While we didn't initially build the deck under any particular theme; we love "themes" within decks; and one kinda popped up in this one. In this case, the theme of the deck is....
Savor the Moment
The deck started with the idea that I wanted to play a "viable" deck with one of my favorite spells in Modern. I believe it is very powerful as a 3-CMC "Extra Turn" spell; however it's downside is pretty large...
As many of you know, we've used this card in the past in our RUG Super-Friends Multi-Turn deck; however it was more of an "all-in" take on taking extra turns (and is not all that viable as a "competitive" deck....much more competitive than we thought it would be on the onset; but still has definite draw backs)...needless to say, I wanted to try a different take on the card.
The first thing I thought of was Vigilance. This greatly reduces the drawback from Savor the Moment as you get to attack on both turns. Obviously, the new Brimaz, King of Oreskos is a perfect fit (and also gets more tokens!); but I was more excited to play one of my favorite magic cards of all time (that I believe is underplayed in Modern)...
Lightning Angel
Lightning Angel
....Flying, Vigilance, Haste is crazy good, and her 4-toughness puts her outside of bolt range (which is a huge advantage for a creature in Modern). At 4-CMC; she is a "curve-topper" in Modern; but in a deck that takes extra-turns via Savor the Moment; there is no better combination of abilities than flying, vigilance, haste :)
The remainder of the creatures were somewhat easy to develop. Wall of Omens is a GREAT body to keep me from too much damage on turns 1-2 while also drawing a card! Snapcaster Mage is a no brainer. Snapcaster Mage into Savor the Moment can be back-breaking.
Gods and Walkers
Keranos, God of Storms is a unique God card in the sense that hsi ability "triggers" each turn. This, of course, makes him quite effective if a deck that has the ability to take an extra turn (and one that tends to stretch the game out). And both of Keranos, God of Storms's abilities are outrageous (bolt or card). While it's not often he will be a creature; he creates a very quick clock for the opponent once he is down.
If there is one thing for sure that benefits from extra turns, it is Planeswalkers. They get to trigger an ability every turn, while ticking up closer and closer to their ultimate. They are a "must have" in any "extra turn" deck. One walker in particular, however, flourishes with Savor the Moment....
Ral Zarek
Ral Zarek
has not found his home in Modern despite being a powerful walker at face value. Two "bolts" is big, his Ultimate is nuts, and his +1 can ramp, tap down blockers, untap attackers, etc. And this is the big deal in this deck. His +1 goes a long way to shutting off the downside of Savor the Moment. It can untap a land, untap a non-vigilance creature to attack, tap a potential blocker, or tap potential mana your opponent could be holding up for whatever reason....this deck in particular utilizes his +1 ability to it's fullest. And it is actually possible (and relatively common) to "ultimate" Ral...and this deck is built for taking extra turns!
Elspeth, Knight-Errant has actually been somewhat of a surprise in this deck. The "go to" ability here is obviously the +3/+3 and flying (as on a Brimaz, King of Oreskos this makes quite a large threat. The 1/1 token ability, however, has also proved itself to be quite useful. I even had one game where all I had was Elspeth and a Savor the Moment...I made the token, played Savor the Moment and then turned around and pumped the token the very next turn for the win! She has been surprisingly strong.
While this deck doesn't play quite as many planeswalkers as I normally play; the walkers utilized synergize extremely well with the deck. I am also thinking of trying out Gideon Jura and didn't mind Jace Beleren when he was in here too; so I'll see if we can't sqeeze in another 1 or 2 :)
Sword and Board
Only one sword has made it to the main board...Sword of Feast and Famine, is just head and shoulders above the rest.
In this deck, a lot of our walkers use an ability that taps blockers down. This synergizes extremely well with a sword because you can choose the creature your equipped creature already had protection from and either tap or "shut off" the other (allowing you to hit and trigger the sword). With Sword of Feast and Famine effectively negating the downside of Savor the Moment; you can play it, attack, untap, and play the next turn!
The board is simply built to hate on the top of the Modern Meta. Having access to white makes for the best board in modern. Leyline of Sanctity for Red Deck Wins, Scapeshift, Thoughtseize, etc.,
Stoney Silence
vs. Affinity and Pod, Rest in Peace against anything graveyard-based, Counterflux against control,
Sowing Salt
for Tron, Celestial Colonnade, Nykthos, Valakut, and any other land-centric decks, Wear / Tear against Affinity, Blood Moon decks, Pod, Blue-Enchantment Control, etc.,
against Affinity, and Torpor Orb against elves, Pod, Amulet decks, etc.
While the main-deck has a LOT of answers in it, they are more generalized; and the sideboard just allows us to play slightly more crippiling cards that are focused on beating specific cards/match-ups. Basically it is just enhancing our overall plan.
The spells in the deck are relatively straight forward. Between Lightning Bolt and Lightning Helix we have ample direct damage with a little life-gain. Both are relative "red staples" that don't require a ton of explanation.
Path to Exile and Anger of the Gods are some of the best removal in the game because it exiles it's creatures and Anger of the Gods has proved to be far and away the most powerful spell in the deck...it is good against Pod, Affinity, Zoo, Merfolk, Elf decks, Jund...and even Tarmo Twin now that it is more creature oriented...this cripples decks relying on Kitchen Finks, Voice of Resurgence, and any graveyard strategy (zombies, unearth, Living End, etc.).
I was in a fortunate position to be able to use Anger of the Gods main board as Brimaz, King of Oreskos,
Lightning Angel
, and Wall of Omen happen to have 4-toughness...synergy on top of synergy!
Our turn-one play is Serum Visions...I usually have some difficulty finding a viable turn-one play for my decks (as I play somewhat midrange strategies which without Delver of Secrets
or mana dorks in green have very few options). I've found Serum Visions to be a great turn-one play and don't know why I hadn't thought of it in prior decks. It helps ensure your mana is good, helps make your next few turns much smoother...I've been very happy with it.
And finally, there is Cryptic Command and Remand. Cryptic Command is the most powerful and efficient blue spell there is. It single-handedly can win games for you from multiple positions. You can be ahead or behind; but typically once you cast a Cryptic Command you will most likely be ahead :) It can function almost as a Time Walk in and of itself. Most of you know the power of Cryptic Command already; so I won't go crazy with explanation; but the tap-down everyone option is especially strong in this deck. Mana Leak is a modern staple counter that, while not spectacular, is just a hard counter in most situations, and in others simply eats up the opponent's mana.
This deck is fun because it utilizes cards I love; two cards I think are underplayed in Modern (
Lightning Angel
and Savor the Moment), plays Anger of the Gods which I believe is one of the most potent cards in the current meta, and it can win out of nowhere :)
I've tested a good amount and right now I'm pretty confident with the build I have given the current meta. The sideboard (like many UWR and midrange sideboards) plays those cards that absolutely hose decks seeing ample play in Modern such as Affinity, Storm, Pod, Red Deck Wins, and Tron.
Of course, I'd love to hear your thoughts and suggestions on how to improve the deck and we ALWAYS appreciate +1's and comments/deck links of your own. Tapped Out is the best community out there; and we value your opinions!