Mobilized for Slaughter

Standard Demention

SCORE: 41 | 117 COMMENTS | 12281 VIEWS | IN 35 FOLDERS

_Delta_ says... #1

Seems like a good deck, I had a B/R vampire deck for standard and now I might actually consider making it Red/White/Black too.

April 6, 2016 7:28 a.m.

Hobbez9186 says... #2

Let me start by saying that I'm by no means an expert, but I do have some thoughts that might help.

I've been curious about the new Vampires of Innistrad and it seems to me that Madness is something worth capitalizing on since several have it and use discard as a mechanic which fuels cards like Fiery Temper. Personally, I think that needs to be used as often as possible to really make it work so that the discard aspect is purely a benefit. Aside from that, I'd say any kind of "reanimation" from the graveyard will also be critical to again mitigate the drawback and allow you to do as much damage as possible. Falkenrath Gorger is just amazing to drive that mechanic, but just in case I'd say as many spells and creatures should have the discard/or Madness mechanic as possible. He can quite easily be picked off with Dual Shot or Sparkmage's Gambit.

That said, I would suggest Twins of Maurer Estate and Incorrigible Youths for their size and cheap Madness cost. If you can tie that to a Rush of Adrenaline that is a 6/4 Trample with Haste for only 4cmc and the Twins make a great surprise blocker since you can pretty much discard whenever you want. The budget player in me that knows the chances of me having three Gideon and a Sorin are quite slim, so that's where I'd suggest putting these as placeholders.

Murderous Compulsion is another great low cost Madness card that should work nicely in a deck like this. Even though it is a Sorcery, you can still use Ravenous Bloodseeker or Heir of Falkenrath  Flip as they declare attackers and tap their creatures to discard Compulsion and cast it for its Madness cost and take out an attacker. Call the Bloodline is a nice Enchantment that would give you the same Madness Mechanic and generate Vampire Tokens. Macabre Waltz can bring back two Vampires and then instead of discarding one like you are supposed to, trigger the Madness cost and put it on the field instead.

Two more flavorful Vampire cards that seem powerful in this style of deck are Alms of the Vein and Stensia Masquerade. Alms can be big with a six point swing in health totals for only 1B, and Masquerade can help keep that Gorger alive if he gets some hits in before he's dealt with.

Sinister Concoction is a great first turn drop that can start the Madness quickly and give fuel for Macabre Waltz while picking off their creatures. Tormenting Voice is a much better draw mechanic now that Madness is back as well. Olivia's Bloodsworn ties in well by giving those Mad Vamps some Haste for cheap which only speeds things up.

The only White that I see that could make an impact are Puncturing Light and Always Watching to add a little more control and buff(y?) the Vampires...

Well, so there's several suggestions that may or may not fit for you. When I read a deck I tend to spill out everything that comes to mind, so hopefully any of that actually helped. You may have already considered several of these, but if you hadn't it might give you some ideas.

I'm probably going to stick to B/R when I get into Vampires myself since White doesn't carry as much of a role and splashing a third color in my book just tends to slow things down. I'm curious to see how it all plays out though.

+1 for a nice looking deck and I enjoyed thinking this one over while looking through more flavorful SOI cards :)

April 6, 2016 8:18 a.m.

Demention says... #3

I definitely share yout sentiments, however I feel that the white allows for a heavier and more effective removal base. Murderous Compulsion basically folds to vigilance and Sinister Concoction although good requires extra cards and doesn't deal with indestructible and planeswalkers which I think the later will be especially prevalent in Standard post rotation. Macabre Waltz performed very well for me in limited but the ideally my vampires should be cast with madness and not end up in the graveyard else for removal. Twins of Maurer Estate and Incorrigible Youths are definitely good and I have been considering them for surprise blockers. I may still make many changes here however I've yet to properly playtest this, until after this weekend and more ideally for when they cone out on MTGO I am stuck with running solitaire trials on here, so far I'm impressed with it's curreent performance but we'll see what I do after playtesting against actual decks, I might do much of what you said ;)

April 6, 2016 3:12 p.m.

Demention says... #4

Call the Bloodline I found to be largely overrated and I walked all over everyone who played it in limited, even with their madness and delirium intentions. Alms of the Vein is definitely good and if I find that I need to be putting more agro then I will definitely be including it later. I appreciate your feedback btw, should be an interesting standard with rotation :)

April 6, 2016 3:17 p.m.

Demention says... #5

After further consideration I've decided try it out as B/R, I think that I could definitely be more focused on aggro that way and that it might be more effective. Also, it'll be easier to get it ready for Grand Prix at the end of this month ;)

April 6, 2016 5:31 p.m. Edited.

Hobbez9186 says... #6

Good luck!

April 6, 2016 5:38 p.m.

Demention says... #7

Thanks! I now have a lot of playtesting an fiddling around with to do, but I think that it will be more effective in the end.

April 6, 2016 5:59 p.m.

himynameisbob says... #8

Even thought it is a REALLY good card I do not think that Westvale Abbey fits in your deck that well. Try to add Stensia Masquerade instead

April 7, 2016 2:05 p.m.

Demention says... #9

So far it's come up pretty well in playtesting actually, I'd rather not go down to 20 lands in this deck to include a card that as far as I can tell in most cases won't enable delirium for Mindwrack Demon. I do have 2 of in the sideboard though and will likely board it in often against in a lot of matches.

April 7, 2016 2:29 p.m.

Demention says... #10

Decided to try it out at 20 lands as nothing in the deck costs more than 4 and most are less. Put in some Insolent Neonate though as I feel that they will synergize well.

April 7, 2016 8:54 p.m.

Hobbez9186 says... #11

Solid choice. Basically unblockable for the first few turns because of Menace and can then be upgraded by sacrificing and triggering Madness on something bigger while also drawing a card. Average CMC for the deck at 2, that's typically going to be fast and efficient. I like it :)

April 7, 2016 11:03 p.m.

IanG23 says... #12

Everyone is debating the Vampire Madness Aggro deck list right now. But, curve wise, Stensia Masquerade is good after playing cheap evasive creatures turns 1 and 2. See Insolent Neonate, Heir of Falkenrath  Flip and Olivia's Bloodsworn. Also, curving a discard outlet into Incorrigible Youths turn 3 is great. See Ravenous Bloodseeker and Heir of Falkenrath  Flip. Alms of the Vein = Lava Spike with upside against aggro, so I'm skeptical since you're not really DOING anything. Play 4 Lightning Axe, don't play Sinister Concoction. Play 4 Ravenous Bloodseeker, don't play Bloodmad Vampire. If you're splashing white, do it for Nahiri, the Harbinger, you're black/red and your removal is fine. If you're worried, play To the Slaughter because the deck can enable Delirium so easy if you're running 4 Stensia Masquerade and a couple other enchantments. Also, proportionally, Vampires has more discard than madness cards that actually do something good, which is how it should be.

April 10, 2016 12:26 p.m.

TriikT says... #13

I get the Vampire theme, Activating madness is pretty easy on its own yes.. But through some play testing Iv come across alot of the time Iv dumped my entire hand around turn 5 or so ( due to Madness and fast spells ) So I run into card draw issues later in the game.. Any thoughts on Avaricious Dragon ?? Turn 4, 4/4 flying with a really nice effect.

April 12, 2016 8:21 a.m.

Demention says... #14

I had considered Avaricious Dragon, so far I've been counting on Asylum Visitor's hellbent effect for extra draw due to the easy hand dump. I still haven't been able to playtest this properly and I might bump those up to 4 of or put in some copies of Avaricious Dragon. I've been doing lots of solitaire but it's not really the same, I really need the 18th to roll around so that I can playtest online as Grand Prix in my city is coming up on the 30th and I have so much playtesting to do still. I may end up putting him in depending on how things go against other decks online.

April 12, 2016 10:20 a.m.

Demention says... #15

I put one in the sideboard for now as well as 2 Altar's Reap which will synergize well with Act of Treason board in strat and my vamp weenies.

April 12, 2016 11:24 a.m.

TriikT says... #16

Iv considered Altar's Reap as well. Asylum Visitor I tried it out for a little while and with all the other extremely low cost creatures I figured Avaricious Dragon would be a good beefy flier apposed to all the low 2/1's and 1/1's. That way you'd have some meat to the deck after a couple early aggressive plays AND They couldnt burn it Easily. Definitely needs more play testing though.

April 12, 2016 8:18 p.m.

TriikT says... #17

Also, Instead of 2 x Uncaged Fury's, what do you think of 2 x Macabre Waltz's? Since you're running Sinister Concoction that way you could pull out your important Vamps / Proc Madness. AND You could exchange creatures without worrying about loosing them forever.. You could potentially just pull them back out? I'd say its worth consideration.. But I def. See the possibilities of swinging wide and then pumping with Double strike.. If you're going that route.. May consider Titan's Strength? If you're being hyper aggressive and not worried about exchanges..

April 12, 2016 8:27 p.m.

Demention says... #18

I like Uncaged Fury a lot in the deck right now, with Mindwrack Demon it's 10 damage and with Bloodmad Vampire it's 11. 5 or 6 extra damage for 3 is awesome in standard and it even allows me to kill attackers or blockers without trading when required. Macabre Waltz is a great card but when the deck is working ideally there shouldn't be any valuable creatures in the yard. Titan's Strength is good but I like Unnatural Endurance (in my sideboard) as it protects my creature from trades / removal.

April 12, 2016 9:08 p.m.

_Delta_ says... #19

I agree, I think the Uncaged Fury better suits this deck, the possible damage output is just too convincing.

April 12, 2016 9:27 p.m.

TriikT says... #20

Ahh, I see. Just 3 mana for it is kind of a pain, But totally worth the possible 10 Dmg output. I was running 2x Unnatural Endurance 's In my main board, Because of that reason, Could swing out.. they block then I save my creature. Side boarded them though and ran Titan's Strength Because the +3 / +1 and the scry seems to always be useful when you have a card draw machine.

April 12, 2016 10:47 p.m.

TriikT says... #21

The Difference in our decks though is the Mindwrack Demon, I was just to worried it'd end up killing me ha. But worthy of play testing.. have you had an issues with proc'ing Delirium?

April 12, 2016 10:49 p.m.

TriikT says... #22

( Sorry for all the comments ) Whats your thoughts on Tormenting Voice? I'm running a 2x in my deck currently... Seems to do pretty well? but if you have Avaricious Dragon in play you wouldnt need it.. Because you'd draw 2 every upkeep.. ( actually 3 if you have Asylum Visitor on the field.. and then you'd proc Madness because of the Dragons effect..

April 12, 2016 10:54 p.m.

Hobbez9186 says... #23

I've found that Warped Landscape is great fuel for Delirium. If you are having any difficulty getting there I'd say that's a great place to start, and the land grab is always nice if you are sitting on the wrong colors. Several games even during my draft the other day I was able to get Delirium within the first 4-5 turns. Instant and Sorcery are kind of a given, but I always had Land in there as well since everyone passed on the Landscape and I ended up with 3 of them. The last slot for Delirium was either Creature or Enchantment for me. I had pretty good draws with Vessel of Paramnesia and using it on myself would basically guarantee to hit 4 types. In your case, I think you don't really need the Enchantment as much (although the ramp from Vessel of Volatility is kind of nice) because you can just sacrifice a Neonate to get there. It doesn't hurt though that Mindwrack mills yourself for 4 cards anyway and can actually cause Delirium all by himself. Demons are usually high risk with high reward. This guy isn't so bad because it would take 5 whole turns on the board to kill you (assuming your opponent is doing nothing).

Hey, this deck is getting a lot of attention. I've gotten several notifications today :)

April 12, 2016 11:02 p.m.

Demention says... #24

No worries, I have been able to get Delirium fairly easily with this composition so far but it is certainly a risky card. I was running 3x Tormenting Voice at one point but I found that I had to tap out often to use it and was left with cards in hand with Asylum Visitor on the board so I decided to put in more aggro stuff instead and I don't miss it at all. It is a good card though and most decks will run it, I'm a risk taker ;)

April 12, 2016 11:03 p.m.

Demention says... #25

Went down to 18 lands and put in Asylum Visitor because I like it's draw mechanic a lot in the deck and also put in another Bloodmad Vampire because they are just doing so well for me and overall it is performing much better, I was worried to go under 20 lands about getting land screwed but it rarely happens, in fact for the curve on 20 I was getting flooded a lot more than I expected. Super thrilled with it's current state but still have much of the sideboard to playtest when the cards are available on MTGO.

April 13, 2016 10:37 p.m.

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