I used this bad boy to win my last local Leviathan Tournament. Fast, masive, destructive. This is a hyper aggresive Leviathan Edgar Markov deck. It doesn't need too many explanations: a lot of small creatures and enough way to make massive damage making our creatures stronger to hit even harder.



  • Hellrider , Brutal Hordechief , Sanctum Seeker : This 3 big guys take advantage of the number of creatures we have in the field, allowing us to do 1 damage for each one that attacks.

  • Mirror Entity : Our beloved weird alien can enter the battlefield on turn 3 and being a vampire (he is every creature type EVER) triggers Edgar Markov's effect. Next turn we can have a bunch of 4/4 vampires attacking.

  • Drana, Liberator of Malakir : A +1/+1 counter on each vampire that attacks with her... wow... and we loved to attack already.



  • Bloodline Keeper  : A 3/3 flying vampire for 4 manas that can create a 2/2 flying vampire each turn and in turn 5 he can transform into Lord of Lineage giving other vampire cratures +2/+2

  • Captivating Vampire : In decks like this is easy to have more than 5 vampires when this lord arrives, so we can take control of an opponent creature. I like to take the opponent commander.

  • Stromkirk Captain : A lord that have first strike and gives +1/+1 and first strike to other vampires. Pure power.

  • Legion Lieutenant : For 2 manas a lord that gives other vampires +1/+1 is pretty decent.



  • Yahenni, Undying Partisan and Falkenrath Aristocrat : They can gain indestructible sacrificing a creature in response to a board wipe. Yahenni gets stronger if opponent creatures died this turn.

  • Bloodcrazed Paladin : The only creature with flash in the deck. A lot of creatures killed by a board wipe means a lot of power for the paladin.

  • Boros Charm : 2 manas, and all our creatures are indestuctible.

  • Teferi's Protection : This card is a MUST in every white aggro leviathan deck.

  • Goblin Bombardment : Ok,maybe the opponent kills our creatures, but if we sacrifice them before the board wipe resolves we will do 1 damage for each one.





Control decks are always very annoying. We don't want our opponent countering a decisive spell, so we use cards like Gerrard's Verdict , Inquisition of Kozilek , Duress , Hymn to Tourach and Thoughtseize .


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98% Competitive

Date added 6 years
Last updated 5 years

This deck is Leviathan legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 0 Mythic Rares

47 - 0 Rares

26 - 0 Uncommons

11 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.18
Tokens City's Blessing, Vampire 1/1 B, Vampire 2/2 B
Folders Leviathan
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