
Modern* Manzuri


Pithing Needle is an excellent sideboard choice. I highly recommend it.

I favor Beast Within over Nature's Claim due to the versatility. Either one can destroy Blood Moon , though. But Beast Within kills Magus of the Moon ...

December 1, 2013 8:58 p.m.

I don't think that 20 lands are enough. Ramp decks can't afford to miss a land drop. Thus I suggest you up the land count to at least 24 if not 25-26.

December 1, 2013 8:59 p.m.

-Orvos- says... #3

instead of the Chromatic Star and Chromatic Sphere i suggest Manamorphose . Both the chromatics only give you one time abilities because you have to sac them, and yes you get a draw either when they ETB or LTB but Manamorphose is like a free draw so long as the spell resolves. I agree with aeonstoremyliver you need more land so drop both Chromatic Sphere and Chromatic Star and add the Manamorphose and 4 more land.

December 1, 2013 11:24 p.m.

Preferably Forest s.

December 2, 2013 6:35 p.m.

Manzuri says... #5

guys, i know that 20 mana in a deck thats running emrakul seems really short but i have never been mana screwed with this deck, and ive been playing a similar version with only 20 mana for a few months now. I am satisfied with its ability to get mana out efficiently. this decks main purpose is to get the urza combo set up as fast as possible and then get eye of ugin out to help me get one of my two main win con's out with Emrakul, the Aeons Torn and Kozilek, Butcher of Truth and reduce their cost. if i took out my draw cards (Chromatic Sphere , and Chromatic Star ) in favor of mana it would slow me down by not letting me get to cards like Expedition Map , and Sylvan Scrying because i would be playing a land when i should be drawing cards.

the Manamorphose option is something that i havent considered, and i am definitely going to be play testing it. i think that Manamorphose would be a good replacement for Prophetic Prism .

one change that i did make to the deck was adding Pithing Needle to the sideboard. thank you aeonstoremyliver for that recommendation.

December 2, 2013 10:40 p.m.

No problem man. If 20 lands works for you and you're not missing a land drop, by all means carry on my wayward son. Kansas reference, khee hee. With all the card draw, you shouldn't have a problem drawing into land... I suppose I prefer the 24-26 land count in a ramp deck.

December 2, 2013 11:28 p.m.

-Orvos- says... #7

Sorry if it seems like im picking on you but hey i like your deck and just want to help. :D. One problem i forsee with your deck is aggro decks or burn decks taking you down before you can drop a creature. I think you need some chump blockers and Awakening Zone can provide that and some mana ramp if the get to live long enough. Another card for draws to help you drop your urza land faster is Explore . You get to draw a card and as long as you have a second land in hand it costs the same as the chromatic stuff.

December 3, 2013 1:35 a.m.

Manzuri says... #8

must have over looked it, but im already running the 4 Explore s.... its really good in this deck :-)

im really not too sure about the Awakening Zone mostly because i don't know what i would take out for it... everything in there now just works together so well.

the Manamorphose im still really wanting to play test but i haven't had much time to spend on magic... they've got us working 60hr work weeks

December 7, 2013 3:44 p.m.

-Orvos- says... #9

you could take out the Karn Liberated for the Awakening Zone . I don't know about you but whenever I play a planeswalker i get all sorts of hate. Since you don't seem to have a real way to protect him I think that would be a good trade out so that you do have some bit of blocking as well as mana ramp. I know that it would die with All Is Dust but its still a good way to ramp and block if you need.

December 7, 2013 4:12 p.m.

Nobilior says... #10

I'm not sure most of the people commenting on this deck understand what Urzatron is. :/

For those who don't understand.

T1 Urza's Mine

T2 Urza's Power Plant

T3 Urza's Tower cast Karn Liberated

A trun three Karn Liberated is insane.

The only thing I think you should do is change this to Red/Green Tron. You may want Pyroclasm like stuff to help out against aggro.

December 7, 2013 6:31 p.m.

pacman3 says... #11

I haven't seen any mention of Primeval Titan ? You should run him.

December 7, 2013 7:35 p.m.

Manzuri says... #12

Orvos101 theres no way i could take out Karn Liberated he is way to good in this deck, and a staple in urzatron in general.

Nobilior I might go the GR Tron rout later on but I really wanted to do it a little different, but still keep all the aspects that make tron work, so I decided to go mono green since every one you find on mtgtop8 is either RG or mono blue. Thats also why i posted the deck on here. I really wanted to get card suggestions that I could possible sub in like Manamorphose for Prophetic Prism which really could work in this deck although im not sure how much of a difference it will make not having the Prophetic Prism to tap for green mana

December 7, 2013 9:10 p.m.

Manzuri says... #13

pacman3 Primeval Titan is a good option i havent thought of. i would have to play test with it a bit, but i would have to run at least 3 to see his effect with some sort of consistency since i wouldnt be able to search for him with Eye of Ugin another issue that i could see with him is some difficulty getting him out because of the GG requirement. Back when I built a basic template for this deck on a budget I was running some Spearbreaker Behemoth s and i would get stuck with them in my hand occasionally because of the mana cost.

December 7, 2013 9:25 p.m.

Nobilior says... #14

You know what, I was thinking, if you still wanted to be original, you could try doing Green/White Tron that splashes for Ghostly Prison for aggro decks. Also, it would open you up to Horizon Canopy . It would be a cool twist on tron.

December 9, 2013 1 p.m.

Manzuri says... #15

Nobilior that is by far my favorite suggestion. any other white cards that would be a fit?

December 12, 2013 5:36 p.m.

-Orvos- says... #16

Two other white cards that are similar to Ghostly Prison are Sphere of Safety and Norn's Annex , but those only work if you end up going with white.

December 12, 2013 8:51 p.m.

Dredg says... #17

If you're not afraid to splash in some blue sources, Hurkyl's Recall absolutely wrecks Affinity and artifacts, and our meta has plenty.

January 4, 2014 6:22 a.m.

Primeval Titan allows you to put any two lands on the battlefield, not just basics. In any case, he's a beast.

I've had great success in running Creeping Corrosion against Affinity; I sideboard it in ramp decks running green. It wrecks Affinity hard. I would run 3 in lieu of Ancient Grudge . Smash to Smithereens is great too.

Against other Aggro decks Tree of Redemption is good. I've used it and have had good results. I've also seen Pelakka Wurm as a sideboard addition, but it's GGG4 could be hard to pull off.

January 5, 2014 12:10 p.m.

Quarkblast says... #19

T1 Mine into Sphere or StarT2 Plant. Tap mine to sac Sphere/Star for G, Tap plant for extra 1, play explore and Drop Tower.You can T2 your lands with explore. Dunno why no one runs it MB?

July 21, 2015 9 p.m.

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