Who remembers when
was an actual win condition? Yeah, Its happening.
[1 / 4 / 14 UPDATE:, New Decklist, New Game plan]
Previously, this deck was suited strictly to grind out each and every game. I would play a handful of counterspells, some mild disruption, and things to take care of the opposition, then eventually get
out and eventually pepper them down. Granted, that's still the plan, but I now have the ability to flip the a couple of switches, depending on how I feel during that game. Am I getting bored? Do I need to pee? Do I want to go over and get a sandwich? If any of these situations are true, I can at any point end the game. Through the course of the game, I'll tend to have Sphinx's Revelation just piling up in my hand. While others see this as a way to gain incremental life while keeping up counter magic for other things, I just don't give any faks, and cast it for 15. This is, if I understand statistics, very likely to net me a second revelation to play. I'll also have a ton of cards to discard at the end of my turn after all of these revelations. Elixir of Immortality can certainly get them back for me, but i'd much rather pull out the old Fling what is Psychic Spiral and win the game. Remember, i've been peppering them with
Codex Shredder
, so it's a pretty easy feat.
Other ways to win include Mainboard
Ascended Lawmage
to fly over all sorts of everybody and beat down for 3 every turn, or Elspeth, Sun's Champion summoning tokens on tokens on tokens.
Sideboard plans:
Playing Aggro?+1 Essence Scatter -1 Negate
Playing control?+1 Negate -1 Essence Scatter
Mono red +3
Last Breath
Fiendslayer Paladin
Ascended Lawmage
-2 Cancel -2 Syncopate -1
Mono Blue
Solemn Offering
Stymied Hopes
-2 Syncopate -1 Divination -1
Ascended Lawmage
-2 Cancel
Mono Black
Solemn Offering
Last Breath
(Opt.) +1
Ascended Lawmage
(Opt.)-2 Syncopate -1 Supreme Verdict -1
Ascended Lawmage
(Opt.) -2 Cancel (Opt.)
The Mirror
Ascended Lawmage
Solemn Offering
-2 Syncopate -3 Supreme Verdict -2 Celestial Flare
Give it a +1 if you liked it, and if you didn't, tell me why in the comments! Thanks!