Urza, Head Pimp and his bottom bitches
Commander / EDH*
Whiffypenguin says... #3
Unfortunately deep low skate does not have a foil printing.
I agree it would be sweet!
May 10, 2017 12:57 p.m.
usaDiabetic says... #6
Thoughts on Decree of Annihilation, wipes everything except planeswalkers....everything
Also there are foil printings of that card :-)
August 14, 2017 9:55 p.m.
Whiffypenguin says... #7
I think obliterate is better and also available in Foil. The mana cost is steep and at that point in the mana curve I'm just playing 2-3 big cards to combo off. The walkers tend to die with in a turn cycle which makes the deck more about combining with doubling season.
Thanks for the comment!
August 16, 2017 12:59 a.m.
usaDiabetic says... #8
Whiffypenguin yah that does indeed make sense.
I think I still like Decree over Obliterate though. I like the exile, graveyard hate, and hand disruption for superfriends. I can see how it can be really conditional though. Its probably better suited in Jhoira with suspend.
August 16, 2017 1:18 a.m. Edited.
How has this deck done in matchups? I'm building one soon with the foil urza I just pulled
January 3, 2018 8:01 p.m.
Whiffypenguin says... #10
So this deck is all about concealing your threat level. If you start off strong you will get hanged up on. Ideally you try to just make land drops and try to keep the board as free of creatures as possible. Once you get to 8 or 9 mana you can try to start winning the game.
You may have to throw some sacrificial walkers out there to bang out an ability and then have it die.
Dont get discouraged when none of your walkers survive a turn cycle in the early game.
Urza has been great with the groups that allow it as it is reacastable up to about 3 times and dosent take a card out of your hand. The randomness is ok because some people wont fun for him cause his ability could be anything. Even a boat!
January 5, 2018 3:32 p.m.
After viewing your list, i got the motivation to make my own full foil urza deck. Its a start. It will be my long term project.
Hey check out my deck Urza foiled out deck for fun
January 11, 2018 3:59 p.m.
Pyromancer999 says... #13
I noticed you like Humility have you ever heard of his extremely greedy brother Godhead of Awe ? Not very good (dies to all removal and is greedy) but your mana is good for a 5-color deck and seems ok? Just a thought. Also, who would be the commander if our group does not allow unstable? Thanks for reading, love the deck! +1---Pyro
October 29, 2018 3:22 p.m.
Pyromancer999 says... #14
disregard last question- just read the rest of the desc.
October 29, 2018 3:23 p.m.
Whiffypenguin says... #15
Hey pyromancer I know of godhead but it being a creature is just too unreliable. 5 colored pips is also to slow. Can’t cheat it out with my artifact ramp.
Thanks though!
October 29, 2018 8:50 p.m.
chickenekcihc says... #16
I like the deck but it is sad how urza is banned and I’m not trying to make you feel bad
November 17, 2018 9:49 a.m.
Whiffypenguin says... #17
I agree it’s silly. My normal playgroup is fine with it and encourages it over a legal commander
November 17, 2018 7:06 p.m.
Lemme guess, you got the money to make this deck with your working girls on backpage.com and listcrawler.com It's ok, your secret is safe with me, shhhh.
December 1, 2018 9:44 a.m.
What do you think about Innocent Blood, Mizzix's Mastery, and Mystic Barrier?
Here is my list for reference: http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/superfriends-80/
I have pretty heavy enchantment and recursion themes, and use cards like Jokulhaups and Obliterate because they don't hit enchantments or planeswalkers!
January 9, 2019 8:10 p.m.
Whiffypenguin says... #20
Hey there, thanks for commenting r2d551.
I dont think innocent blood is very good at all. It is only 1 cmc, but it would not have the desired effect in here. Im pretty sure swords to plowshares would be better, for my meta.
Im not a fan of mizzix mastery in here, ideally you hit a couple warps and a tutor or two. I would rather have a draw 7. Im going to try emrgency powers, and then maybe time spiral. see how those go. wish i could afford a twister.
i honestly wrote mystic barrier off, as its not foil. it is an interesting thought. I think in my playgroup it would set off alarm bells. my deck is less scary when 3 people canm attack my walkers.
January 23, 2019 10:22 p.m.
Skyler1776 says... #21
Planeswalkers can’t be commanders unless they indicate so.
February 13, 2019 11:36 p.m.
Whiffypenguin says... #22
No? Really? To think I would dare make a casual commander for the casual format of commander.
It’s also an unstable card which is illegal. Oooooooooo
February 14, 2019 7:51 a.m.
Skyler1776 says... #23
My apologies. I wasn’t sure if it was a casual edh or not. As for suggestions, maybe Teferi, Hero of Dominaria ?
February 14, 2019 9:48 a.m.
Whiffypenguin says... #24
I feel like your trolling me now as teferi has been in the deck since dominaria.
February 14, 2019 11:13 p.m.
i havn't looked at the deck yet, I've just been laughing at the title for like 5 minutes
Whiffypenguin says... #1
First update since posting original list.
+1 Mana Vault Invention
-1 Thran Dynamo FTV
Would Like to Pick up a Nissa, Steward of Elements, Wrath of God, Vindicate, Maelstrom Pulse, and possibly Austere Command Invocations for the deck.
Nissa seems like a straight upgrade for Kiora, despite the uniquness rule. She is like a Sylvan Library/Oracle of Muldaya.
Wrath is a straight swap.
I was thinking maybe I could cut Anguished Unmaking for Vindicate since the invocation is more on theme despite Unmakings Instant speed and exile clause.
Savor the Moment, while a pet card underperforms, Maelstrom pulse is more removal and on theme.
Austere Command is a yough sell. I would have to take out a board wipe for it. The problem is I honestly think its much worse then any of the current wipes. IT cost 6 which is a lot more then WOG or Damnation. And giving -x/-x or exiling beats out the modes on Command. That leaves just Supreme Verdict as the card to kill but again, it's 4 cc and it has a relevent riderfor multiplayer.
Thoughts any one?
May 3, 2017 9:27 a.m.