U/W Spirit Token Overrun

Modern Mercyx21


Feb. 14, 2012

Added 4x Mask of Avacyn to help protect Suture Priest and Drogskol Captain from getting burned/destroyed.

Also threw back in 4x Doomed Traveler

Sytharos says... #1

Might want to throw in 4 Saving GraspMTG Card: Saving Grasps if you're going to focus on the Geist-Honored MonkMTG Card: Geist-Honored Monk. If you're going the life gain route, might want to just switch out the Monks for Elgaud InquisitorMTG Card: Elgaud Inquisitor for additional life gain.

I also feel like 4 Midnight HauntingMTG Card: Midnight Hauntings would be a good idea if you're going to have a relatively low amount of regular creatures, you know?

(Just to cross-link for additional bonus points, this is a response to Mercy's response to my deck Endless Tokens.

February 6, 2012 2:59 p.m.

Sytharos says... #2

Also, no Doomed TravelerMTG Card: Doomed Traveler?

February 6, 2012 3:01 p.m.

Mercyx21 says... #3

Would the swap for Elgaud InquisitorMTG Card: Elgaud Inquisitor be a little better than Geist-Honored MonkMTG Card: Geist-Honored Monk ?

I'm not sure what I can take out to put Doomed TravelerMTG Card: Doomed Traveler in, unless I plan on going over 60 cards.

Let me know what you think.

February 6, 2012 9:43 p.m.