Trying to make UW Glittering Wish as viable as possible in a semi competitive scene at least for FNM. I think its a fun deck and has a more viable shell than ever with cards like Ice-Fang, Uro, and Astrolabe. I am really interested in your feedback to make this shell as efficient as possible without sacrificing the core of what I am trying to do. Cuts and additions are more than welcome and if you feel I am missing any answers to big meta decks let me know!
Goal: I want this wish deck to provide silver bullet answers from the sideboard rather than find a combo piece. I like that it can cut down on the number of verdicts, put big tef straight to the side, and free up more main board slots while still having potentially more consistent access to these types of cards via Glittering Wish. As you notice it does splash black and at least for the time being I would like to keep it this way for now. One last thing is that I do not want only multi colored gimmick cards in the side. I need to be able to side in regular good sideboard cards and am aiming for 8-11 multi colored to grab with glittering wish.
Sideboard Gameplan and Glittering Wish Answers
Burn- Kaya's Guile, Timeley Reinforcements (Lifegain/ creature removal/ blockers plus URO in the main)
Storm/Combo decks- Meddling Mage, Unmoored ego
Tron- Early unmoored ego supported by 4 field of ruin in main, geist of saint traft for aggressing
Dredge/grave decks- Wheel of sun and moon (fetchable) and Kaya's guile/Ashiok for immediate grave removal
Control mirrior- Thrun the last troll, dovin's veto, giest of saint traft, veil of summer plus little tef in main
Jund- really unsure how to beat jund without sigarda to be honest (my concerns listen in "sideboard concerns" further in post)
titan decks- Unmoored ego supported by 4 copies of field of ruin
Creature aggro- fetchable supreme verdict
stoneblade- Not sure the right answers for this deck
Mainboard Concerns: -
Narset or search for azcanta for Uro fuel?
-3 copies of Teferi time raveler or less? I like casting glittering wish at instant speed. He is also a great card to side out and still have access to via glittering wish if needed
-Is engineered explosives mainboard worthy with consistent 4 color potential?
-Do I drop Narset and just run 3 jace?
-Should I bump to 3 copies of Snapcaster? fear is exiling Uro fuel and is it necessary?
Sideboard Concerns: -
Thrun the last troll is great vs. control and seems to be a big flex slot to replace with something else
-Should I put in fracturing gust? It seems real good but no other UWG control decks (without glittering wish) seem to care about artifacts and enchantment hate so maybe I shouldn't either?
-Cant decide if Dovin's veto is worth a slot with 10 counters in the main and so many potential cards with G-Wish
-Sigarda, Host of Herons seems good vs. Jund but not sure if I will even get the chance to play it considering it can get thought seized after I fetch it. Deck seems weak vs Jund in general without it. Should I include? Maybe I am overthinking and can protect this with counter spells. I am just used to my hand getting obliterated.
-If I include Sigarda it seems wasteful to include another beat stick with colonnade and Uro. Only seems worth it for Jund.
-Do I run Engineered Explosives in the side?