Wow, second my primer already?
When I googled "U/G Hydras" everything that came up was either to casual or standard. By to casual I mean it's not built to win, cards that showed up would be Sprouting Phytohydra,
Nessian Wilds Ravager
, and Hydra Omnivore. There was no way any of those would win at your local game store.
U/G? Why not R/G? Am I missing out on
Apocalypse Hydra
and Savageborn Hydra? Yes. I am missing out on some of the worst hydras ever. And now, I can save hundreds on the shock lands and fetch lands needed to make that deck (R/G/U). By the way, you can't make this hydra decks without blue.
Give / Take
and Master Biomancer are too good.
Hydras - The causal part of the deck, and the main theme of it to.
Primordial Hydra - Overpowered, especially with Kalonian Hydra. Even at it's worst, after a few turns, it attacks and you draw half your deck with
Give / Take
. It is, like many other cards in this deck, a threat that needs to be answered.
Kalonian Hydra - Remember how good it was back in it's standard days? It has not gotten any worse, in fact it's better. In a hydra deck, you get a team multiflyer that can't be removed by the most played card in modern (Lightning Bolt). This is another threat that must be answered before it gets out of hand.
Hooded Hydra - Not a typical 4-of in most hydra decks, but after I noticed how well it worked with Master Biomancer, there was no way there would be less than 4. Also, it is a good card anyway. Sometimes I have a desire to go as far as to sacrifice it(but I can't, and
Give / Take
does not work on it)
Protean Hydra
- I must admit this card is not as good as I want it to be, but I needed to increase the hydra count. Its nice, but don't pretend this is not one of the first cards that should be taken out if a better hydra was printed.
Ramp - This deck has the smoothest curve I've seen in awhile, because of the hydras. But It would be such a shame to need to play a
Protean Hydra
for two mana, hence the ramp.
Birds of Paradise - Best ramp creature ever printed, also smooths out the mana base with extra blue. Your dream turn one play.
Elvish Mystic - Same as birds except one more power and no blue. Our second best turn one play unless against infect ( they are forced to ramp to stop their gleissner elve from dieing.
Rattleclaw Mystic - With an Elvish Mystic and some lands makes for trun three 6 mana. Once again smoothing out mana base and ramping up faster than ever.
Non - Hydra, creatures and planeswalkers - These are cards that are so good that I need to add them.
Master Biomancer - Can't recommend this enough. Combos with
Give / Take
, Hooded Hydra and every creature in the deck. Can't be killed by Lightning Bolt, and is a waste to be killed by Path to Exile. An advantage from every point of view.
Garruk Wildspeaker - Ramp, creature generator, casualness, and win condition all in one. To good to be true, replaceable with Garruk, Primal Hunter. But not much else.
Lands - With two colors, the mana base isn't complicated. With no Islands, there is no need for misty rainforest. Sadly, I need to pay life with all of them. With this deck I want to be able to curve perfectly and smoothly.
Sideboard - Whatever you think is good, I like the Idea of having things that give hexproof though.
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