Vampire Tribal, Anowon, EDH

Commander / EDH* Eladain


gsnh says... #1

Cards that I have tried and have found ineffective are: Gatekeeper of Malakir , Havengul Vampire , Heirs of Stromkirk , and Baneful Omen . I'm not sure what your playgroup is like, but Gray Merchant of Asphodel might be underwhelming. Not sure what Kher Keep is supposed to do, but it might be better as some multi-color land.

You definitely need some equipment to protect Olivia Voldaren or other threats. Look into Darksteel Plate , Lightning Greaves , Champion's Helm , Swiftfoot Boots , Mask of Avacyn , and Whispersilk Cloak among others.

I mentioned Braid of Fire earlier. It's really fun to explain how it works to other people. Dark Impostor is a great utility creature. You might want to consider dropping some spot removal in favor of wraths (like Life's Finale ) , as you get more bang for your buck.

Getting some card draw in there will also be beneficial. Sign in Blood , Read the Bones , and Ancient Craving are solid choices.

Mindcrank is an infinite combo with Bloodchief Ascension if you are into that sort of thing. Only kills one opponent at a time though.

This list looks sweet, though and I can attest that Olivia Voldaren tribal vampires makes for a fun and extremely powerful EDH deck.

Link to my deck if you are interested Olivia's Masquerade

July 5, 2014 4:26 p.m.

Eladain says... #2

Ya, one of my biggest concerns was how to balance equipment vs spot removal vs mass removal and things of that nature. Swiftfoot Boots should definitely be in there since the card is literally sitting right in front of me. That helm and mask are both sweet though, may need to weed out a few cards for them. I'll probably swap it in for one of the red vamps, which I agree are underwhelming. In my experience Gray Merchant of Asphodel is just too easy to get value from. Even with just a mere 3 devotion on the board when he's played (he'd make 5) will net you 15 life and drop each opponent (assuming 4 player game) by 5.

I had Dark Impostor in initially. 6 mana just seemed like a lot for an activated ability, granted it is removal and buff. May need to play test that a bit more.

I'm hoping when I acquire a Phyrexian Arena combined with Underworld Connections that it will be sufficient card draw, If not I'll definitely be looking to add one of the ones you mentioned.

Thanks a lot for the advice, and I really liked your deck.

July 5, 2014 6:17 p.m.

thebdizzle says... #3

I have always loved Skullclamp for card draw, and if you were to team it up with Bloodghast (definitely fits your Vampire tribal) it can be reusable.

July 7, 2014 5:24 p.m.

Eladain says... #4

That's a really nice combo for card draw. Works with any creature if Phyrexian Reclamation is on the board as well.

July 7, 2014 6:13 p.m.

thebdizzle says... #5

If you like the Dictate of Erebos forced sacrifice, there is always Grave Pact as well. Cause you know, 2 creatures for 1 of yours is really nice.

July 7, 2014 7:08 p.m.

Eladain says... #6

Ya, 2 for 1's are always nice. I like the dictate's flash ability. Makes it trickier for them to play around it with spot removal. However, it may be one of the cards that get cut when I acquire the sideboard ones listed.

July 7, 2014 11:27 p.m.

tap_to_kill says... #7

Cabal Coffers can do work in mono black! Demonic Tutor is arguably the best mono black tutor. Damnnation is never a bad idea for when you're in a pinch.

December 2, 2014 1:55 p.m.

tap_to_kill says... #8

I would also recommend my all time favorite magic card No Mercy

December 2, 2014 1:57 p.m.

Eladain says... #9

Agreed on all 3, but they're also all above $10. Just makes it a little tricky for me to pick them up on limited funds. Trying to keep it fairly budget-ish aside from a few cards I had on hand, like Nirkana Revenant. They are very much on the long-term "wish list" though.

December 2, 2014 1:59 p.m.

TheMercadian says... #10

Deck looks really good, of course there are cards to put in once budget isn't an issue. Thanks for the feedback on my deck +1

December 10, 2014 10:07 a.m.

PValBlanc says... #11

Seeing as how tutors are stupid-expensive, you could consider Liliana Vess as a method of tutoring. She runs just under 10$. You're running Blood Tribute and Nirkana Revenant alongside a few other bursts of damage, paired with Wound Reflection any of these can be turned into one hit kills.

That's all I have to add. I've also been running an Olivia EDH, this is a nice alternative. Upvoting.

December 10, 2014 10:34 a.m.

Forkbeard says... #12

Maybe a little more removal? Heck, there's even some fun on theme cards like Go for the Throat, Tribute to Hunger & especially Urge to Feed. Not the strongest removal in the game but they're a) on theme + b) cheap. Something simple like Sign in Blood always comes in handy for card draw as well.

Anyway, there's a couple of ideas for you. Vampires are fun, have a +1 upboat sir.

December 10, 2014 10:48 a.m.

Eladain says... #13

I do like the Liliana Vess suggestion if I can decide what to cut. Wound Reflection definitely has some wombo combo potential.

One of my biggest personal issues with EDH is balancing single-target removal with board clears. It's just so game dependent that it's a little annoying.

I've been debating something like Syphon Mind for a little extra mass-annoyance and card draw. The card draw hasn't been an issue yet, but it seems like a fun card.

Thanks for the input.

December 10, 2014 10:58 a.m.

PValBlanc says... #14

Wow, I've been having card draw issues. I'll keep Syphon Mind on the potential fix pile.


December 10, 2014 11:21 a.m.

PValBlanc says... #15

Oh, and also. Blood Artist and / or Falkenrath Noble are amazing to capitalise on boardwipes big time. Every board wipe gives me an average of 15 lifegain and 15 damage to distribute as I see fit, thanks to these little underrated critters.

December 10, 2014 11:27 a.m.

Eladain says... #16

Oh sweet, I didn't realize Blood Artist worked that way on a board wipe. I assumed since it was all simultaneous you'd only gain the 1 from him and not the others. Time to re-add him!

I've only played about 5 games with this deck, so I could have been lucky on card draw. Phyrexian Arena and Underworld Connections have done some serious work because there isn't a lot of enchantment removal in the local meta here. Erebos, God of the Dead avoids most board wipes thanks to Indestructible on a card draw engine. Bloodgift Demon is an Arena with a body, and if need be I can cycle Barren Moor and/or Decree of Pain. Phyrexian Reclamation also acts as faux card draw except it's guaranteed to be a creature. Provided of course there are creatures in my graveyard.

December 10, 2014 11:46 a.m.

PValBlanc says... #17

I do run a Bloodgift Demon, I'll definately be adding a Phyrexian Arena, if that doesn't cut it, I'll see where I go from there.

December 10, 2014 11:54 a.m.

TelleoStar says... #18

Since there's a lot of sacrificing going on with Anowon, maybe add in a Grave Betrayal, and a Grave Pact or Dictate of Erebos to get even more advantage.

Maga, Traitor to Mortals could be a good vampire-like addition.

December 10, 2014 1:02 p.m.

lemmingllama says... #19

It That Betrays would be a fun addition, you can get the things that other people sacrifice.

Curse of the Cabal would keep the sacrificing going. Or late game it can ruin board states

Liliana of the Dark Realms would also allow you to fetch swamps and can act as removal. Might be a good addition.

I would also like to mention that with the "Advertise your deck" thread, you are supposed to comment or +1 the deck above yours. I had the deck above yours, it would be nice if you would give it a once-over. Thanks! Feldon of the Third Wrath

December 12, 2014 3:50 p.m.

Very nice deck. I would add in some more tutoring, but that's just my opinion.

December 12, 2014 6:37 p.m.

Ulturas says... #21

+1 Good job in making Themed Mono-Black EDH interesting again :D. Never really liked Coat of Arms I just feel Door of Destinies synergizes so well against board wipes and allows you to recover with almost the same amount of swing power and Vampires with lifelink becoming titans as soon as they enter play is just hilarious.

January 7, 2015 6:02 a.m.

Eladain says... #22

They are very similar. I initially had both of them in the deck, and recently took Door of Destinies out. It's very much in the playtesting stage on which one, if either, stay long-term. My play group tends to run a lot of artifact removal so I haven't been getting much value from either unfortunately.

January 7, 2015 11:30 a.m.

Ulturas says... #23

Yea it's a shame when people do that should get them to limit artifact removal so it's more enjoyable and allows you to play your deck xD. We only run about 2-3 artifact removal in my group but it's a bit more casual I guess.

January 7, 2015 10:26 p.m.

AlucardZain says... #24

Nice Vampire.dek! I would suggest maybe Sorin Markov (since he fits with the vampire strategy), and maybe Sorin's Vengeance. +1 from me cuz I love Vampires!

January 13, 2015 1:27 p.m.

Eladain says... #25

I do like Sorin Markov, that -3 ability especially can be game changing. He's on the long-term list as he's above that $10 range I'm trying to stick to for now, other than a few cards I already owned. Sorin's Vengeance could definitely work, but I already have a few similar effects in Gray Merchant of Asphodel and Exsanguinate That can provide bigger life swings as well as hit every opponent. If this was a 1v1 focused deck though, Sorin's Vengeance would definitely get some closer consideration.

January 13, 2015 1:45 p.m.

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