UW Hallelujah

Standard Paulyc1186


senhor114 says... #1

Think Twice is the best instant draw spell in the game. Rain of Blades is a terrible card. Should not even be sideboarded. It really does nothing for you. Again you dont need to run green for Noxious Revival it messes up your mana. And whats the point of running Ponder if you can't Think Twice into it on the opponents turn when you play most of your spells. Point of miracles are to play them on the opponents turn. Again Batterskull is an awesome card but does nothing for this deck it is waste of mana, def take it out. If you wanna run green run two Forest and 4 Evolving Wilds . Your side board needs to run Geist of Saint Traft 2-3. Thought Scour is ok since it is a win con with Tamiyo, the Moon Sage but not running Think Twice makes it bad and it can mill away the card you need. Think Twice if it doesnt work for you then your not playing the miracles the right way. You can Noxious Revival on their turn and then draw Terminus with Think Twice and that is all on their turn. Ponder does nothing to help you with that.

July 30, 2012 9:42 p.m.

Paulyc1186 says... #2

senhor114: Ok! I played with you deck a little bit amd I admit, the Think Twice s work really well. I still really like the synergy between Thought Scour and Noxious Revival so I don't really want to take any of them out but I've had what could be an epiphany! First of all the Timely Reinforcements are definitely going in my sideboard. I'll pull them out when I face up against a aggro/beat down deck. Now this next part may sound crazy but what do you think about Index instead of Ponder ? Now before you answer hear me out. I know that Ponder is, no question, the better card in MOST decks. The draw means you can stack your deck and still not lose any card advantage. In a deck that relies so much on not only WHAT you draw but also WHEN you draw I think digging five down insted of three is a huge advantage. Also, I feel that the lack of card draw actually works in our favor so you can stack the deck and then draw when it is more convenient to you with either a Think Twice or a Thought Scour (if you include the flashback I have potentially 12 draw spells). So, long story short:-3 Timely Reinforcements -4 Ponder +4 Think Twice +3 Index

What do you think?

July 31, 2012 8:12 p.m.

Paulyc1186 says... #3

I like Think Twice but the deck needs to be able to deal with an aggressive format so I'm sideboarding them and will bring them out against slower control decks. I found that I am pulling Timely Reinforcements out of my sideboard almost every match so I'm gonna main-deck them instead of Think Twice . I still am not sure if I like Ponder or Index better. I'm leaning towards Index but will have to play some more with them. What do you guys think? Do you agree with my decisions or do you have some other ideas that I haven't tried yet?

August 9, 2012 12:33 a.m.

yummynbeefy says... #4

id drop an entreat the angels, 4 just feels like it would clog up the hand too much, and instead of feeling of dread, i would run some other spell that kills creatures, i would like two Tamiyo, the moon sage over feelings of dread, i would rather run things that remove the threats instead of tapping them, so i would perhaps run some card draw, hows 2x sphinx's revelation

October 5, 2012 1:25 a.m.

yummynbeefy says... #5

i would also max out on detention spheres, because the card is nuts this format

October 5, 2012 1:26 a.m.

yummynbeefy says... #6

nevermind you have 2 tamiyo >.< im a moron

October 5, 2012 1:27 a.m.

Paulyc1186 says... #7

I really like Feeling of Dread they have been absolute knock-outs in playtesting. I think it would be hard to find an alternative to them. They are cheap to cast, can shut down not one, but two threats and then can flashback the next turn. If I can get two in my opening hand it almost guarantees that I can stall my opponent until the fifth turn when I can start brining out my threats. I looked at card:Sphinx's Revelation but I only want to draw one card per turn or else I run the risk of wasting a miricle. You do have a good point about the Detention Sphere and Entreat the Angels . I'm gonna try swapping out an angel for a sphere and see how that works. Thanks for the input!

October 6, 2012 4:16 a.m.

yummynbeefy says... #8

no problem man, what are you planning on siding by the way

October 6, 2012 12:14 p.m.

Paulyc1186 says... #9

No idea. I suck at building sideboards. I usually try to playtest against a bunch of decks and see where the bad matchups are. So far the mirror match is pretty rough so against control I was thinking adding Jace, Memory Adept . Vs control the games go long and Jace adds an element of inevitability. Other than that I don't really have any ideas. What would you recommend?

October 6, 2012 12:56 p.m.

archerylizard says... #10

I strongly advise you to take out index, there is a reason why it's not played in standard. the same goes for arctic aven. one of the things that more resent miracle decks have been doing is splashing red for pillar of flame and desolate lighthouse. you may want to check out the winning list from the starcity games open in Cincinnati.

October 8, 2012 1:58 p.m.

Paulyc1186 says... #11

So I played around with the winning deck from Cincinnati and got some great ideas from it. I like Jace, Architect of Thought against control. The card advantage from his -2 ability is great in the long game. I also like Syncopate afor it's versatility I'm gonna run a playset and try them out. I don't like all the work that is put in to splash red for one card. It's a good card but but realistically the money it would take to get all the duel lands to splash red is not worth it. I also disagree that index is not playable. One thing I think that my deck does better than the winning deck is that, with Index I'm able to cast most of my miricles for their their miricle cost (3 angels for the price of 1). I know it doesn't have a can-trip but that means I don't have to worry about drawing a miricle on my second draw of the turn plus when I know what's on top of my library I can tap out for a think twice on my opponent's end-step without worrying about pulling a miricle I can't afford to cast. I does a lot more for this deck than people give it credit for.

October 12, 2012 12:01 p.m.

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