Snap157, I want the deck to have the ability to remove enchantments. I added a splash of green to allow myself to put green in my sideboard. Golgari Charm is in there now for enchantment removal but I don't know if it's the right fit right now.
November 16, 2015 6:19 p.m.
JANKYARD_DOG says... #5
Splash a bit of white for either Sorin, Lord of Innistrad or Sorin, Solemn Visitor. Not only us it flavorful, but he has his uses. Token creation and whatnot.
LtMiller117 says... #1
Swap out volt with Lightning Bolt . Also, consider Vampire Lacerator and Captivating Vampire over the marauder as and heirs.
September 4, 2014 7:47 p.m.