UWR Delver list that I've come up with, featuring
Lightning Angel
Straightforward game plan - you're a tempo deck. Establish speed and rack up damage while slowing your opponent's game plan and eventually mow them over. Remand slows your opponent down a whole turn and cantrips, while Trickbind is awesome for countering fetches, Snapcasters, Restoration Angels... well, anything. Vapor Snag ensures that Geist of Saint Traft can get in unblocked, and Lightning Bolt and Lightning Helix are there to either kill something or to get that last bit of damage in.
Lightning Angel
is simply amazing in playtesting. She dodges Bolt, almost always connects for at least three damage, and stays untapped to block opposing creatures with her bulky four toughness.
Judge's Familiar is a great tempo card in itself, slowing the opponent by a turn when played early on, and requires them to manage their mana to get around it. Leonin Arbiter further provides fetch hate, and combos very well with Path to Exile. The deck only plays two PTE, because in the early game, giving my opponent lands is especially bad when my game plan is to slow them down.
The sideboard needs a little help. Boros Charm is a great option against control decks, and can also be used to smack them in the face for a ton of damage (double strike on the Geist angel? Yes please!), but its main purpose is a wrath answer. Izzet Staticaster takes care of tokens, opposing Thalias, and more. Detention Sphere is great all-around removal for anything that could be slowing the deck down. Supreme Verdict is in the board against decks like zoo and affinity (Hatebears too, without Gaddock Teeg). Relic of Progenitus is standard graveyard hate. Wear / Tear provides even more answers to any threats of that nature, such as opposing Oblivion Rings, D-Spheres, and more. Finally, we have Thalia, Guardian of Thraben against control decks to really screw their mana.
Gimme your feedback, and let me know what I can do to make the deck better!