After several weeks of tweaking Gifts Tron, I made significant enough changes that have been a lot of fun. The sideboard changed a bit, added in Eldrazi, and more single targets for the Gifts package. Reset the discussion with this update.
-1 Talisman of Progress: After much playtesting, I started preferring the signets for the dual colors. Very helpful, especially with Supreme Verdict. A fifth felt redundant.
-1 All is Dust: I've never wanted to cast this and found myself always siding it out. Hitting my Leylines is reason enough to never cast it, or Iona and Elesh Norn.
-1 Wrath of God and -1 Day of Judgment, +1 Supreme Verdict: Supreme has been superior so far, otherwise Geist player simply counters the wrath away.
-1 Condescend: I've never wanted to Gifts it or really cast it, as I'd rather fire off a Gifts, Thirst, Remand, or crack a Map.
-2 Seachrome Coast: These haven't been working out, and my mana base got too greedy. Paths and Ghost Quarters punished me greatly. Replaced with two Plains.
+1 Repeal: A single one has been great, especially at getting rid of a lot of crazy interactions, such as Isochron Scepter + Silence locks. That one turn can buy me time and hope to land a threat.
+1 Emrakul, the Aeons Torn and +1 Kozilek, Butcher of Truth: I liked playing Kozilek over Ulamog because he's one cheaper and nets four cards. The indestructible part of Ulamog never mattered as he'd eat a Path all the same. Emrakul is another wincon if Rites is stopped, Mindslaver is hit with Slaughter Games or similar effects, or I just can't get a Gifts to stick.
As for the sideboard, I've adjusted the list to my local meta.
-1 Celestial Purge, -1 Condemn, -1 Pact of Negation, -1 Relic of Progenitus, -1 Path to Exile: Gifting into a Purge or Condemn means only one is required. Removed the Pact. Relic was a liability, Tormod's has been a great replacement.
+3 Defense Grid: They do so much work! Tossed with a Thirst, protect Colonnades from being burned down or eating a Path, help Rites and Mindslaver go off uninterrupted. Drop them when necessary, I'd usually have the mana to pay the extra 3 anyway.
June 4th
-1 SB Rule of Law, +1 TrinisphereGC: It does exactly what I want out of Rule of Law, but has recursion with Academy and Buried Ruins, pitches with Thirst, and slows down a lot of decks if it sticks early enough.