Run for your lives!
The great Urza has invented the technology to summon and command the most awe inspiring beings from all the realms (unfortunately the Balrog did not answer his phone).
What is UW Tron?
This deck is a UW combo/control deck with a few specific mega cards as win conditions. The Tron lands (Urza's Tower, Urza's Power Plant and Urza's Mine) help casting these cards earlier by providing a boatload of mana.
In this version you aim to draw out the game and hardcast Emrakul, the Aeons Torn or win by Mindslaver lock (requires Academy Ruins). Earlier pressure can be applied if you reanimate Iona, Shield of Emeria or Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite by flashbacking Unburial Rites. Gifts Ungiven can be used to put those cards in the graveyard.
What can we do with all this mana?
Having lots of mana can help us out in many situations. Of course it plays well into the strategy of the deck: casting huge creatures. But it also makes the deck more comfortable as a control deck as you can play stuff on your turn and still have enough mana for countermagic.
It can also directly impact the opponent ei. by making their Mana Leak useless. We can race the opponent on the mana front increasing the potency of Path to Exile.
The Gifts combo
You'll notice that Gifts Ungiven integrates into most of the interactions in this deck. It's not an easy card to play but it can do incredible things if played well.
The most secure combo is to search for only two cards: Unburial Rites and a creature. Then they both go to the graveyard and the creature can be cast with Unburial Rites.
Board clear: As the deck has 3 different Wrath cards you can Gifts search for those and be sure to get at least one.
Lands. You can gifts for crucible of worls + a land + Expedition Map + something else. No matter what your opponent chooses you can get the land.
Controlling the game
Remand, Path and Wrath. We want to keep the board clear often times. Especially against aggro and midrange we need the opponent's creatures removed or we'll get overrun before we can cast our own. This handles a bit easier than typical control decks as we can tutor and/or cycle to get the cards we need.
Win conditions
Hardcasting Emrakul: Emrakul, the Aeons Torn + urza's tower + urza's power plant + urza's mine. This is super late game. You'll either have to wait to draw Emrakul or tutor for it with Gifts. But your opponent will most likely not choose to let Emrakul go to your hand. It can be done though.
Mindslaver lock: Mindslaver + Academy Ruins. You'll need 12 mana as you want to play Mindslaver, activate it and put on top of the library. Then the opponent is infinitely locked.
Early Iona: Iona, Shield of Emeria + Unburial Rites + Gifts Ungiven. With a bit of luck you can resolve Iona on turn 4.
Elesh Norn vs. aggro: Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite + Unburial Rites + Gifts Ungiven. If you manage to stay alive against aggro and get out Elesh Norn an aggro deck has a difficult time.
Stopping burn: Leyline of Sanctity,
Timely Reinforcements
Stopping combo: Mindbreak Trap, Rule of Law.
Stopping Abzan (Liliana of the Veil, Scavenging Ooze, Tasigur, the Golden Fang,
Treetop Village
): Suppression Field.
Stopping Splinter Twin: Ghostly Prison, Spellskite.
Stopping Bogle: Spellskite.