My focus of this deck is to get out there fast while controlling the person your agience field.
Drana's Emissary - 3 Mana and ya do damage every upkeep with out lifting a finger
Bloodsoaked Champion - Great 1 drop that gets the game rolling, also can come back from the grave if it dies after combat. Also triggers Zulaport's ability a lot.
Kalastria Healer - One of the main components to the lifegaining, it allows you to quickly ramp in the life as well as dealing damage to the opponent without lifting a finger.
Zulaport Cutthroat - Gaining life off of a creature dying and dealing damage at the same time makes it even better.
Lantern Scout - Gives lifelink if Sorin isn't on the field and activate rally triggers.
Kor Bladewhirl - Rally Abuility giving them all first strike with Gidron in play thats every time among other ways in deck that alows ya to take and put Allys in and out of the game.
Drana, Liberator of Malakir - Is op for being 3 cost. Effectively ruling over the rest of the 3 drop creatures.
Bone Splinters - Great cheap removal. Bone splinters also activate's zulaport's ability as well. Just use it on the knight ally from Gideon or Bloodsoaked Champion
Valorous Stance - A card that gives you the ultimate choice, protect your creature or get rid of the buffed up creature that the opponent has.
Gideon, Ally of Zendikar - It all matters on what your agence but the posabilitys are. 0 Abuility can be used to actvate the Rally abuilities of Hero of Goma Fada, Kalastria Healer, Kor Bladewhirl, and Lantern Scout
Center Soul - Protection to get damage in, ward off removal, and it rebounds. Versatile.
Duress - For the control matchup. It lets you see their hand on turn 1 so that you can better prepare for it later in the game.
Hallowed Moonlight - Completely shuts down hangerback's ability. Also stops the goblin token generators. Cantrips as well, making it a great card.
Surge of Righteousness - Because Atarka Red is a pain in the @$$ and I don't want to have to deal with it. Let them buff up a guy then make them waste all of those cards with this.
Infinite Obliteration - A great way to ruins someone's combo deck really quickly.
Ruinous Path - Although its a crappy Hero's Downfall, its all that we got.
Stasis Snare - Removal at the drop of a hat, its also great because is only targets creatures, so a stasis snare onto an opponents stasis snare isn't an option like it was with Banishing Light.
More info coming