i dont think you need 3x Ghost Quarter in the main. 2 in your 75 is enough against tron. not sure what you are planning to bring Lingering Souls against. I would cut them and add 2 Crumble to Dust. As a control / combo deck, your biggest challenges will be burn, affinity, tron, twin. Twin you can possibly just beat out right with the main board, but tron and affinity may give problems. I am assuming you have the 2 Counterflux for storm? you really only need 1 for it. Keranos, God of Storms is also an amazing finisher against other control decks. instead of logic knot, i like Spell Pierce. you need a basic Swamp in the list also, just in case of Blood Moon. its not the same cmc but Ojutai's Command is a solid piece instead of Izzet Charm
November 11, 2015 2:09 p.m.
Wizard_of_the_Broke says... #3
On sideboard: I agree with most of the above comment, though I think Lingering Souls might help a lot of matchups - but so would Land destruction or Timely Reinforcements, which could be worth a look. I've never really seen Counterflux in action - I imagine it's useful against a few different combo decks - but it doesn't seem that much more useful than a plain old Mana Leak. I would add a second Anger of the Gods to the sideboard (or Volcanic Fallout), or maybe 1-2 Pyroclasm. In fact, those cards are so powerful (and good in some of your bad matchups), I think it's crazy to be running red in control and only have 1 in the side.
As for replacing Izzet Charm: The most obvious thing your mainboard lacks is deck manipulation, apart from Gifts, which you really need to find to win. And you have no way of filtering cards in a 25-land setup, which might be an occasional problem. Since you probably don't want to make room for a bunch of cantrips, might I suggest 1-2 Merchant Scroll. It gets you Gifts, Cryptic Command, Electrolyze, Remand or Mana Leak. You might also consider 1X sideboard AEtherize if you go with Scroll. I think as your deck stands you're pretty much forced to try and win the game with gifts much of the time- I think Scroll gives you the flexibility to use Gifts to hose the opponent more often, because it's like having more copies of Gifts. With only 4 Gifts in the deck, when you have to use it to get a boardwipe in a bad matchup, you're also making it harder for you to win by using 1 of 4 Gifts. Scroll restores the ability to play Gifts in control mode and have it be an effective main wincon.
November 11, 2015 3:21 p.m.
MattTheNinja says... #5
Also, Story Circle is an amazing and under played sideboard card
November 11, 2015 3:46 p.m.
So why the Tasigur over more traditional gifts creatures? Also, maybe consider going 3 command. Could you elaborate a bit on your sideboard for me?
November 11, 2015 7:29 p.m.
the reason there is no iona or elesh norn is because i wanted to be able to gifts a combo that won outright. ive watched so many matches were a gifts player combos, and still looses. the tasigur is so i can gifts for tasigur, kiki jiki, resto angel, and unburial rites. tasigur is a back up plan. i wanted to use gifts for more of a card advantage card then a combo card and the kiki jiki resto angel rites and tasigur gets me card advantage, i get to get four cards instead of two. the counter flux is mostly for scapeshift and twin, leyline is for burn and also twin bec ause(i may be wrong) twin will try to just be a beat down burn deck game 2 and 3. lingering souls is for the junk and agro decks so i can have a steady stream of blockers. shadow of doubt is an all around card for things like other control decks so i can win the mana battle, dispel is also for control, twin, and scapeshift. i dont have tron hate because in untap.in, there is no tron. it is mostly creature decks and burn with the occasional junk and twin. izzet charm is just a removal plus counter spell, its there as an extra gifts piece.the 25 lands hasnt been a problem, its worked out good. if anything else needs cleared up let me know.
November 12, 2015 3:20 p.m.
i dont think of the deck as control combo but as a uwr control deck with gifts for value more than anything that can be used as a combo. the combo is more of a secondary thing when i need to just win outright once i have control, until then gifts is for value to get me card advantage and pull me ahead.
November 12, 2015 3:22 p.m.
also with blood moon, i dont have a swamp because black is only a light splash for two cards, and im not worried about blood moon because i have counter magic
November 12, 2015 3:24 p.m.
Well, considering the general gameplan that this deck seems to operate by, it looks a lot like a traditional Jeskai list. I'm curious why you chose to go the gifts package over a more proactive list. Recent U/W/R lists have been gravitating towards an ajani/narset backed-up burn list. Some lists still use the traditional Wall/Finks/Resto combo as well. Even Dragonlord Ojutai has made some appearances and Sun Titan pops up from time to time. Keranos is also a major player these days. Then there's some lists with Vendilion Cliques and so on. It just seems to me that you're going for a very roundabout way of edging to victory. Card for card, your list has less value than most other jeskai builds. That worries me a bit. The combo of a few wrath effects + Rev seems to work out really well. I personally play U/W midrange and it works in that archetype if you go a fairly creature light version.
November 12, 2015 4:02 p.m.
biggest reason i wanted to try this is i wanted to try something new. i played a more traditional gifts list and gifts felt really powerful and once i resolved one or two gifts, even without the combo, i was way ahead and just won.i used to play uwr control and i always had trouble closing out the games. i wanted a deck that just buried the opponent in card advantage while still "playing on their turn" i didnt like wall of omens or planeswalkers because i had to cast them on my turn. ive always liked draw go control but that type of control was not proactive enough, so i wanted to try gifts. maybe im wrong and this list is crap and i got lucky in the games i played, but its been fun to play.
November 12, 2015 8:29 p.m.
this is the deck i drew inspiration from
dont know if it helps
November 12, 2015 8:41 p.m.
Programmer_112 says... #13
I'm just not sure how your Gifts pile is any better than just Rites+Iona/Elesh
November 20, 2015 11:27 a.m.
i get more value from this type of pile, ive never liked iona because it dosnt affect the board and elesh norn can be removed. with this pile i get three creatures instead of just the one
November 20, 2015 11:29 a.m.
Iona doesn't affect the board?
Anyways, nice deck, +1. seems like it should work fine.
November 20, 2015 11:59 a.m.
Programmer_112 says... #16
The problem, I think, is that Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite and Iona, Shield of Emeria win the game on the spot against pretty much anything. Iona actually does affect the board, because it's a 7/7. If you Gifts for value, that's fine, but it seems like you really, really want to have the option of being unfair. Otherwise, you'll just die to Burn/Affinity/Zoo/Storm.
November 20, 2015 6:35 p.m.
i changed the sideboard to include iona and elesh norn.
November 20, 2015 10:26 p.m.
Programmer_112 says... #18
That sounds good. There are some matchups where neither is good, although those are incredibly rare, but most of the time, one of them wins the game on the spot.
November 21, 2015 1:49 p.m.
lemmingllama says... #19
I would cut the Sun Titan for a second Dragonlord Ojutai or Keranos, God of Storms. You don't have many permanents that actually can be recurred, so he isn't too useful. Alternatively, consider swapping him out for Frost Titan so it has built in protection.
November 22, 2015 6:46 p.m.
i wanted three different creatures so i can gifts for all three and unburial rites so i can get all three out
justme says... #1
November 11, 2015 11:37 a.m.