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U/R Prowess Sideboard?





Sorcery (2)

Time to try and make my first ever standard deck after about 6 months of drafting. I really like the U/R Prowess because it reminds me of Izzet from when I played back in middle school. I am trying to stay within a pretty tight budget so I am not going to go all out with purchasing cards right away. I know about Monastery Swiftspears and Abbots, I'm just not super interested in investing before I know whether or not I like standard.

My main concern right now is getting a sideboard put together so that I can try my hand at the local standard night. I put together my thoughts on a sideboard, but they are probably entirely wrong. Feel free to tear me apart (so long as you suggest things that have a chance of being in my collection).- Devour in Flames: Replaces Roast when I come up against flyers.- Gift of Tusks: Gets me around some of the annoying protection abilities that big scary monsters have.- Negate: Counter removal heavy decks.- Clash of Wills: A more flexible counter card.- Ancient Crab: Board in against heavy aggro to get some protection.- Fiery Impulse: Board in against heavy aggro to kill early drops.- Radiant Flames: Side in against token and other wide strategies. - Chandra, Flamecaller: If I have to side my deck to be more controlley and defensive I might as well have a payoff. (also I really like this card.)


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

0 - 1 Mythic Rares

6 - 2 Rares

9 - 6 Uncommons

21 - 6 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.19
Tokens Elemental 3/1 R
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