*This list currently displays my current standard deck as it is. Cards may change from time to time as I receive the other cards I feel I need for this deck.
Main Rant: After shedding a few tears of my Solar Shriek deck finally becoming a memory of what used to be something I used to play, I participated in 2 awesome sealed events at Eastside Games. That means for 13+ hours, I was playing, breathing, eating, pooping Magic in a game shop (lol). Aside from being in a big, hot room filled with 30+ excited people who were also sweating, farting, and carrying on as I was, I do have to say this: I had the most fun I've ever had while playing Magic in the past 3 years since I came back to the game.
After the very 1st few games, I concluded that the articles online were false on the note of Rakdos dominance. I was detaining like crazy, drawing cards for the upper hand, and swinging at the open paths for the win. Meanwhile, Rakdos players flopped hard and ended up dropping before the events were even over. With that being said, I played in both events as Azorius for both the love of U/W and the opportunity of acquiring these awesome cards for my future standard deck.
Tech Rant: My initial intent was to build a U/W Control deck with the combination of the Innistrad Block and the new RtRavnica set since the Scars Block is rotating out at the end of this week. After I got home and threw together my deck and a few play-tests, I came to the conclusion that a heavy mixture between detain and exile-type removal was a bit much and I had too many dead cards. Oblivion Ring became a card I began to take out by each tweak-session. I eventually just took O-ring out altogether since it was just not working to my advantage. The more I tweaked, the more it became a control-aggro type deck, similar to R/G Rancor Bonfire & U/W Delver; however, the control theme in this deck puts the new ability Detain to work.
The idea is to make a path for the damage and hold down things that can get out of hand- both of which rely on "Detain". It also keeps your opponent on his toes because of combat tricks and the occasional use of board wipes to tone down your opponents battlefield, keeping you on the advantage constantly since you can build back up quicly. Depending on the draw, sometimes you'll have to take a few damage while you build your hand, but it usually doesn't take long for things to go from "0 to stupid" in just a few turns.
Closing: So that's it, I've built a U/W aggro-control deck that doesn't use that annoying Delver of Secrets
guy. Until I figure out a new full-on control deck with the new cards, this is what I'll be rocking at the local standards. So my question is... wtf are you guys playing? lol
Drop me comments, suggestions, and/or leave a link to your new standard decklist. Peace!