Ur-Dragon's Multiverse Onslaught | *PRIMER*

Commander / EDH MattN7498

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Jator says... #1

July 31, 2021 3:32 p.m.

MattN7498 says... #2

irongills Never thought about that card. Looking at it first mode is kinda irrelevant but isn't terrible. Second mode only reduces half of the creatures in the deck and some of those aren't even the full Gruul reduction. And then late game, you usually aren't able to triple spell to be able to make use of both the cards. While it is card advantage, it's pretty expensive for not the full payoff.

Jator Sneak could come back in the deck at some point by the next set, depending on how these new changes go. I do think with the way this deck has taken a turn into becoming it could be more potent. One thing I may try to work on is adding more reanimation to have more opportunities for plays like that. Cave is just a worse Plains on the front side. I could understand having a Dragon creature on a land being useful but I've never thought in the years of the deck of wanting something like that so I'd rather not clog up the manabase with it. Klauth's Will is definitely interesting to where I'd to think about it more. The non flying wipe is nice and the destroy artifacts/enchantments gets good if you dump mana into. I guess the question I'd have to ask is where does this make room for, how often is it going to kill an important ground creature I control and how often am I casting it for both modes.

Wrakar Minion I think is the budget version of Sneak Attack . While there are haste enablers in the deck, I don't think of outside of playing this guy Turn 1, it makes enough impact on the game to include as a card in the deck. Temple I'm not sure I'd want either but is great for budget. I can see it almost all the time entering in untapped and being flexible for choosing any color but with my mana base, it doesn't seem necessary.

Venatorix258 I updated my reasonings on some of the dragons. Green Urborg I could see just replacing the forest in the deck to be more relevant but I think I might try to change some mana around to get one of each basic in the deck. But definitely an upgrade from a Forest with this mana base!

FatBeezy Some of my other updates you could read the reasoning. I don't know if I would make a section for it. But the idea is I'd rather have cards that put lands into play or the best mana rocks possible rather than the creatures. Because the play pattern usually is play those reducers, drop a dragon or two, field wipe, and you've drawn only 1 or two extra lands and you're stuck behind everyone else because all your ramp is on a creature.

Ur-Fan Hey thanks! (Not sure how to remove it). I think I might try to sneak Whip of Erebos back in the deck at some point for some recursion/lifelink. I'm not a huge fan of single creatures gaining the keywords like lifelink and would rather it apply to the whole army of dragons. I can understand the frustration with the indestructible creatures. But you have to approach the game differently. Usually you're not playing control the table and wanting to get rid of these problematic creatures. You're wanting to just kill problematic players. You don't have to worry about the Eldrazi if you just keep swinging over at the player before they have time to setup and kill them. My build is a little lighter on that type of interaction than most normal Commander decks, which I knew going into this, but you could add more interactive cards if needed and get rid of the some of the over the top cards in the deck.

August 1, 2021 10:15 p.m.

Drogan1989 says... #3

Hey man. Just discovered this awesome guide after getting back to paper format and blowing the dust off my draconic domination precon.

Awesome work! I plan on buying the cards i need slowly, would you suggest i start with the landbase first since it helps 5c a ton and can be used in other decks.

Additionally, what powerlevel would you say this decklist is at?

August 3, 2021 11:33 a.m.

Willen says... #4

How do you have put a image in text and as a background of this page? I'm trying to do the same, but I can't ç.ç

August 3, 2021 1:25 p.m.

tinqle says... #5

Hey awesome deck. just noticed your not running sol ring though? Is this because this is meant to be a 1v1 deck?

August 6, 2021 3:27 p.m.

MattN7498 says... #6

Drogan1989 Thanks! Personally, I think it's difficult to judge EDH power levels because of everyone's interpretation of it. This deck mostly wants to put big creatures into play quickly with other elements through recursion and other means. In the general sense, I'd give it like a 6.5/10. It has a lot of strong synergies but at the end of the day you're just swinging in with big dumb dragons with some other means off gaining value or winning the game. It's not as streamlined and consistent as it could be where I would be running cheaper costed dragons to get on the board quickly and killing people nor does it have any of the Dragon infinites but it's still a lot of fun and can compete with other decks if you tune it properly!

tinqle Thanks! Sol Ring has had some bad draws with some of the cards in the deck because of the mana requirements to where it doesn't help me cast some spells enough of the time or the extra mana wouldn't have mattered. It probably should make it's way back in at some point but I don't think I've had Sol Ring in this deck for over a year and haven't ever been needing it.

August 7, 2021 10:20 p.m.

Drogan1989 says... #7

Thanks for the info! Naturally it isn't going to survive too well in fast competitive games, but me and my group always play casual but gauge power levels accordingly to keep the playing field level is all.

Would you say there's a place in this deck for the other 5 fetchlands? Was fortunate enough to pull 3 of the other 5 from an MH2 box and traded other pulls from it for the remaining two.

August 8, 2021 12:33 p.m.

LAYFANTASY says... #8

MattN7498!!! Awesome deck of The Ur-dragon! will really do to get it done like yours!

Having a thought of Hellkite Charger, as it can get a combo with Old Gnawbone from AFR can get a infinity attack, do yo think is worthy to put it back? which card would you replace it for Hellkite Charger


Happy to have your replay to get the thought work out!

August 31, 2021 2:36 a.m.

MattN7498 says... #9

Drogan1989 You technically can. I just only include the Khans fetches for flavor. I'm a little skeptical of having so many fetches and only a certain amount of actual mana sources in the deck but do with what works best for you!

LAYFANTASY Hellkite only triggers on attack so you can't use the treasures you get from dealing combat damage to get another combat. I personally don't try to include the few attack trigger infinites with some of the dragons. Just not a fan of running sub par dragons for the chance of combo. And if the combo was in the deck, I'd just want to do it every time and win with it and it would spiral out of control.

September 2, 2021 9:31 p.m.

Toesoe says... #10

Do you think removing the 3 Sarkhan planeswalkers for some artifact/enchantment removal would be better? I feel like you need to have some enchantment or artifact removals somewhere. What if somebody plays Crawlspace?

September 11, 2021 7:46 a.m.

Jator says... #11

would you ever consider adding Moat?

October 1, 2021 11:12 a.m.

tinqle says... #12

Moonveil Regent? seems like you've got a decent amount of multicolor to benefit

October 2, 2021 9:15 p.m.

MattN7498 says... #13

Toesoe The planeswalkers are probably the most subject to be removed. I'm just a big fan of them. Trying to fit a touch more interaction in the help with that. Usually for cards like Crawlspace and other combat effecting pieces, usually I can recognize what decks at the table are doing what and just go after the person who is most likely to stop combat for me first. So if I know someone is playing stax, I'm just attacking them until they're dead or don't have it.

Jator Look at the price and ask yourself that question.

tinqle Definitely! Check out the update!

October 9, 2021 4:33 p.m.

Willen says... #14

Hey! I've trying some changes like the mass reanimation version and I liked a lot. Bot noticed some problems with this version. Teneb, the Harvester is versatile and very interesting dragon/reanimator, but it needed of having haste and mana to user it's ability, so I don't think it will be very useful. Otherwise, great spells like Patriarch's Bidding and Haunting Voyage works nicely, but almost all time suffer some type of counter. To deal with this response, I used counters on deck too, like Mana Drain, Counter spell, Cryptic Command and Negate, to guarantee the use of the big reanimate spells. Also, counters helps to deal with spells like removals, specially when Sneak Attack is dropped down in the table. As you can see, the real deal of this changes was what cards needed to cut off to include counters. I removed Teneb, Klauth's Will, Sarkhan the Masterless (Because when you have a lot of dragons, he becames useless at some point), Sarkhan's Unsealing (needed to cut off), Kindred Discovery (needed to cut off), as example. I'll do more tests, but add counters resolves a lot of problems with enchantments and some stuffs on the field. Maybe I consider to add Heroic Intervention or Swan Song, but you know... ^^" We need more spots hahaha

October 18, 2021 7:59 a.m.

MattN7498 says... #15

Willen Teneb I'm trying out because it it's able to become a threat on it's own rather than having to commit more to the board and overextend. Sure you have to have haste and have mana to make it the best it can be. But it's still fine on it's own to try with being more graveyard based. And suffering from some type of counter can be said about any spell in Commander. That's just how the format is. If you want to use counters in your deck, go ahead. But just adding a bunch of generic counters to the deck takes away from the fact that it's a dragon deck and becomes half a dragon deck and half of EDH most powerful cards which sounds boring. Plus not to mention you're adding a ton of heavy blue mana symbol cards when it's one the least represented colors in the deck so then your mana base/fetching needs become really bad. Being able to cast all the different dragon colors and have double or triple blue mana is just too much to where you'll end up having to take a bunch of unnecessary damage from the mana base. Sure some super generic ones like Swan Song are fine but you're deck should either have all counter spells or none. Going in between just dilutes your deck in my opinion.

October 18, 2021 2:15 p.m.

Zmanz710 says... #16

I'm guessing Dragonlord Atarka is here for flavor? Feels like it's be worse than something like Drakuseth, Maw of Flames the vast majority of the time.

November 16, 2021 3:21 p.m.

Zmanz710 says... #17

Willen Not sure if this is what he was going for but I run Teneb, the Harvester because it works wonders with Scion of the Ur-Dragon

November 16, 2021 3:26 p.m.

MattN7498 says... #18

Zmanz710 Flavor and I think it's more reliable. Sure Drakuseth has more upside of swinging and sticking around multiple turns but Atarka has the guaranteed damage when it ETBs and doesn't require any swinging. Obviously with wanting haste in the deck, Drakuseth would also be better but it's not something you can always rely on having. And yes that's another good point with Teneb and Scion of the Ur-Dragon. Basically an Entomb for whichever Dragon you want and then can reanimate back.

November 16, 2021 4:48 p.m.

Which dragons do you look with Tiamat?

November 30, 2021 6:59 p.m.

Framzel21 says... #20

No changes for Crimson Vow?

December 9, 2021 2:10 p.m.

MattN7498 says... #21

Framzel21 I've been lazy. They'll be up sometime this week :)

December 9, 2021 3:55 p.m.

I love your Primer and the deck, also your insight is very nice! What is your reasoning behind Cascading Cataracts?

January 17, 2022 11:26 a.m.

MattN7498 says... #23

I've been super lazy and probably will include the changes I made in Neon Destiny but there were not any Crimson Vow cards that got added. Just more generic changes and upgrades.

EmperorPenguin Usually my top 6 choices, in order, are Morophon, Scion of Draco, Scion of the Ur Dragon, Terror of the Peaks, O-Kagachi and Dragonlord Kolaghan. Really allows you to go off the next turn, especially if you have Sneak Attack.

HerbivoreDragon In my update that I didn't make for Vow, I actually cut the land. This way I could finally make room for one of each basic in the deck. Check out the Neon Destiny update when it drops :)

January 18, 2022 10:31 a.m.

Sangurise says... #24

I suggest removing Dragonlord Kolaghan. The card has very little use in EDH, as a singleton. Even when I played in a modern deck with him, I couldn't ever get his ability to proc for the life of me. Given, our decks weren't very good, but still. Definently still a good deck! +1

January 20, 2022 9:16 p.m.

MattN7498 says... #25

Sangurise Well I'm not really interested or care about that part of the ability. I'm only interested in the creatures I control have haste. There are probably cheaper haste outlets out there but this is a dragon and a creature so it already better being at 5 mana. Plus, comparing it to being played in Modern isn't comparable because it's not a Modern playable card.

January 21, 2022 10:57 a.m.

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