@kiloken Warden of the First Tree was an option, and I'm still toying with the idea, but I would most likely have to sub out the Servant of the Scale for him. I'd rather the early +1 counters to build into a bigger turn 2-3 Avatar of the Resolute.
October 10, 2015 2:55 p.m.
Yeah, I have one Warden of the First Tree in my G/W counter deck just because he is cool, even though he doesn't do much with the counters. Why is End Hostilities in the sideboard?
October 11, 2015 2:49 p.m.
@feldar it's always good to have a nuclear option for when the board starts to go against you. For example: elf or aristocrat decks or the 14 thopters that came about from a sac'ed Hangarback Walker.
October 11, 2015 10:47 p.m.
I would think this should be able to outgrow elves, and I would just Fate Forgotten Hangarback
October 14, 2015 9:19 p.m.
feldar actually got to play it and I think you're right. May switch those out for Fate Forgotten.
October 17, 2015 3:04 p.m.
Hey man, saw your deck, I run something fairly similar, had some big success with it, thought it might be of help :)
FIGHT Drana FIGHT (4-0 Week 1 FNM) Playtest
October 28, 2015 12:56 a.m.
Plus one for name alone (concept is cool too) but I wonder if in the MTG community anyone but us is going to get the reference. lol
November 2, 2015 11:16 p.m.
baseballguy says... #10
You should Probably cut the falconer for a Avatar of the resolute
November 4, 2015 11:33 p.m.
syandell86: I remain convinced that Anafenza, the Foremost offers a lot for Scales decks and I want to see if I can capitalize on it. Exiling creatures and adding counters are huge benefits, not to mention she can trigger ferocious by herself for SD.
November 16, 2015 2:38 p.m.
Triton_Catch says... #13
Have you considered Drana, Liberator of Malakir and Abzan Charm? I know you said you were considering dropping black, but I've made a similar deck in just Abzan colours and from the (very limited) playtesting I've done, they are main players in the deck (along with Hardened Scales).
Abzan Charm can draw cards, kill something big or put counters on something/s, and it really works well.
November 16, 2015 10:54 p.m.
Drana's nice, but getting that double black by t3 is hard to pull off. Abzan Charm's a great multi-tool. I am considering throwing it into the side board to use because I loved how effective it was when I did run Abzan Scales.
November 16, 2015 10:59 p.m.
Triton_Catch says... #15
That is Drana's one downside, her mana cost is quite annoying. The deck I'm playing it in has a bigger focus on black, so it's a little easier for me to play her.
November 16, 2015 11:14 p.m.
One card that is an absolute beast with 4C is Woodland Wanderer. In addition with hardened scales, it would be a huge pain for your opponent.Interested to hear how this deck has been playing for you, I splashed red instead of blue myself just because I am light in white which meant it was easier for me to adapt red for my fetchables. If you are interested in my build: You can Count on it
November 18, 2015 12:06 a.m.
I've been told to avoid Woodland Wanderer. I like the trample and vigilance but at best get I'd 7/7 by turn 4, taking away counter spell options at a time I should already be bringing the pain. I think he's a trap, like Undergrowth Champion. Nice in theory but not doing the job I need them to do.
November 19, 2015 11:37 a.m.
In a similar deck of mine, I found Abzan Beastmaster to be kind of a dead card. If you hoping to draw a creature to help win, and you draw him, then you are disappointed
November 26, 2015 4:20 p.m.
I can see him being a drag, but I like having a body with card advantage. Against control decks, I think it's a viable card but I can see him getting traded out for a second Mastery.
flcl4life says... #1
It's a work in progress, but I'd like to make it work. Went cheap on the lands, but I'm considering investing in some. Welcome to any critiques.
October 1, 2015 6:27 p.m.