
Elemental Dinosaur Cat. That alone sold me on Vadrok. But the fact that most were downplaying his ability and that the art on the showcase version was awesome also drew me to give him a shot.

This is a pretty straightforward deck. Use Vadrok, mutate a bunch, get benefits from casting non-creature spells and mutating. But here are the basics.

Vadrok is fine as either a mutate target or to mutate onto something. He can still donate flying and first strike to something in a pinch, or a mutate trigger. He won't win the game through combat damage, not always, but give him a few good mutations and he can go to town.

One of the best things you can do in this deck is to rescue your mutation stack. Cards like Snap and Unauthorized Exit will return it all to your hand to mutate in the future, and fizzle any attempts at killing Vadrok. It also lets him get around commander tax. And if you're lucky, Become Brutes would be in the graveyard and able to place an aura on Vadrok's stack to swing in without missing any tempo from bouncing him.

A great surprise mutation is Sea-Dasher Octopus. Mutate onto Vadrok as a response and maybe you can fish a counter or some sort of other answer from the graveyard. Pouncing Shoreshark also fits here, but is more costly for leaving mana open.

The best thing you could start with is Leyline of Anticipation. It gives all your mutations flash and lets you respond with some of your more powerful spells. Vadrok likes casting things over and over to get value, either out of things like repeated triggers of Leonine Lightscribe and Jeskai Ascendancy or damage from Coruscation Mage. Mercadia's Downfall is particularly dangerous if you have a good amount of flash or recursion running, as even a single cast can put someone dangerously close to dead from commander damage.

A good sequence is a bunch of mutate cards in hand, Vadrok out in some capacity, and Frantic Search in your graveyard. Most of your mutations cost no more than four mana, so you only go down one mana when you mutate, and keep drawing and discarding cards for future use. And with either Pollywog Symbiote or Storm-Kiln Artist you could even be netting mana, if you play your cards correctly. And if you have the previously mentioned payoff cards going, you could even end the game in one swing.

Bria, Riptide Rogue and Kitsa, Otterball Elite are two special mentions. As creatures that have or bestow Prowess, the two of them are exceptionally strong mutate targets, with Bria allowing Vadrok to become unblockable and Kitsa to loot and copy spells. Stormsplitter is also very strong, but unless you enjoy writing several lists of what creatures are currently in the mutate stack, I would recommend it being a side wincon of making an army of 1/4 hasty otters instead of trying to keep track of the mutations.

Your graveyard will be a resource, so don't worry about discarding cards if you're able to make use of them that turn from the grave. Cards like Thrill of Possibility will be powerful tools, as they're still card advantage if you're able to mutate often.

And if you run low on cards, Echo of Eons and Day's Undoing can reset your hand. Just be warned that both also shuffle your graveyard back into your deck, so if you don't have to cast them, it might be better to wait if you've got a good thing going on. Also don't forget that Day's Undoing ends your turn if cast during it, exiling itself in the process. But if you discard it, you could flash mutate on someone else's turn and get to keep it in your graveyard too. So plan accordingly.

Thanks so much, hope you enjoy!


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94% Casual


Revision 20 See all

(3 months ago)

+1 Sorcerer Class maybe
+1 Stormchaser's Talent maybe
Date added 4 years
Last updated 1 week

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 0 Mythic Rares

46 - 0 Rares

20 - 0 Uncommons

13 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.87
Tokens Cat 1/1 W w/ Lifelink, Copy Clone, Coruscation Mage 1/1 R, Elephant 3-3 G, Emblem Ral, Crackling Wit, Kraken 1/1 U, Manifest 2/2 C, Monster, Otter 1/1 UR, Treasure
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