VioHazard1023 says... #2
@corythackstonThanks for the feedback! I'll definitely try to get some of those charms and verdicts before they rotate out.
August 7, 2014 5:42 a.m.
you have a good shell, but the lands is the most important part. try to get some dual lands.
August 8, 2014 3:18 p.m.
VioHazard1023 says... #4
@ihazadeck420I will definately consider getting some dual lands once I get some cash.
August 8, 2014 3:35 p.m.
This is pretty awesome. I do think tromokratis is a bit out of place as he is really high cost and doesn't really fit control, i don't think at least. Also Jace's ingenuity is pretty expensive and you already have 4 cards for card advantage. you might want to look into Last Breath , Planar Cleansing , Sphinx's Revelation , and Syncopate just to name a few
August 10, 2014 7:13 p.m.
VioHazard1023 says... #6
@danevs_10Thank for your input! I put Tromokratis in just because of his high stats and semi-hexproof. Maybe replacing hin with an AEtherling would be bettter. Sphinx's Revelation is a bit pricy and will also rotate out soon, so I don't know if I want to include them. I can definitely consider it though. Maybe I can sideboard Planar Cleansing if the opponent is running alot of noncreature permanents and Last Breath if they run weenies. Syncopate seems good. I'm still learning alot :)
August 10, 2014 9:33 p.m.
Ivan Floch just won the Pro Tour with U/W Control, and he didn't even have a win condition for his game 1. I'm not saying copy his deck verbatim, but there's a lot to be learned here.
For one - you gotta throw in those boardwipes man! Ivan ran 7..I believe 4 Verdicts and 3 Cleansing (someone verify please?). Your other option is to use Detention Sphere but I'd rather play the sorcery and not be susceptible to enchantment removal, which is huge right now. Quicken is also seeing a lot of good reviews lately. I used 3. It's got the best synergy in the world with our board wipes, and it cycles itself.
I'd cut down on the 3-drop heavy counterspells. Trust me, I know being able to throw down some formation of Cancel and looking at your opponent while saying "No, you're not playing that." is the most satisfying feeling in the world, but there are ways to get there faster. Syncopate has been in my eyes ever since Mana Leak rotated out.
A solid win condition is probably Elspeth, Sun's Champion - Ivan's got balls trying to deck his opponents 90% of the time. You only need 1, maybe another in the sideboard. I also can't stress how good Last Breath is. It gets rid of Voice of Resurgence and Mutavault which are our two largest threats. And to be completely honest, we couldn't give two damns about our opponent's life total. Brian David-Marshall, one of the commentators during the Pro Tour finals even mentioned that "Ivan doesn't care at all about his opponent's life total - he could have them start at 100 for all that mattered. He just wants to play a land every turn." (I think this was quoted during the semi-finals actually, but you get the idea).
Sphinx's Revelation and Elixir of Immortality are staples. Use 'em and you'll win games. Win by gaining life and boring your opponent to death. Patience is needed for Control, my good man. Also, Jace, Architect of Thought is a card draw engine.
For your sideboard, I'd throw in Nyx-Fleece Ram for sure. It's a good defender without Defender, and it can gain you quite a bit of life. You can cut back on the Deicide since you should have some extreme board wipe. I'd only want 1. You don't really want to change your shell all that much, even when sideboarding. And when you're making your sideboard, ask yourself: "What matches do I lose to?" Try to build around that idea and you'll be set.
August 10, 2014 11:21 p.m.
VioHazard1023 says... #8
@daegon766Wow! Very informative and helpful. A few of the cards you mentioned are definitely good. Unfortunately, they will rotate out soon but I will try to replace them when KoT comes out with similar cards. Until then, I will find a place for them. I will definitely add Elspeth to the main board once I get paid.
August 11, 2014 12:34 p.m.
Dont use Planar Cleansing , the Detention Sphere version is so much better.
August 11, 2014 1:29 p.m.
xxbackstepxx says... #10
Jace, Architect of Thought is a really good card in this deck. It provides good use against aggro/swarm decks and against control! Try to put 3-4 in. You can remove -2 Quicken, -1 Aetherling, -1 Divination to put 4 Jace's in your deck! For sideboard, maybe something like: Ratchet Bomb vs aggro, Jace, Memory Adapt as a one off is pretty good too vs slow decks ! Hope I helped a little :)
August 11, 2014 1:33 p.m.
It's a matter of personal preference and what is currently used in your meta. D-Sphere is a target for Banishing Light and Abrupt Decay - two of the best removal spells in the current format.
I'm not saying it's a bad build, but Sphere has become sideboard worthy at best nowadays.
August 11, 2014 1:44 p.m.
The reason I think he should use Planar Cleansing instead of Detention Sphere is that enchantment destruction is pretty common in standard right now, and when the enchantment is destroyed the exiled cards is return to play. Unless countered by blue, Planar Cleansing is permanent and pretty much unstoppable.
NerdPounder says... #1
Azorius Charm is really versatile, and if you want to make it a little more competitive, try Supreme Verdict =)
August 6, 2014 7:27 p.m.