him attack and send him to the yard.

February 13, 2018 6:08 p.m.

What are your guys' opinions on Harmonize in this deck is it better than any of the cards currently in the list?

Also I really want to slot in Harbinger of the Hunt because I absolutely love it's art, but i feel as if it may be unplayable. Any thought?

February 14, 2018 7:35 p.m.

Blazfemur says... #13

I feel harbinger's abilities, at a 3 cost is expensive for one damage. Excellent for token removal. Dat art tho!

Dragon Arch that shit man. 2 colorless to put a multicolored from your hand. Its like ridiculous day at mana ramp, when mana costs were SO low, it was ridiculous

February 14, 2018 8:50 p.m.

Blazfemur Yeah I don't think I can fit the harbinger in (Even though I really want to) Dragon Arch is an amazing card what should I take out for it? I think another problem this deck has is the lack of card draw. After ramping you tend to play out your whole hand. How can I fix this problem? does Harmonize have a place here?

February 14, 2018 10:09 p.m.

Blazfemur says... #15

Harmonize is definitely good, 4 cost isnt bad for 3 cards. Kindred Discovery is a must (and best bet for frequent card draw, actually all the kindreds would work well here. Gotta get that creature count down.

Id eliminate steel hellkite (most turns will use mana to cast before his ability), and definitely icefall. With costs as they are, dragons with abilities that effect just one creature is malignant bc by time dragons arrive, opponents have a plethora of creatures already out.

Excellent choices for the non dragons. Id put dragonmaster outcast in there, weak, but free tokens. Coat of arms would DESTROY in this deck

February 14, 2018 10:22 p.m.

Blazfemur says... #16

Apologies, you have the outcast. For my demon tribal i utilize cost reduction as opposed to ramp (still building), but cloud key, semblance anvil, heartless summoning, etc. Keep the heralds horn and anything else like it. Everflowing chalice is a nice "free" card to invest 1 time mana in

February 14, 2018 10:32 p.m.


What do you think about removing Teneb, the Harvester and Crosis, the Purger for more noncreature spells such as Dragon Arch

February 14, 2018 11 p.m.

Although Teneb, the Harvester does look like a great way to recur dragons from the scion and keep the game running when I am out of creatures to cast.

I am not sold on Ryusei, the Falling Star either

I am keeping in all the regents for flavor

February 14, 2018 11:03 p.m.

Blazfemur says... #19

Ryusei can be a board wipe depending on who your facing. Token decks itd work. Id keep him sideboard but yeah, initially take him out.

If you make scion commander, then teneb is a given in deck, that can sideboard as well.

Not a fan of the purger, he can leave, the deck isnt really built around discard. Glad you got rid of the curses too.

Hmm. Im dying to get black color in there, all im thinking is a kindred dominance or crux of fate with a grimoire of the dead to cheat dragons into play and playing on scions graveyard aesthetic. Teneb can cheat dragons all day at a 3 cost if you discard creatures while you build mana, and the dragon arch is a good second option.

February 14, 2018 11:19 p.m.

Blazfemur says... #20

Of course flavor gets lessened though haha

February 14, 2018 11:21 p.m.

Alright the deck is finished now for the discussion:

If you would want any dragon to be printed in the future what would it be?

Me personally, I would like to see cheaper dragons some red Aggro like we already have but more so cheap green dragons that provide mana ramp in some way.

For example: lotus dragon costs 2gg is a 2,2 with flying Reads: whenever lotus dragon deals combat damage to a player reveal the top card of your library, if it is a land you may put it on the battlefield tapped if it is not put a +1/+1 counter on lotus dragon.

February 14, 2018 11:48 p.m.

I'm considering swapping the Swiftfoot Boots with Concordant Crossroads opinions?

February 24, 2018 5:32 p.m.

allanrichardo says... #23


In some point, if you want to add more haste enabler, Fervor is a better choice IMO. We are in slow phase deck, you dont want to take many hit at early turn bcos all players know that we are huge threat on late game.

yeah Fervor is at 3cmc and its not a big problem here, in exchange that only our creature will get haste

February 25, 2018 3:45 a.m.

allanrichardo yeah I just realized that Swiftfoot Boots gives hexproof which makes it worth it to pay the one mana every time a creature etbs

February 25, 2018 10:15 a.m.

Senomar says... #25

I'm sure you can find draw cards in blue 10 times better than Harmonize :)

May 28, 2018 11:31 a.m.

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