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Azorius Elixir Control

Modern Competitive Control WU (Azorius)



I have read many articles saying control is dead in modern. I say "challenge accepted" to that. I have been playing this draw go UW control deck for the past two years and I have slowly tweaked my list to this one I have now. This is the original list that I played back at states in 2015 and I got a top 8 result.

The reason I chose UW and no third color is because the mana allows me access to more basics to fight blood moon decks and also lets me have more colorless lands like Ghost Quarter and Academy Ruins which help out in a lot of matchups.

Academy Ruins Engineered Explosives Oblivion Stone -

Academy Ruins I feel is very much underplayed in modern. I originally put this is my deck to protect my Elixir of Immortality from discard. After a few years of playing control I have found that being able to recur a Engineered Explosives is lights out verse many decks. After doing that combination, I decided to test out Oblivion Stone and found that it was better than I thought. It is not that great verse hyper aggressive strategies, but decks like lantern and eldrazi it really shines.


This one is to have a main deck way to stop storm. Stifle the storm trigger is great, also it could stop a ultimate of a planeswalker.


I am testing out this one because I took out the Detention Spheres because of Oblivion Stone. It is a very versatile counter/removal. Also the memory portion is great verse lantern decks so you can hopefully draw your EE or O-stone off the 7 new cards.

Supreme Will

I cut Mana Leak because it was horrible late game and horrible with Elixir of Immortality. This has great late game value and really great to have on the early turns for a counter.

Thirst for Knowledge

This is really great for a turn 3 dig to find your Supreme Verdicts. It also is great to clean up your hand for the variety of match ups modern has, you get to discard all your dead cards and hopefully draw the correct answers.

Please +1 if you like it. Let me know what you think about the state of control in modern or if there is any questions about the deck about match ups or how it plays or card choices. Or let me know what you would do differently. Thanks!


Updates Add

Just got married this summer, so that has made it hard to find time to play. But there are a lot of new cards that I am excited to try out soon. Search for Azcanta  Flip seems like an amazing addition to the deck. I also want to try out my new side board plan with a single Whir of Invention to search on my hate artifacts for certain matchups.

Hopefully in the next month or so I can post some more modern LGS results!


Revision 5 See all

(7 years ago)

+1 Commit / Memory main
-2 Compulsive Research main
-1 Cryptic Command *list* main
+1 Disallow main
+1 Elspeth, Sun's Champion main
-2 Ethersworn Canonist side
+1 Pithing Needle side
+2 Search for Azcanta  Flip main
-1 Sphinx's Revelation main
-1 Supreme Verdict main
+1 Supreme Will main
+2 Thirst for Knowledge main
-2 Vendilion Clique side
+1 Whir of Invention side
+1 Wrath of God main
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #38 position overall 7 years ago
Date added 8 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 3 Mythic Rares

28 - 7 Rares

17 - 3 Uncommons

5 - 2 Commons

Cards 61
Avg. CMC 2.75
Tokens Emblem Elspeth, Sun's Champion, Emblem Gideon of the Trials, Soldier 1/1 W
Folders Modern Cool Stuff, Expensive Modern Decks
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