UW Miracles

Standard* Shane


TyminPatience says... #1

have you playtested against control yet?

May 20, 2012 5:28 p.m.

Shane says... #2

Yes, i lost 3-2 againt my esper planeswalkers deck. Won games 1 and 2. The rest i gottorn apart by surgical extraction.

I went 3-0 against bug infect, 3-1 against hippo blade, 3-2 against my gw deck, 3-1 against a ug turbofog mill. I've lost 3-2 to my gw deck also. (note: I like to test my decks best of 5. Gives mea better idea of how mydeck played.)

Also against turbofog, lost game 1 pretty bad. Won all the rest though because he kept playing that green enchantment that allows players to draw an additional card and play an extra land. I told him to side it out because it gave me a huge advantage. He didn't listen.

May 20, 2012 6:19 p.m.

TyminPatience says... #3

You should try and playtest a solar flare build, i just recently watched a match between someone with a very similar build to yours. And the sun titan and liliana gave your deck trouble. So i might put a surgical in your sideboard or two

May 20, 2012 7:58 p.m.

Shane says... #4

Just did some more playtesting against my esper planeswalker deck. Won game 1 with 4 cards left in my deck. Lost game 2 by drawing out, and Surgical ExtractionMTG Card: Surgical Extraction. I stopped there to edit my deck. Gonna add 1 Archangel's LightMTG Card: Archangel's Light to the sideboard for the control matchup because it lasts so long. Also gonna swap PonderMTG Card: Ponder with Noxious Revival MTG Card: Noxious Revival and add 2 forests. With noxious revival I can set up miracles better and protect against surgical extraction. I'll let u guys know how it runs.

May 20, 2012 10:29 p.m.

Shane says... #5

Epic 3-1 loss against havengull combo deck. Only win due to mana problems. Gonna add 1 Purify the GraveMTG Card: Purify the Grave to stop graveyard shinanegins. Also gonna mainboard 1 DissipateMTG Card: Dissipate. And instead of Archangel's LightMTG Card: Archangel's Light I'm gonna use 2 Memory's JourneyMTG Card: Memory's Journey to also help against Surgical ExtractionMTG Card: Surgical Extraction.

Let me know if u think I'm making mistakes or if u see problems with the deck. Thanks

May 21, 2012 5:13 a.m.

Shane says... #6

If u guys would, please playtest this against some of your decks. Let me know what u used and how it went. Thanks.

May 21, 2012 7:34 p.m.

TyminPatience says... #7

You need a solution for ratchet bomb

May 22, 2012 12:54 p.m.

Shane says... #8

My solution for ratchet bomb is wait for the rotation. Lol against ratchet bomb I bring in the mana leaks, divine offerings, and snapcaster mages. It's not a big problem for me since my LGS is filled with every vairiation of token decks. So they don't run ratchet bomb.

May 22, 2012 1:49 p.m.

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