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U/W God-Pharoah's Fleet of Fraying Sanity

Standard Mill WU (Azorius)




Creature (1)

Enchantment (1)

This deck is based on an idea I've had for a little while. I saw the interaction between Fraying Sanity and Fleet Swallower. But it was always too slow to be viable. Then I thought, if I can cheat it out for free with God-Pharaoh's Gift, it might drop down to a 4/4, but it still gets it's ability to trigger and will have haste. The idea is to get Fraying Sanity and mill yourself to get creatures in the graveyard, so that you can fuel Gate to the Afterlife and get God-Pharaoh's Gift onto the board. This is my 1st run at this deck and would love for any constructive input on how I can improve it, especially with the mana base. Thanks!

With the addition of Refurbish this could potentially give you a turn 4 win.

T1 - Land, Minister of Inquiries T2 - Land, Compelling Argument, Mill self with Minister of Inquiries T3 - Land, Fraying Sanity on opponent, Mill self with Minister of Inquiries T4 - Land, If you have God-Pharaoh's Gift and Fleet Swallower in the graveyard at this point, cast Refurbish before combat to bring back GPG, use it's ability to bring back Fleet Swallower and attack with it

Granted, this is only if there's no disruption, and you have to mill yourself perfectly, but by T4, you've already milled yourself 9 cards, so there's a good chance you'll get what you need in the graveyard.


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Date added 7 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

24 - 6 Rares

14 - 7 Uncommons

12 - 2 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.26
Tokens Champion of Wits 4/4 B, Copy Clone, Energy Reserve, Sacred Cat 1/1 W
Folders Control mill
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