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After running Mono-U for quite a while I've come to the conclusion that we need to be splashing a color for problematic holes in our fundamental strategy (no lifegain, weakness to Gods/Weapons... etc).

White and Black seemed to be the only legitimate options and Detention Sphere seemed so much better than anything else so I went with white. Daxos of Meletis really helps this deck be what it wants to be, a Tempo deck.

We're a bit heavy on 3-drops but in case we cant make the UUU commitment for Nightveil Specter, we have 2 other viable options in Thassa, God of the Sea and Daxos of Meletis.

Put their attacking creature on top with your Azorius Charms and get rid of them with Daxos/Nightveil is ideal.

I'm toying around with the idea of making the sideboard a complete transformation to U/W control (adding Supreme Verdicts, AEtherlings and Sphinx's Revelations) but we'll see if that's worth it.

Any suggestions are much appreciated. I'm not sure if the mana is right or if this deck will succeed but I'll keep everyone posted.

Detention Sphere replaces Rapid Hybridization very effectively and gives us +1U for devotion taboot.I lowered the count of Frostburn Weird and took a Cloudfin Raptor out instead of a Judge's Familiar to help us hit our drops consistently.


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First game was against Rakdos Aggro He opened by thoughtseizing my Thassa and I topdecked another one. Took 8 damage before I stabilized with Tidebinder Mages and Thassa + Jace. Game 2 went pretty much the same. The lifelink from Azorius Charm really helped me stay in these games where mono U would just fall too far into burn range and die. I was very happy with that aspect of the charm in this game. Daxos got boarded out as most-if-not-all of his creatures are 3 or less power. 2-0

Round 2: Janky White Lifegain/Aggro? I don't know how this deck got passed round 1 in a 50 man FNM but apparently it did. Was running a lot of Brave, Precinct Captain, Fiendslayer and Soldier of the Pantheon etc.... but also has some really janky cards like Path of Bravery, Devout Invocation and Soul Tithe!?!? ROFLStomped this guy pretty easily. In game 2 my Cloudfin Raptor grew to be a 4/5 and I was pretty proud of that. :) 4-0

Round 3: Mono Black Devotion Game 1 -- Topdeck war after I landed threats and he removed them. I was able to stick a Bident of Thassa that he couldn't deal with and he hadn't drawn underworld connections yet so I was pulling ahead. I drew a Thassa but didn't have her devotion. Next turn I had a D-Sphere and a Daxos, so i gave his nightveil a months detention. Landed Daxos and started swinging away at his deck (while drawing cards from Thassa+Bident and keeping his creatures locked down)

Game 2 - After boarding I felt like this was in the bag but he nut drew into the ultimate Grey Merchant Hand and just trounced me before I could do much of anything.

Game 3 - I had better board position and he was on the Pack Rat plan eating up his whole hand. I didn't think I was going to be able to pull it off but I got a Nykthos off the top of HIS deck once he made his rats into 3/3's with Daxos and then overloaded Cyclonic Rift. Game over. Best game of the night. 6-1

Round 4: G/R Ramp Game 1: I kept him off of Nykthos with my D-Sphere's while adding devotion to mine. Polukranos is a huge pain in the ass and I was able to deal with him one way or another all games so that made me happy. I won from the unstoppable card drawing engine of Thassa+Jace+Bident.

Game 2: Sided out Jace as his +1 is no good here. Brought in Domestication and it proved to be a total winner. He landed a Polukranos and I was able to Domesticate it before he could monstrous it for a billion and wipe me. Daxos was an absolute all-star in this matchup as most of his creatures are over 3 power except Voice and Scooze and I D-Sphered voice whenever possible and pressured him to grow his Scooze out of blocking range by endangering the life total. Daxos hit a Sylvan Caryatid and an obscene amount of Loxodon Smiter's that I Charmed to the top then hit with him next turn.

8-1 for the night. Pretty nice. Dodged Esper all night but we'll see if Tuesday's free Standard holds some Esper matchups.

I might take the guildgates out and replace them with plains as it's really frustrating to be playing with 1-drops on turn 2 when everyone else is playing with 2's and 3's. I really don't need to be hitting a plains until turn 2-3 anyway.


Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 0 Mythic Rares

19 - 8 Rares

7 - 3 Uncommons

10 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.64
Tokens Elemental 1/0 U
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