Vampire Madness Deck in Standard. An aggressive strategy which uses the madness mechanic to pump out vampires to overthrow my opponents.
Falkenrath Gorger
a 2/1 for 1 which gives all of my vampires madness and allows me to combo off Oliva and put out more vampires.
Olivia's Dragoon
unlimited discard outlet that can hit and block in the air.
Asylum Visitor extra card draw on an empty hand with potential for decent damage output as well.
Heir of Falkenrath
discard outlet that turns into a decent beater with flying.
Bloodmad Vampire
combos off well with Olivia, Mobilized for War and is a heavy hitter for a surprise attack.
Olivia, Mobilized for War if left unchecked allows us to combo off and drop a bunch of haste creatures easy for a big swing.
Drana, Liberator of Malakir
can make all of my vampires bigger and adds damage.
Bloodhall Priest
good madness card with a decent body and allows us to deal extra damage to creature or players on an empty hand which is easy to obtain with this deck.
Distemper of the Blood
extra pump which gives trample, excellent discard combat trick to avoid removal and survive blockers which is extra amazing because it gives trample.
Fiery Temper extra damage / removal that's great to discard.
Alms of the Vein
bump in the night with life gain that mitigates discard and can be cast at instant speed.
Lightning Axe
more removal with discard.
Transgress the Mind to get rid of sweepers, removal, counters, planeswalkers, combo pieces and big creatures.
Collective Brutality
utility card that allows us to get rid of counters / removal, kill creatures or drain life from the opponent while discarding lots of cards to get an empty hand.
Avacyn's Judgment
extra burn that can remove multiple creatures / deal lots of damage to the face, great in long games and decent in short ones.
Savage Alliance a wipe which is decent against token decks and weenies.
Stensia Masquerade decent against humans.
Ruinous Path
creature / planeswalker removal.