Ur-Dragon's Multiverse Onslaught | *PRIMER*

Commander / EDH MattN7498

SCORE: 298 | 216 COMMENTS | 90921 VIEWS | IN 199 FOLDERS

MonkeyDTroy says... #1

I actually have a lot of land stuck and mana problems with this deck with 38 lands, it could be also because I don't have most of the fetch lands or the still using the generic lands that came with this deck so getting out the dragons and enchantments is rare unless I can ramp really well.

October 8, 2019 12:40 a.m.

Pascal93 says... #2

Hey nice Deck but maybe swap Patriarch's Bidding to Rise of the Dark Realms for 4 mana more all creatures

October 11, 2019 10:48 a.m.

Chrisnoants says... #3

I've been this Deck for quite a while now. Originaly it featured a lot more control pieces (board wipes, removal, counterspells) and a lot less actual dragons. The deck worked but wasn't too much fun to play.

A couple of weeks back I decided to pretty much 1:1 copy this Version here, with only minimal changes.

Oh boy, is it fun. The deck is surprisingly fast, aggressive and can pull off wins out of seemingly nowhere.

I've had one of the most insane EDH games with this Deck. It went something like this:

T1: Land T2: Land T3: Land, Urza's Incubator T4: Morophon, the Boundless T5: The Ur-Dragon

That match was over in 2-3 more turns and it was nothing but hysterical.

November 13, 2019 5:46 a.m.

MattN7498 says... #4

Judge_Beard Yeah I used to run him but most of the time when I dropped him for the damaging ult I was already winning or it would be a very expensive card draw piece for one time. So it felt like a "win more" type of card to me so I cut it.

chiri That was one of the main reason's I had included him. Great against small token decks that try to get under you and can pick off some other stuff at 1 toughness. It did end up being a little too expensive for the cost when you don't see as many token decks so I had replaced it for more versatile board wipe effects.

Infernocoppu Ramos is back in now and I'm giving him another chance. He's been decent enough so far that I want to keep trying him but still hasn't made the list of Dragons I will never cut. I used to run Lurking Predators in my Karrthus version a long time ago. It was really good to get back into the game but there was a play pattern that would come up. People would cast a bunch of spells and the enchantment forces you to play them. So I would end up with having a lot of dragons on the field but then they would board wipe after casting all the spells essentially 6-for-1ing me and then leaving me with even less options of dragons to draw in the deck. While I can appreciate the reward of running this card, I'm personally not about that risk.

MonkeyDTroy Yeah I can see it happening with this deck. I personally don't have that many problems with the mana and how the early turns progress. Usually, the ideal I hand I look for is 3-4 lands, ramp card, card draw card and 1-2 threats and then ride those to draw you into more things or get your Ur-Dragon engine going.

Pascal93 While it does hit all creatures, usually when I cast this card somebody or everyone is dead if it resolves with the amount of dragons in the graveyard. And with how mana hungry this deck, casting it for a lower effect but cheaper cost is way better most of the time.

Chrisnoants That's awesome! Getting those early Ur-Dragon casts and going crazy out the gate is always cool so glad you enjoy this version! Morophon is a card I've still debated over because other than Ur-Dragon, the reduction cost doesn't help the deck a bunch with a lot of double color cards. If I eventually have to cut something, I'll find the time to try him out.

December 9, 2019 5:59 p.m.

jasinatael says... #5

Very nice deck, +1 from me. I especially like the altered art on the ur dragon.

December 16, 2019 6:36 p.m.

Willen says... #6

Nice update for this deck. Talking about gods, I'm running Purphoros, Bronze-Blooded instead Sneak Attack. I know SA it's one mana cost less than Purphoros, and just one Red mana to bring down creatures from your hand, but the God seens to be good enough as a substitute. It can give haste to all another creatures on field, and can do the same as Sneak Attack costing a little more. Being Indestructible it's a bonus. Think about it.

(I can buy Purphoros, but can not buy Sneak Attack. That's the real deal) :'D

January 27, 2020 3:15 p.m.

MattN7498 says... #7

Willen Yeah Purphoros is a decent budget replacement. You might run into some issues of only being able to cheat in red creatures as not every dragon in the deck is red but it's still fine. If you we're to splurge on some upgrades, Sneak Attack is definitely one of the top ones I would recommend as you can have some pretty wild games with it.

January 28, 2020 6:17 p.m.

The_Munchkin says... #8

Just an FYI. Your card choices section is in the middle of all the commanders you have beaten, also you have Niv-Mizzet, Parun listed twice in the card draw section.

The primer is great and I'll definitely be using it as I build my own Ur-Dragon deck

March 31, 2020 8:39 p.m.

MattN7498 says... #9

The_Munchkin Yeah the HTML Coding I do in the description somehow messed itself up and I can't figure it out now with my computer motherboard fried. I'll be sure to find a fix by the time Ikoria rolls around!

April 10, 2020 10:58 p.m.

Willen says... #10

Okay, the HTML is fixed. I haven't been here in ages ... I'm waiting to see if any of Ikoria's mutations will be put in the deck. The only one that has interested me so far is the Illuna, especially with the extremely well done art by King Gidorah

May 21, 2020 1:25 p.m.

MattN7498 says... #11

Willen Update should be out tomorrow!

May 21, 2020 3:02 p.m.

Sinidrax says... #12

Shouldn't the Forest come out for the other Triome?

June 14, 2020 10:51 a.m.

Sinidrax says... #13

Also, how come no Ancient Ziggurat?

June 17, 2020 7:48 a.m.

MattN7498 says... #14

Sinidrax The other triomes don't replace any current as an upgrade that is wanting to add more Red and Green sources so they aren't necessary. As for Ziggurat, having a land that only works for 1/2 of the nonland spells isn't enticing as a 5C land when we already have more than enough in the deck already.

June 17, 2020 11:52 p.m.

Sinidrax says... #15

Why do you say replacing a forest with a fetchable tricolor land that can also cycle isn't an upgrade?

June 18, 2020 9:45 p.m.

MattN7498 says... #16

Sinidrax With already having so much fixing between fetches and dual lands, trying to get more basics in (at least one of each hopefully) allows to add better ramp effects to the deck like Cultivate as well as having basics in your deck from searching from opponents effects from things like Path to Exile or Group hug.

June 19, 2020 10:51 a.m.

ertai111 says... #17

nice deck. i took your base and tweaked it a bit to my liking.

June 23, 2020 10:14 p.m.

Infernocoppu says... #18

Hey, have you thought about dragons from m21? I'm going to slot Terror of the Peaks in my deck for sure, rest of them is kinda meh but this one is a nice upgrade.

July 1, 2020 7:30 a.m.

Jator says... #19

July 14, 2020 10:27 p.m.

MattN7498 says... #20

Jator Ugin's main purpose is for his minus ability which really isn't what a deck full of creatures wants (even though it makes sense to have this deck with the Tarkir theme). Sarkhan used to be in the deck but his abilities ended up being useless outside of his ultimate. Both of these walkers have insane ultimates by including them in the deck for that reason is kinda a pitfall in that you usually never get them to ultimate range.

July 14, 2020 10:41 p.m.

NebulaMink says... #21

If I have access to all 10 fetchlands, should I run them? And if so, what should I replace?

August 28, 2020 2:57 p.m.

ImmortalDawn says... #22

Beautiful page and nice decklist :) thank you for your work!

September 3, 2020 12:19 p.m.

Jator says... #23

Have you seen this new dragon? https://scryfall.com/card/znr/147/leyline-tyrant

September 6, 2020 11:32 a.m.

Jator says... #24

another card that just came out that is really good for this deck is https://www.mtggoldfish.com/price/Zendikar+Rising/Lithoform+Engine#paper

September 12, 2020 9:56 a.m.

MattN7498 says... #25

NebulaMink If you have access to all the fetchlands feel free to use them! I only run the Khans ones for flavor and having too many fetches in your deck maybe not help later on in the game as having a lot of fetches will reduce the amount of lands you draw in the deck decreasing your chances of being able to get to Ur-Dragon mana the more you fetch.

Jator The new dragon is very cool and will definitely be finding it's way in. Lithoform Engine is a very cool card but seems too much mana/win more. Usually don't need double triggered abilities for them to work, most of the spells don't need to be copied and a lot of the permanents are legendary.

September 13, 2020 11:53 a.m.

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