Well the thought is, if i have an Unburial in hand with a Solemn, id just search it out so i could play it. Otherwise its not needed as ill just discard it with Desperate Ravings ( which i typically find more usefull for this deck than Forbidden Alchemy
November 21, 2011 12:56 a.m.
EnjoySaeli says... #3
its iffy though, and if the opponent used Ghost Quarter on the singular swamp youre running, then it could be problematic. i guess if Unburial Rites immediately went to the graveyard,it would be ok, but then you can only use it twice. and the instance you mentioned, it would be IF you had a Solemn Simulacrum in your hand, and you may not when you need it. i just think that you could be running Drowned Catacomb or Dragonskull Summit . you could even do Isolated Chapel for the extra white if you need it. i like the idea of unburial rites for this deck, especially because of the awesome creatures in there, id just amp up the black, so you could use forbidden alchemy's flashback if you wanted to, and not counting on a single swamp to use unburial from your hand.
November 21, 2011 10:22 a.m.
masterpeez says... #4
Instead of card:Red Sun's Zenith , run card:Devil's Play.
December 1, 2011 12:41 p.m.
johngalenhenry says... #5
I would play forbidden alchemy over the scabs. They work at instant speed and let you draw into something useful for the same mana cost.
December 1, 2011 9:54 p.m.
Ill actually probably pick up a card:Devil's Play as that is a better card.
But as for Forbidden Alchemy , I was using it, but rushing decks were always screwing me over. Which is why id rather pitch 4 random cards and get Armored Skaab as a blocker. + it is able to be brought back by my Sun titans. But if you think it would be a better to side them in for those fights, let me know.
December 1, 2011 10:28 p.m.
gotta say the scg open in STL was a lot of fun. Also I learned that solemn simulacrum isn't a good idea for me typically, and that masticore won me 3 games total lol. Ppl were pissed at me for it.
December 5, 2011 3:11 a.m.
complicated eck to use..i like complicated decks allloooottt... just remember that ruinator exiles stuff and may come at a disadvantage(regret) sumtimes +1
if ya has anytime check out my deck..ur opinion greatly apreciated BW morbid experiment dun 4get to +1 if ya like =)
December 5, 2011 5:07 a.m.
I have been hearing rumors about 5cc working in the standard pool ATM. Does anyone know if it's similar to this or a totally different deck type??
December 8, 2011 2:59 a.m.
Reworked a few cards in the deck. Found simulacrum less favorable drop to masticore so I threw 2 in side if it's ever a better matchup. Also I never seem to be in a good position for playing frost Titan, so what should I replace it with in the side??
December 19, 2011 5:33 p.m.
EnjoySaeli says... #11
you almost could throw simulacrum back in, in place of frost titan
December 20, 2011 11:52 a.m.
Well I was refering to the side-board. I can never seem to find a good time to throw Frost Titan in main board during a match. Maybe more Inferno Titan ??
December 21, 2011 6:49 p.m.
aloehart199 says... #13
Devil's play vs red sun is kind of a player per player thing. I prefer red sun simply because you can run 1 and still cast it pretty frequently since it gets back in the deck. Devil;'s play drops 3 points of damage from your next cast of it.
As far as Frost titan vs others, Consecrated sphinx is always good. Frost may offer more control but it isn't exactly the most powerful of the titans. beyond its increased removal cost (equivalent to using snapcaster on doomblade) its not particularly special. Best you can hope to do usually is tap a big creature or enchantment. You "can" hold back a land but its not much. Most useful thing I've found him for is getting in damage as the tap effect happens when you declare him as an attacker so you can tap down a blocker.
Grave titan would be a major improvement over frost titan as far as game ending. He can also provide plenty of blockers.
There's also sun titan. My 4 color control deck is built around sun titan as a bomb because of his unique ability. He can bring back ANY permanent with 3 or less cmc. Most people don't realize that includes artifacts, planeswalkers, even land can be brought back.
Sun titan also has the added benefit of being able to enchant hexproof creatures. When a spell comes from the graveyard but isn't cast (in other words you don't pay mana for its cost) it doesn't "target" anything. It just attaches to something. So that little loophole lets you enchant hexproof creatures so oring, pacifism, etc, etc, etc.
Then theres also the thinking that sun titan will get you the most out of your snapcasters since you can bring those back as well and their ability activates. Essentially giving you as many snapcasters as you can want (as long as your titan survives and swings).
Of the big bomb options right now, frost titan probably isn't the best option. I played him for a while but that was because he was $2 at my shop and it was easy for me to get copies of him. Now that i have inferno, grave, and sun. I don't use frost in anything but mono blue. And I typically opt for consecrated sphinx in those.
January 17, 2012 11:38 p.m.
I could use grave, but now with more being spoiled, im starting to think about reworking the entirety of this deck. With the graf hate i might have to start thinking how i play things differently.
EnjoySaeli says... #1
id run more dual lands over the swamp, because youre counting that on that one swamp to play unburial rites. dual lands, or drop unburial for something else. thats just me though. otherwise, its a pretty solid list!
November 20, 2011 8:12 p.m.