

Enchantment (1)

Sorcery (1)

Ever since RTR, I've been in love with the Izzet guild. The sheer joy of casting Goblin Electromancer and then burning their creatures while countering spells is a great way to play Magic. Now, in Standard, I believe that the Izzet are ready for a comeback. With Thing in the Ice  , Dynavolt Tower, and a bunch of two-mana spells, I believe the deck can put up some fight on the competitive scene.

For the beginning, try to keep their board clear with Harnessed Lightning and Shock . Then, play Dynavolt Tower as soon as possible. Thermo-Alchemist is also a great early drop to get in some damage with each spell. Finally, keep gaining advantage with the tower, then finish the game with Torrential Gearhulk or Chandra, Flamecaller . Basically, just zap them to death.

Thermo-Alchemist: The personification of me when I play this deck, basically attached 1 damage to the opponent on all of our spells. This allows us to end the game decisively rather thandurdling aroung with Dynavolt Tower

Thing in the Ice  : Sweeps aggro hard. Tends to bait removal and put pressure on the opponent, who will try to find a removal spell early, effectively giving us a Time Walk . If they don't kill it, well we get to sweep their board and smash for 7.

Torrential Gearhulk: One of the best blue cards out their. Provides tons of value by surprise blocking an opposing creature, and he let's us cast back most of our spells. One of our win-conditions, victory is easily achievable by keeping the opponent's creatures off the board and attacking 4 times. Just bonkers in any blue deck.

Dynavolt Tower: The engine of the deck, this artifact is a Lightning Bolt on a stick. It provides so much value by generating energy that it is the deck's core and build-around. Ideally, we play it as sokn as possible. If you can find two copies early on, victory should come quickly when you get 4 energy attached to every spell. The heart of the deck.

Chandra, Flamecaller : Overall a value planeswalker, she can close out games very quickly with her +1. We can often win in that fashion. Her +0 is fantastic if you have a bad hand, and her -X is really great to sweep the board. Unfortunately, having her in the same deck as Baral, Chief of Compliance is a flavour fail.

Anticipate: Average dig spell, provides energy for Dynavolt Tower and lets us easily chain multiple spells together or find an answer to an opposing threat. Not bad for a common and is fun to play with.

Void Shatter: Solid counterspell. Running over Disallow because 99% of the time they do the same thing, but Void Shatter exiles the spell, which can be relevant.

Galvanic Bombardment: Early, cheap removal. Gets better after every use and plays a big part in not allowing the opponent to play early creatures. Great card that I always consider splashing for.

Glimmer of Genius: Awesome card draw, let's us filter what comes into my hand and comes with energy attached. Prime instant speed card draw that fits perfectly into this deck.

Harnessed Lightning: Awesome removal that can kill most creatures when combined with Dynavolt Tower. Another key card to this deck that's just too good to not run.

Negate: Just your average counterspell that is great for most of the spells in standard, but unfortunately very conditional. However, still worth playing as a one of.

Shock : Another cheap removal spell, this ine is worse against creatures because it doesn't get better over time, however it's vital for disrupting the Felidar Guardian + Saheeli Rai wombo-combo. Also, I happen to have like 10 lying around.

Take Inventory: I was unsure of this card at first because the first one only cycles. However, since Glimmer of Genius and Anticipate can help me find more, they are vital for tons of card advantage. One of my favourite cards in the deck.

Ceremonious Rejection: Sideboard in against eldrazi, marvel, pummeler, colossus, or any other artifact-based decks that come up during Aether Revolt.

Fevered Visions: Sideboard in against the mirror and other control brews like Jeskai, Grixis, those kind of grindy control decks. Used to keep us fueled and for 2 damage a turn.

Negate: Sideboard in against control and combo decks. Keeping impactful spells from resolving is key.

Weaver of Lightning : Incredible against aggro. So underestimated, we can basically add an extra point of damage to creatures whenever we cast a spell, which allows us to mow down enemy units. Board in against any creature-centric deck.

Release the Gremlins: Sideboard in against artifact-based decks. Cool card that can provide us with a couple of 2/2 bodies.

Metallurgic Summonings: Side out for tower when they bring un artifact removal. Creates a ton of bodies, and is best utilised against midrange and control decks because it provides us with a huge advantage. Confiscation Coup: Reads, in this deck, gain control of target creature. This is great, because stealing an 8/8 Verdurous Gearhulk is an incredible play. Awesome against decks that load opup on powerful creatures. Ormendhal, Profane Prince isn't so scary anymore, is he?

Aggro (B/R, Mono Red, Vehicles, Energy): This is a great matchup because our cheap removal spells can keep them from getting ahead before we go over them with a stronger lategame. We aren't strong against energy only because of Bristling Hydra because of hexproof. However, if we can prevent it from resolving we have a pretty good handle.

Midrange (Panharmonicon, Revolt, Counters, Rogue Brews): These matchups are okay because we have a strong sideboard to deal with midrange, and Dynavolt Tower really helps us get ahead. However, counter decks are tough to deal with because they can often grow too big for our burn.

Control (Mostly rogue brews): These matchups aren't terrible, post board we can swap our removal for Fevered Visions to hit them for 2 each turn.

Combo (Saheeli/Guardian, Paradox Engine): This is easy because we have so much disruption to prevent their combo from going of with Disallow, Negate, and Ceremonious Rejection.

The thing about sideboarding is to be smart. If you know that they're going to swap creature removal for artifact removal, you can remove Dynavolt Tower and some other spells for Metallurgic Summonings, Confiscation Coup, and Weaver of Lightning when they don't have removal and their artifact disruption is just dead. The trick is to think ahead and sideboard smartly.

Baral's Expertise: I really like this card because it can result in a huge tempo swing by wiping ou opponent's board and further developing ours. However, this isn't quite a tempo deck, and I don't think that it fits very well. Maybe, depends how good it is in the future.

Sphinx of the Final Word: A big beater who can't be stopped is super valuable. I think playing it as a one-of would be sweet, because as a control player, seeing this come down is an absolute nightmare.

Metallurgic Summonings: I tried this out in the original version of the deck, but I found that playing it alongside Dynavolt Tower was not focused enough. Playing it on turn 5 with no immediate impact makes for some tough situations, but it's still a really cool card.

Chandra, Torch of Defiance: If I had the money, I would definitely play her, but seeing as I don't and am not in a competitive environment I won't. If you want this deck to be the best it can be, consider putting in 2 copies for Chandra, Flamecaller and 2 Glimmer of Genius.

Jace, Unraveler of Secrets : I really love this guy, but I don't see him as very competitive. However, he has potential to be great, and is definitely worth considering.

Brutal Expulsion : Sweet value card that I have been considering, but don't know how to fit it in. Really cool and I want it to be good.

Anyways, thank you for taking the time to look at my deck, and I would appreciate any constructive feedback. Please help me by giving your input on how to optimize this for Aether Revolt. Also, if I have made any spelling or grammar errors in the deck, please feel free to correct me or tell me how to improve the description. Don't forget to upvote if you like the deck!


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years
Key combos

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

1 - 2 Mythic Rares

14 - 6 Rares

12 - 5 Uncommons

16 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.49
Tokens Construct */* C, Elemental 3/1 R, Energy Reserve, Gremlin 2/2 R
Folders standard, The Best, Tower
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