So this is my "Vampire-Lifeloop"-deck. As most of you might already have noticed just by looking at the cards, this deck tries to get Exquisite Blood as well as Sanguine Bond onto the battlefield and either deal some combat damage or gain life to trigger the deadly "Lifeloop".
In a perfect match you win in round 5 with the following steps:
Round 1: Swamp, Will-o'-the-Wisp
Round 2: Swamp, Blood Artist
Round 3: Swamp, Vampire Nighthawk
Round 4: Swamp, Crypt Ghast
Round 5: Swamp, Exquisite Blood, Sanguine Bond
Now all that's left is to either lose a creature to win using Blood Artist's ability or attack with Vampire Nighthawk to deal combat damage/gain life. However, this only goes under the assumption your opponents didn't do their job properly. As you can see, this deck doesn't try to be fast at all, but since there are plenty of cards and abilities to gain life and kill your opponents creatures, even faster decks rarely deal enough damage to keep you from getting into the late game (experience based on about 15 test matches so far).The most feared match-ups are probably decks with plenty of spot removals, since they wont leave Crypt Ghast (which is your most important creature in case you haven't noticed already) long enough on the field to benefit from him.
My win/lose ratio with this deck is quite high already but I guess there is always room for improvements. So if you have any complaints, if you think some cards just don't fit or if you know cards which would match this deck perfectly, then please let me know! Every suggestion and +1 is highly appreciated!