So I've been kicking around some deck ideas for a while and I've built one that is really fun, very cheap and above all, very competitive. So here's the breakdown of my deck:
Creatures: 8
4x Thing in the Ice
- The deck is playing alot of spells so its almost a must have. It's an early game defender and a late game finisher so yeah, its good.
4x Thermo-Alchemist - This card is just...amazing overall. It's used for burning your opponent to death...and definitely speeds up that process.
Enchantments: 4
4x Fevered Visions - This card is probably the heart of the deck...It gives you draw power while burning your opponent to death.
Artifacts: 2
2x Dynavolt Tower - Although energy is not a big part of this deck, casting instants and sorceries are. So you can build up enough and deal 3 damage to any target (Obviously Valid) including taking out your vehicles, namely Smuggler's Copter.
Instants: 11
3x Harnessed Lightning - 2-Mana for at minimum 3 damage to a creature.
4x Fiery Temper - Used to burn the opponent or one of their potential threats.
Lightning Axe
- Gets rid of pretty big creatures for a low mana cost. + Fiery Temper
Lightning Axe
works wonders.
2x Glimmer of Genius - Because this is instant speed, this card overall is great. So you can keep this in your hand and wait for them to play something with other burn cards in hand, and if they don't, you can safely set up your next turn or so and gain some energy helping out Harnessed Lightning and Dynavolt Tower
Sorceries: 8
4x Collective Defiance - Versatile, Strong and very effective. Collective Defiance is used in a number of ways. You can either get rid of a bigger threat...finish your opponent off (or atleast hurt them) or even swap your's to get something better. or your opponent's hand to get something worse. Or, who knows, it could be vice versa and give them better but still! Plus you can do more than one mode so its pretty deadly...Especially when all 3 modes are chosen!
Incendiary Flow
- Basically a Fiery Temper for 1 less mana and a exile ability added on. So pesky things won't keep coming back...such as Prized Amalgam or Relentless Dead.
Planeswalkers: 4
2x Jace, Unraveler of Secrets - And last but not least, we have Jace. Starting at 5 loyalty...he's pretty hard to get rid of. As his +1 it gives you draw power and the option to choose something better with scry. -2 is used as
Clutch of Currents
and Unsubstantiate. And finally we come to his emblem...Countering the first spell your opponent plays EVERY TURN, not just their's and not just your own, but every turn!
2x Chandra, Torch of Defiance - Okay, so, where do I even begin?! Starting at 4, we have a new Chandra that's on fire! I mean, seriously, she has 4 different abilities, all of which will help, whether it will be getting rid of one of your opponent's creature, getting additional mana back so you can play other things or even take a chance at the top card of your deck! Got a land? Not a problem! Her ability lets you deal 2 to the opponent if you don't cast the card! Then we have her emblem...if you have this emblem on the battlefield and you're running this deck, it's most likely game over at that point!
And that pretty much sums up the deck. It's very simple to use and is very fun! So thank you for checking my deck out! Be sure to leave a like or any comments below!