I pretty much have to counter any artifacts or enchantments.
February 25, 2015 4:44 a.m.
Thanks Duffman24! I'm trying to veer away from having too many creatures, but I do have a playset of Snapcaster Mage I was considering for this deck. The reason I chose not to use them is because I consistently have answers in my hand due to all the card draw. I like them as blockers, but I'd much rather respond to an attacker with Azorius Charm since it cycles and triggers Monastery Mentor and prowess.
I like Spell Snare a lot too, maybe for sideboard against agro decks? This deck wants to draw out the game, so I went with hard counters for the mainboard.
February 26, 2015 11:09 p.m.
I do agree with you that Elspeth, Sun's Champion seems redundant, so:
February 26, 2015 11:11 p.m.
That's a great question. I don't know what people are playing in my local meta. I haven't been playing in tournaments. I'm hoping that I can turn this deck into something that will draw games out long enough for me to see how a lot of decks play, that way I can learn to create sideboard strategies for the core decks.
It's on my mind that I should mostly be worried about agro, burn, and tempo decks since they can take me out before I have the option to wipe the board. I could be completely wrong though. I'm depending on hard counters and path to deal with threats I haven't foreseen.
March 1, 2015 1:08 a.m.
Oh, and if I can get off Jace, Architect of Thought's -8 off, then I can actually see their whole deck. That should help me collect the data I need to be successful in my area.
March 1, 2015 1:10 a.m.
weirdmagic says... #7
This deck seems really cool. I love Monastery Mentor. My only suggestion is:
Cryptic Command could be replaced with the new Ojutai's Command. Check out my deck Azorius Control to see it in action.
Overall very good deck. I really like modern control.
March 3, 2015 11:59 p.m.
Thanks for the suggestion A.W.! I'll add it to the maybe board for now. I'm not sure about Ojutai's Command in this deck since I don't have any valid targets in the deck for the first mode. I love it in a deck that mainboards Snapcaster Mage!
I checked out your deck too. Looks familiar! haha
March 5, 2015 2:41 a.m.
Dissolve should be some combination of Mana Leak, Spell Pierce, and Spell Snare.
Think Twice should be Serum Visions.
March 5, 2015 4:30 p.m.
You're right on target Saijen. I main the hard counters because they are my only safety net for mid-late game bombs and 1 drop combo pieces. The counters you suggested are in the sideboard for when I play the fastest decks. In the agro match-up I would side:
-3x Dissolve
+2x Spell Snare
+1x Mana Leak
I see your point about Serum Visions. It is not in this version of the deck because it is sorcery speed and I don't run Quicken. I don't feel like I'll be hurting for consistency without it. The Think Twice allows me to save my Monastery Mentor from a bolt for 5 mana (and I get 2 cards). Prowess pumps are committed as responses in this deck, not during main 1.
March 6, 2015 5:03 a.m.
Dissolve is not a good counterspell in Modern. By turn 3, many decks will have you most of the way dead. I'd drop all 4 and add 1 more Remand, 2x Mana Leak, and 2x Spell Pierce OR Spell Snare, depending on your meta.
4x Sphinx's Revelation is bad. 1-2x is most you can run in Modern without ending in dead draws too often. Modern is not as slow as Standard. I'd drop 2x Sphinx's Revelation and 2x Think Twice for 4x Serum Visions. It's a 1 drop that will trigger Monastery Mentor and it will help you get much more consistent draws. If its within your budget, I would absolutely recomment running 2-4x Cryptic Command (I'd run 4). It's an amazing card. Also, Snapcaster Mage would fit right in if you can afford him. The body is great for blocking and it gives you so many options in the mid-late game as to what you can cast. You can also bounce him with Cryptic Command to reuse him multiple times. I'd run 4 if you can get your hands on them.
March 6, 2015 7:50 p.m.
I just noticed that I made a similar comment a while back. Didn't read the comments, so sorry about the double post! Hopefully some extra explanation helped.
March 6, 2015 7:51 p.m.
JexInfinite says... #14
Mentor and Pyro generally work best in proactive decks. In a reactive deck, they are much less good.
March 7, 2015 7:39 p.m.
The concept is that all my control/draw cards become a 2 for 1 with Monastery Mentor out. He's plenty good just for that. I don't run red so there's no pyro. Just because something is standard doesn't mean it's not good in modern too. But in the case of the scry lands, I agree. I'd much rather have buddies or fast lands.
March 7, 2015 8:09 p.m.
I'm slowly trading for the colonades and cryptics still. The deck should end up being mostly control with monastery mentor being the win con, jace the secondary.
March 10, 2015 3:52 p.m.
Budget is minimal but I have tons of trade. Probably not going for a sower or sculptor, but the rest is fine. Maybe they reprint in mm2
March 10, 2015 3:59 p.m.
Local meta is all over the place. There are some big spenders too. Still haven't gotten this deck out of beta yet, so I won't be playing in modern FNM for some time yet to give you a more detailed account of the local meta here.
March 10, 2015 4:40 p.m.
Stay tuned! I'll post a v1.0 once I hit the first FNM.
March 11, 2015 7:21 p.m.
My store stopped doing modern FNM in favor of standard. Built a standard deck, not enough people to launch a pod. Acquisitions for the deck are slowed to a crawl. I'm still looking for Hallowed Fountain, Celestial Colonnades, and maybe Cryptic Command. I really like Ojutai's Command + Snapcaster Mage so I might need convincing to dump the value into cryptic.
epikurus says... #1
It's a work in progress. I don't know much about modern metagame so I'd love any suggestions.
February 21, 2015 2:06 a.m.