Last night at FNM I went 3-1-1 with this deck (finishing the higher than I normal do, which was nice).
Round 1: vs. Naya Pod 1-2
Game 1: I won by stalling out with Stonehorn Dignitary and Venser, the Sojourner
(in other words, my deck worked correctly). We both had a major misplay, which was rather unfortunate (I forgot to bounce Stonehorn one turn, and he misplayed when he tried to take advantage of my misplay).
Game 2: I mulled to 4, and got nothing, so we just went to game 3.
Game 3: I couldn't keep up with his deck, and I didn't draw into what I needed.
Round 2: vs Red/Black Pauper 2-0 (I think the guy was new to Magic, I didn't feel good about beating him)
Game 1: He did some nice early damage, but he couldn't keep up with the damage and lifegain from Batterskull.
Game 2: I drew all my Celestial Purges and dropped Venser's Emblem... He didn't scoop until I swung for lethal (which took awhile >.>)
Round 3: vs. Esper Control 1-1-1
Game 1: I got milled out pretty hard. And most of my mainboard is trash against control, so there wasn't much I could do.
Game 2: Brought in both Jace, Memory Adepts, which won me the game. I played a Jace, she had to use her's to kill off my Jace, then I top-decked my second one. I took the game through mill (she was really surprised to see that I side into Jace, since that is more of a traditional control style of play).
Game 3: We went to time. However, there was some pretty epic stuff in this game: I played Jace, Memory Adept, milled for 10. She played Volition Reins on my Jace, milled me for 10. I played Karn Liberated, exiling Volition Reins and getting my Jace back, then milling for 10. I could have won this, but she had an army of Spirits so Jace didn't stick around long. All in all, a very fun game.
Round 4: vs. Blue Black Zombies 2-1 (it was a bit of a budget deck)
Game 1: Kept a poor hand. He just kept throwing creatures at me, like Zombies love to do. I think I got a Batterskull out, but he dropped Geth's Verdict, so that didn't help much.
Game 2: Everything went well for me. I got my Celestial Purges, I got creatures, and plenty of lifegain. Not much else to say.
Game 3: It was a strange game for me, since I was the aggressor for most of the game. He had an army of zombies with Diregraf Captain and Mikaeus, the Unhallowed out, so they had some great buffs. But, I had two Batterskulls (with both Germ tokens) and Venser, the Sojourner
out. I ended up using Venser's -1 several turns in a row (first time I've ever needed to use that ability). He couldn't put in enough damage or stop me from attacking.
Round 5: vs. Werewolves 2-1
Game 1: It was brutal. I lost on turn 4, he had an incredible hand.
Game 2: I was able to stall out between a couple Stonehorn Dignitarys, Day of Judgments, and Ratchet Bombs. He wasn't playing many creatures though, so none of the board wipes were particularly effective, but slowed the game down enough for me to take over. I ended up almost milling myself, but got the game with 12 cards left in my library.
Game 3: Similar to game 2, I kept the board empty until I took control. This time with Venser, the Sojourner
and Drogskol Reaver. Eventually I dropped Venser's Emblem and was able to win.
Over all, the deck did pretty well (though game 2 was against someone relatively unfamiliar with the game). I had a few big misplays, but was able to make up for it most of the time. Anyway, thanks for reading!