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UWr - Cloudmerican Midrange

Modern Midrange Tempo




Instant (2)

Unknown (4)

  • 4x zealous conscript

This deck is an alternative to the more common UWr Midrange decks (American Midrange), popularized in the Modern format in the past few months and even winning several tournaments (e.g. American Midrange by Mitchell Manders, 1st Place @ 2013 Grand Prix Bilbao). As a regular Midrange deck, this deck uses several gimmicks to gain more turns until you are capable to summon a HUGE creature and finish the game.

Usually this deck uses 5 types of creatures, Aven Mindcensor, Geist of Saint Traft, Snapcaster Mage, Thundermaw Hellkite and Vendilion Clique. I'm not saying these creatures aren't good or don't do the job, this is not the case, however some of them are not affordable for people who doesn't play tournaments, and some others are even impossible to find in any store (e.g. Remand). The other point is that these creatures doesn't seem to have as much synergy as the ones I chose.

So my idea for this deck is, of course keep the "tempo" aspect, but also make all the creatures to work together and against the adversary. For starters, Vexing Devil will do the job of hitting for 4 in the first turn or even worst if it hits the battlefield. The 2 drop is of course Snapcaster Mage being a resourceful card, specially in a deck based in instants, a must have. The 3 drops are Fiend Hunter due his great way to stop attackers and fatties and Kitchen Finks, once it is the typical "annoying creature". Finally the fatty is Sun Titan, once it brings back any creature from the graveyard making them activate their own trigger abilities.

For the instants I kept burns Lightning Bolt and Lightning Helix getting time in the early game and hitting the last points in the end game. I also kept the control perspective with Mana Leak and Negate (due a lack of Hindering Light in any store in Brazil).

Finally the last instant and also the reason of this deck's name, Cloudshift, this card is a great bounce complement for all creatures, reactivating their abilities and also protecting them from several threats (e.g. Terminate and friends), and also giving more utility to an on field Snapcaster Mage, basically a cheaper version and somehow more useful version of Restoration Angel.



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Right now I'm not sure how Vexing Devil will behave against other decks, once this card usually don't enter the battlefield due it's presure in the early game. A solution for this might be Keldon Marauders, but again I need to test it against other decks.


Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

14 - 4 Rares

18 - 3 Uncommons

16 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.22
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