birdman412 says... #2
Thanks for the comment and +1! I took a quick look at your deck and I really like what you have. The low cost instants are very good, I'd never seen Dawn Charm before and I may try adding it to this deck. Silence is probably one of my favorite cards in magic, I'm testing out my deck with it right now as well. Having that imprint on Isochron Scepter makes me want to make your deck haha.
I think our decks are slightly different though. You make use of returning creatures to your hand, which is a good tactic but I don't like it because it's too slow. I've tried to speed that up through use of Ghostly Flicker and Ghostway - these allow me to essentially play at least two creatures for only 3CMC. True, one of them is usually the Archaeomancer but it gives me options at least.
The use of Stonehorn Dignitary is slow, but not by too much. I've usually been able to keep myself above 10 life before I get him out, and at that point either you're going to lose with this deck anyway or you should be able to shut them down. Also, he's not my only deterrent. Both Wall of Hope and Blade Splicer make pretty good walls.
Kitchen Finks is not a card I've looked at too closely, I've always considered Lone Missionary superior in this case because of additional lifegain and lower CMC. I'll try them out instead, it would be good having a bigger creature out. Snapcaster Mage i've tried and while he is cheap, i don't like losing my spells.
Remand may be a bit overrated, I like it but late game it's just a 2CMC cycle.
Anyway, thanks again for the advice and the +1!
January 20, 2014 10:03 p.m.
I would definitely consider replacing the Mana Leak s and Remand s with Familiar's Ruse s; I've certainly found it to be very potent in this kind of deck.
I would also suggest adding another land or two. In my experience flickering is a pretty mana-hungry strategy because you typically always want to have at least one mana open to be able to Cloudshift in response to removal. Plus, AEtherling pretty much requires 7 mana to even be cast.
April 29, 2014 5:19 p.m.
birdman412 says... #4
I like the card draw that comes with Remand , it's a great early game play. I have been finding Mana Leak to be lackluster though, I'll probably swap that out for Familiar's Ruse . Thanks for the suggestion!
Xsavior says... #1
Hi,+1 to your deck.. :D
your deck is rather similar to mine actually. You can check mine and see what suggestions you can give me too and I will try to do the same for you as well. My deck link is U/W control lockdown creature deck.
Of course mine is also just drawn up here but I do intend to take it to local shops and try out my own deck at a local tournament so any suggestions given will be great too.
Regarding your deck,I was trying my deck today as well and testing Stonehorn Dignitary today as well against a Norin sisters deck and as well as against a white aggro creature deck ( specifically speaking is a knight theme deck) and both are also tournament players as well. I actually somehow find stonehorn to be a bit slow. True that the forcing opponent's to miss their combat phase seems nice but against them, the missing of combat's phase actually doesn't seems to hurt that much even against the white aggro deck.
I will suggest you switch out Remand as well. I was trying out that initially as well too but I realize that the card is somewhat overrated. True the draw card ability is nice but it doesn't hurt the opponent that much especially if they are a low cmc deck while control deck like us generally tend to have higher cmc.
For Archaeomancer , if you are going to upgrade your deck at the end, I guess Snapcaster Mage will be a nice choice. Kitchen Finks is also another a great choice for flickering as well. I wanted to put snapcaster into my deck as well but due to the cost, I settle for kitchen finks to test first.
But i will need to do more testing with my deck to see how effective it is at shutting down aggro deck and I will like to know how your deck fares as well so that I can see how I can improve my own deck as well. Cheers! :)
January 20, 2014 3:32 p.m.