bushido_man96 says... #2
Suns_Champion, thanks for taking a look at my build. You've got lots of nice options suggested here, and I really appreciate it. I'm going to look into working in Bludgeon Brawl, which looks like could really push Valduk over the top. Mycosynth Lattice is also very tempting; I just worry about a Shatterstorm wrecking my day. I also checked out your suggestion at your Well of Ideas page. I've got lots to consider.
Again, thanks for checking it out. Now, to improve....
October 27, 2018 5:50 p.m.
No Purphoros, God of the Forge? Seems like a shoo-in for this deck. Magus of the Moon and Blood Moon are good as well. You are playing mono-red so nobody should be complaining about those effects. Price of Progress can win games out of nowhere late-game.
October 31, 2018 1:57 a.m.
ZendikariWol says... #4
Coat of Arms makes your elementals more or less instantly lethal.
Sundial of the Infinite skips your end step, so for 1 mana your elementals stick around.
Shivan Harvest is a fun screw.
Altar of Dementia is also a lot of fun. Insta-milling someone out is a blast.
Dark-Dweller Oracle is great card advantage.
Hellion Eruption is insane- though it does also hit Valduk.
Tooth and Claw is great if you don't have the Sundial around.
What is Darksteel Plate not doing in this deck?
Prowler's Helm is sooo mean.
Sword of the Animist is good ramp. In the late game it might thin the deck too.
I'm getting super into this deck. I might make my own brew... really, I am loving it. May get back to you on that.
October 31, 2018 9:32 a.m.
Cool deck indeed!
Hard to add to the great comments above, but I did find some ideas i think can improve this build.
Since you are relying heavily on artifacts, you could use Cloud Key and Foundry Inspector to get them in play cheaper.
Among the great equipments, I believe Basilisk Collar may be worthy of inclusion.
For additional damage, Vicious Shadows can be devastating. Pandemonium is also great for this deck, if you time it right to ensure it doesn't have a chance to backfire.
Agree 100% you need to add Sundial of the Infinite!
Suggestions for cuts : Bloodtallow Candle, Red Elemental Blast, Pyroblast, Tower of Fortunes, Mercadian Atlas.
Hope this helps!
October 31, 2018 10:52 a.m.
ZendikariWol says... #6
Vicious Shadows actually doesn't work (nor does Stalking Vengeance, and for the same reason), because when a creature (or in this instance a token) doesn't die when it's exiled. I would suggest Warstorm Surge instead. Which I just noticed was in the maybeboard. Speaking of cards in the maybeboard, Swiftfoot Boots is probably better than Lightning Greaves here because shroud makes Valduk untargetable for equip costs. This would normally not be a problem; just equip it to a different creature for 0 mana. However with a semi-creatureless brew like this you'd have to do all your equipping on the postcombat main phase.
I might suggest some of the human-based equipment from OG Innistrad; Avacyn's Collar, Bladed Bracers, Butcher's Cleaver, Heirloom Blade could be really cool (and you could run a human or two for good measure), Sharpened Pitchfork is nice, though first strike is kinda useless, Silver-Inlaid Dagger is AWESOME, and Slayer's Plate may get some work done.
Some generally good equipments include Champion's Helm for hexproof, Chitinous Cloak to force opponents to make tough blocker choices, honestly General's Kabuto may be worth is as the ultimate protection card, you could consider Kitesail for evasion, Konda's Banner would be great and pump your tokens (and yes it would give Valduk +2/+2), Kusari-Gama would be a serious 'don't block me or I fuck you' effect, Ogre's Cleaver is honestly insane, Pariah's Shield, though costly, more or less makes you untouchable, Pennon Blade is worth the cost, the classic Short Sword, Sigiled Sword of Valeron is dece, Skullclamp is OH MY GOD, Strata Scythe is equally insane, the swords are famously insanely powerful, Trusty Machete is okay, Vorrac Battlehorns is an easy way to win fast, and Vulshok Battlegear and Vulshok Morningstar are decent.
And yes, I did slog through every equipment in Magic history to find those.
Props to Heliogabale for some good ideas on cuts. I might add No-Dachi, seems a little overcosted (also it's worth noting Mask of Avacyn has the same mana specs for an arguably better effect), Skeleton Key is not going to do anything for very long, Valduk is probably going to be too big too fast to make use of first strike (@ Sparring Collar), Browbeat is 5 damage to an opponent for 3 mana. Realistically no one is going to let you draw 3 cards.
Sorry, this comment was a looong one.
October 31, 2018 12:04 p.m.
Thank you ZendikariWol for clarifying.
It is to be noted that Vicious Shadows activates when any creature dies, yours or not. However, it would indeed require a sac outlet to make it ruthless in this deck, so maybe I am just being my usual greedy self.
Adding to that the consideration of the casting costs for Vicious Shadows and Stalking Vengeance, I agree that Pandemonium and Warstorm Surge would be better choices.
Maybe another worthy direction to look into would be Curse of Bloodletting and Gratuitous Violence.
October 31, 2018 1:12 p.m.
bushido_man96 says... #8
Thanks for all the responses so far. The suggestions are super helpful.
@WhichKing, no Purphoros, at least, not right now. I'm going pretty budget with this one, and its not a card I have.
@ZendikariWol, I do like Prowler's Helm, and have added it to my maybeboard along with Strata Scythe, Kitesail, and a few of the others. I'm teetering on Sundial of the Infinite. I like it, but I'm just not sure I want to go that rout...yet. I did have Tooth and Claw initially, but cut it for more equipment. It may go back in yet. Also, thanks for the note on Stalking Vengeance; I missed that entirely, so that's an easy cut. Warstorm Surge is coming to take its place. I'm on the fence about keeping Barrage of Expendables around. Skeleton Key is mainly in for the card draw, not the skulking ability. Good info on Browbeat and Sparring Collar. I'll cut the Collar for sure. I wasn't sure on Browbeat, but man, red needs card draw. But, I'll look into something else. Thanks for taking the time to look through all the equipment in Magic for this! There are a lot of really good budget options in there. When throwing equipment into this deck, I tried to make sure I was getting equipment with more than just a power/toughness bonus, and to get some other ability along the way, i.e., hexproof, trample, double strike, unblockable, etc.
@Heliogabale, I do like Basilisk Collar, and I may add it down the road. Deathouch is nice. I'm not running the spell cheapeners, mainly so I can run more equipment, and most of that isn't terribly high CMC anyways. Sure, it'd be nice to get it for free, and I'd do that in a build with someone like Sram, Senior Edificer, but for Valduk, I'm not as worried about it.
Thanks again, everyone. This was super helpful.
November 1, 2018 2:45 p.m.
ZendikariWol says... #9
Barrage of Expendables, in my opinion, is worse than Tooth and Claw as a sac outlet. Why? Barrage costs mana.
Now Barrage would probably be better if it was, say, 2 damage. But why I say Tooth/Claw takes it is trading up. You can eat a Sun Titan with 2 carnivores. You're getting... let's say, 2 or 3 carnivores every turn. So you keep those up on the defense, they just sit there, a giant rattlesnake. Who wants to attack into 3 3/1s that you are 100% certain the defending player is willing to sacrifice? No one in their right mind.
If you want card advantage, you have two big plays.
1) Dark-Dweller Oracle. Just. Just Dark-Dweller Oracle.
2) convince a buddy to play group hug. Yeah, we're into mind games now. Jace Beleren, Edric, Spymaster of Trest, Kynaios and Tiro of Meletis, Humble Defector, and that's just scratching the surface. I have played a lot of group hug, but I have never played a game where everyone on board wasn't drawing 2 or more cards every turn.
November 1, 2018 3:08 p.m.
bushido_man96 says... #10
Good call on Tooth and Claw, ZendikariWol. The substitution has been made.
November 1, 2018 3:17 p.m.
Great idea, ZendikariWol; Tooth and Claw actually makes Stalking Vengeance interesting again!
bushido_man96, any thought on my suggestions of Curse of Bloodletting and Gratuitous Violence?
November 1, 2018 3:38 p.m.
bushido_man96 says... #12
Heliogabale, I don't mind the idea of using damage doublers like those, but it might just draw more attention to me than I need, but they are viable options, for sure. It might be something I consider down the road. But I do appreciate the suggestions. I like seeing into what other people's play styles are.
November 2, 2018 9:35 p.m.
Avacidal_maniac says... #13
The recommendations I would give are Mycosynth Lattice since bludgeon brawl is one of my lowkey favourite cards, its simply a disservice to voltron to not include mycosynth. equip all the lands and you suddenly get a bunch more 3/1's for 0. Hellkite Tyrant is a fun alternate win con in artifact decks since if you're stuck at a standstill against a pillow fort, just play him and start piling up artifacts and eventually win. Berserkers' Onslaught makes all the 3/1 haste bois into pseudo wurms because of the double strike it gives, 6 damage from on average about 5 or 6 creatures ain't no laughing matter. Would also recommend adding a couple of draw spells to help thin the deck down to what you want, examples include; Faithless Looting, Cathartic Reunion, Tormenting Voice and Magmatic Insight. Would also recommend a wheel effect like Reforge the Soul.
With the amount of tokens you'll be making, extra combat steps would be monstrous, things you could add include: Aggravated Assault and World at War.
This deck is really fun looking and it definitely gets a +1 from me.
November 3, 2018 8:43 p.m.
bushido_man96 says... #14
Avacidal_maniac, thanks for the suggestions. Berserkers' Onslaught would be a straight upgrade over Blood Mist, so that's a change I'll look at. You guys are all right about Mycosynth Lattice. Its been added to the maybeboard.
November 4, 2018 1:14 a.m.
bushido_man96 says... #15
Just curious here: would Strata Scythe work with Blood Moon like I think it would?
Suns_Champion says... #1
Hi! I love Valduk! Never got around to making a list but I have a tooooon of good ideas for him
Or mainly just one: Bludgeon Brawl
Fascinating card. Makes all of your mana rocks extra equipment. And SO much more.
What makes it so good? Artifact tokens. Treasure tokens. Clue tokens. Curse of Opulence, Magnifying Glass, Brass's Bounty, Goblin Kaboomist, and a bunch more. You can equip these for free to ken more creature tokens. OR use them for ramp/card draw, making the deck versatile.
Bludgeon Brawl + Mycosynth Lattice makes all of your lands free quips too. Crazy fun.
How to win with all your creatures? Burn at the Stake. Dragon Throne of Tarkir. Slate of Ancestry.
Look here for more ideas: Suns_Champion's Well of Ideas. Find the Valduk section in the deck.
Hope some of this helps!
October 26, 2018 8:34 p.m.